Chapter 24

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     *Okay, right now, I know this is really boring right now. Basically, what I would've spent another chapter on is this-Renee goes to Ryan's for Christmas Eve, his family really likes her, and they are pretty much dating now. I really don't know what to do, like, I know it's boring and was better before, but I really don't know what to do. Anyway, so yeah, just don't get confused when I skip to Christmas morning at her house. What do you all think of this? Like should I go back and edit all of this? I don't like the way I'm doing everything. I just need some help! Tell me what you think-comment at the bottom!*

     I woke up early Christmas morning. I always do. I go downstairs to see what they else mom and dad had put under the tree that night. Anyway, I went downstairs and woke up mom at 6:30 so we could open presents. 

     "Okay, go ahead." She said still half asleep.

     I dug around and got a big bunch of boxes and bags together in one pile. I started to open them when dad spoke up and said something. "All of these are for your trip, things you'll need."

     "Oh, okay. Thank-you all so much." I said back.

     "Your welcome sweetie. We just want you to be comfortable and happy while you're on trip. We're really going to miss you baby." She grabbed my hand and got teary eyed.

     "It's going to be okay mom. I'll call you several times a day, we'll Skype and facetime and whatever else we could do to get in touch." I explained.

     She nodded and nodded for me to keep opening the rest. I got a bunch of clothes, and make-up, hair-stuff, new suitcases, a bunch of crap that I'll need. I gave them my gifts to them. We ate breakfast and then I got ready to go over to Kelsey's. 

     "Merry Christmas!" I scream as I walk into Kelsey's house.

     "Merry Christmas to you, too!" I hear Kelsey yell back.

     I go set all of the gifts under the tree. The living room was a wreck, Charlie probably had gotten excited. Sharon walked in all dressed and cleaned up while Kelsey and Charlie swaggered in wearing their pajamas.

     "Are you all ready to open presents?" Sharon asked. 

     Ever since we were little, when Kelsey moved here and we became best friends, our families have gotten gifts for each other. Mom and dad and Sharon just get each other gift cards where ever. Kelsey and I buy gifts for each other and we buy Charlie one. He's too young to actually shop and know what's good and what's not.

     We all tore into the gifts. I had gotten Kelsey a One Direction phone case-she's constantly dropping her phone and breaking it so I hoped that this would protect it. I also got her a Ginger Ale, she really likes Ginger Ale and some water-proof mascara. She got me a One Direction make-up bag and some water-proof mascara too. I guess she was thinking the same thing as me.

     "I love it! Thank-you!" I squealed as a gave her a big hug.

     "I love all of this too! Thank-you! And the Ginger Ale, really?!" She laughed.


    "Hey, you want to go upstairs to my room and talk? I have some things to tell you." She said seriously.

     "Umm, yeah, sure." I said as I got up. "We're going upstairs to talk." I told my parents and Sharon. 

     We headed upstairs to her room. "What is it?" I asked anxious as to what she had to say.

     "Well, the guys are flying back tomorrow to clear some things up. For one thing, we're leaving in about two weeks? Let's see, we're leaving on the tenth so yeah, a few weeks early, but I'm sure it'll be okay. They wanted to make sure I was going to be ready. Is that okay? Your parents know already, they just didn't want to bother you with what all went on."

     I nodded. I didn't really know what to think about all of this. "O-Okay. So we're leaving a little bit early."

     "Yeah, and I figured it'd be good for you, get your mind off of things. By the way, Niall wants to talk to you, like when they show up tomorrow."

       "Okay." Was all I could manage to say. I didn't want to leave early. I only had a little bit of time with Ryan and mom and dad. I'd been thinking about the tour lately and how much stuff I would miss while I'm gone. "I don't think I want to go on the tour anymore." I blurted out before I could stop myself.

     *****I know it sucked. I don't like it at all. I'm sorry for its suckiness. And I'm sorry it's so short, I don't feel too great. Life is crap sometimes. Remember to vote, comment, and fan. Love you all!*****

     Next update:590 reads, 60 votes, 40 comments

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