Chapter 3: The Aftermath

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After a very intense time with Kane, losing my viginity to him might have been the best thing I have ever done in my life... I hope.
"Rise and shine sleepy head, you've been asleep for long enough now and if you keep sleeping you won't sleep tonight and you know what that means" I heard his voice next to my head, I started to open my eyes and saw his bright blue eyes looking into mine
"Okay I'm up, happy now didums?" I said in my ugly morning voice
"Well I'm not unhappy. But I woke you up for a reason, Hannah and I still have some family over here so we are having dinner with them tonight so I have to have a shower and get ready and so do you because you're coming with me" he demanded like he was my parent. I think I woke up too late so yet again, another day missed of school so tonight with Kade sounds perfect.
"Are you sure you want me to come with you? you should have some family time with them while you're over here" I sad being serious but that's not that way he took it
"You're saying you don't want to come? I want you to come and Hannah does too because she hasn't seen you in so long so please come for her sake and for mine, please baby?" he's so cute when he begs
"Alright fine if it will make you happy"
"Yay!! thankyou beautiful, but I seriously need you to get up and get ready, it's 4 in the afternoon and we have to be there by 6:30 and my aunty gets annoyed if we're late" he said pulling the covers off me leaving me in nothing and leaving nothing on me. It's 4 in the afternoon then I've slept all day and not known it, well it's been a stressful week I guess and I love my sleep, ill most likely sleep when I get home too.
"Well if waking up was like this we should do it more often" he said being cheeky and horny as hell.
"Shut up you and give me back the sheet so no one walks in on my naked" I basically scolded him
"Oh come on baby, you look so sexy and completely irresitable right now"
"I don't care, you can do whatever you want to me tonight after dinner just give me the sheet so I can find clothes and shower" I told him off so I could have some time to get ready.
"Really?? oh baby you'll make me so happy one day!!" I had something to say to him but I might say that to him after dinner

it was now 6:28 and we where out the front of his aunty and uncles place
"Well, the house looks pretty on the outside, does it look the same on the inside or what?" I asked him, from the grip he has on my hand I can tell he's nervous about this because my knuckles where turning white.
"Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe we should just go home and do something that might leave marks or something i don't know" again I was going to say the same thing but it can wait
"Oh heck to the nah you woke me up from a peaceful sleep and left me naked in my own bed to drag me here and now you want to bail? ain't no body got time for that my friend" he laughed at that last statement
"Youre funny when you're annoyed, come on babe, I think Hannah should be inside"
Kade went to the door and pressed the button on the doorbell to his aunty and uncle what seemed like a freaking mansion!!
"Woah this house is amazing!!" I said surprised
"I know, my aunty is a doctor at the local hospital and my uncle is a major movie director"
"omg does she know my mum?? my mum works at the local hospital too!!"
"aww you're so adorable when you're excited I love it" he said placing his hands on my cheeks and kissing my forehead
"Ill ask her when we are in there if she knows your mum okay babe?"
"aww thanks but you don't have to but okay" I said like a little kid

His aunty and uncle where so nice and lovely and very clingy, they like to hug a lot and and touch shoulders a lot but they are warm people and I like them already, was a bit sad that Hannah wasn't there which sucks because I want more time with her, I wonder if she's met someone aww that would be so great for her and I'd love for her to have found someone
Kade has my dream car and I hate him for it, he has my jeep grand Cherokee and I want it but I do love my little ford focus because its small but not that small that ill feel like I'm suffocating and it's a joy to drive.
"You okay Taylor?" he said my first name, that's like the second time since he's been here that he's used my first name
"Yeah Kade I'm fine, what makes you think I'm not?" I think now would be the perfect time to say what I've wanted for the past 1 hour
"You just don't seem yourself that was all" he sounded concerned so it's now or never
"Kade, are you just with me for sex or something? I mean it was my first time so I have nothing compare it to but honestly I can't help but feel like I'm being used" I finally said it and now I have a weight off my chest
"What? is that what you honestly think of me Taylor? I'm not using you for sex!!" he almost yelled at me
"okay I'm sorry, would you rather I tell you or lie to you? just be happy that I told you instead of keeping it inside" I was now upset
"Oh don't pull that bullshit with me Taylor, I'm not a playboy and right now I am a little bit annoyed that you would think that" right now I'm on the edge of crying
"The things you said to me today Kade made me think that you're honestly only here for the sex and by the things you say you can't honestly think that I wouldn't think that, maybe you might need to not pull this bullshit with me, I honestly thought I could have feelings for you more this time but clearly not. when you drop me off I want you to get your shit and get out of my house, I don't want to see you right now. just say goodbye before you go back to America" I'm starting to get this whole honestly thing down packed, first with Tony and this with Kade, I'm so proud of myself honestly, I've got the power and I'm happy.

He dropped me off at my house and came inside only to get his things, he was at my bedroom door probably just saying goodbye or something
"Okay so I have my things and now I'm gonna go and stay back at my aunty and uncles place if you want to talk or anything" he said, if that was an apology I don't accept it. he came in and sat on my bed leaving his stuff at my bedroom door, when he sat on my bed he took my phone out of my hands and locked the screen.
"Listen Tay, I really am sorry for what I said in the car and I think it was true what you said about the whole sex thing. You've got every right to be mad at me" he said, this apology I might accept but I just don't know.
"Kade, do you know how important last night was for me? it was my first time okay so the way you're treating me makes me think that it shouldn't have happened at all. I accept your apology but that doesn't mean that I'm still not mad as hell at you for this"
"Okay I understand, if you want to talk just message me, if not then ill just see you before I leave" he sounded so sad which made me feel bad. no, damn him for making me feel like this, I was feeling great until now he won't make me feel bad for what he said to me, no way in hell.
"okay well, have a safe trip to your aunty and uncles and if I don't see you before then have a great flight back to America"
after I said that he leaned forward and kissed my forehead, I wanted to kiss him but I stopped myself, however it didn't stop him
"Bye Taylor"
"Bye Kade"
and that was it, he was out my bedroom door and in his car and gone, I saw him pull away from my bedroom window and I felt pain shoot throught my body and then I started feeling sad once again. damn you Kade!!

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