Chapter 34: Last Scan, First Birth

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We walked together into our last doctors appointment until our baby is here, 8 and a half months on now and I am so over it. Carter honey, please get out of mummy now.
"You ready Taylor?"
"Was born ready" we sighed in and waited for my name to get called for our last ultra sound.
"Taylor Buttcher?"
"Yes that's me, lets get this over with" I struggled to get off the plastic chair and into the doctors office.
"Hello young parents to be how are we doing today? I am your doctor today as Dr Richard is away on holiday with his family, I am Dr Evens and I will be doing your final ultra sound today and if Dr Richard isn't back then I might be helping delivering your baby. Now he did tell me that your mum is going to be completely in charge of bring your child into the world, is that still true?" This women is stunning. Long blonde hair with dark brown eyes, legs for days and is just gorgeous.
"Yes Dr Evens that is still true"
"Okay, now lets get this ultra sound over and done with, I can only imagine how tired and frustrated you're feeling right now" I lifted my shirt while she did the normal routine of turning the machine on and putting the glue on my belly and started.
"Oh yeah, I am so tired and uncomfortable I just want my baby here and now"
"Well you're not that far away by the looks of things she could be here any day now" I smiled at her while looking at the screen where my beautiful baby girl was, she's gotten so big and I hope she gets here just a little bit early.
"She's beautiful" John said holding my hand and looking at the screen.
"When should we expect her here?"
"Well she's moved so her head is positioned right and she's fully grown for her age so I am guessing within a week and a half maybe 2 weeks. When is she due?"
"The second of June"
"Well this month is only just the beginning so she should be here around then if not then earlier" this is so exciting.
"Thankyou Dr Evens, it was a pleasure meeting you." I wiped the glue off my stomach and pulled my shirt down while Dr Evens turned off the machine and let us walk out.
"Well if I don't see you before then, good luck with the birth of your baby and I hope everything goes well for you young lovers."
"Thankyou so much Dr Evens, I hope everything works well in your life for you too" I don't know what to say to her but she smiled and we walked our to the car and back to our house.
"Bad time so say it but your child just kicked my bladder and now I need to pee like really badly"
"You sure it isn't your waters?" He said jokingly
"Okay I want her here but I think it's too early, can you speed it up a little bit? I am about to piss myself" all he could do was laugh but he did speed up just a little bit and got us home in record time, Hannah was home so the door was open so I raced upstairs to our bathroom and went to the toilet. While I was in our room I decided to pack my hospital bag. A pair of nice and fluffy pijamas, underwear and things for the baby along with other things for our hospital trip, a few more weeks and she will be here and I honestly cannot believe it, I don't even feel like I am going to be a mum and I don't think I will feel like it until my baby is out and of me and in my arms safe and sound. As if in record time my baby kicked but it felt really hard and I winced a little bit.
"Woah baby girl, you right in there? Mummy doesn't want you yet" she clearly didn't like that because she kicked even harder in the same spot. Oh no, this can't be happening not here and now, she's too early.
"John!!" I heard him running up the stairs into our bedroom.
"Baby? What's wrong?"
"Speaking of baby, I think she's coming"
"She can't yet, it's too early"
"You heard what the doctor said, she could be here any day now and I think that day is today" Carter kicked me once more and harder, it's going to go my water will be breaking any minute now I can feel it.
"John call my mum and tell her to get over here now" John got my phone from my bag and called her.
"Ange I think it's happening and she needs you now, Taylor might be having the baby and we are freaking out. We need you here and now" John hung up and came back over to me.
"Lets go honey, get you downstairs and on the couch so when your mum gets here we can get you to the hospital." I appreciate what John is doing but right now I don't want him to touch me but I need the help getting downstairs. As I stood up it happened, my water broke.
"John it happened"
"No time to wait anymore we need to get you to the hospital now."
"I want my mummy, she needs to be here right now" again, perfect timing mum came in.
"Okay John honey does she have a hospital bag?"
"Yeah it's near the closet I was just backing it"
"Okay Taylor lets get you up and in the car so we can go to the hospital and have you looked at. Hannah sweetheart grab her other arm and take her to the car carefully. John we will meet you outside. Taylor honey I need you to stay with me okay baby girl?"
"Okay mummy. I'm scared, I don't want to do this. It hurts already" I can feel my first contraction coming and I can tell it's going to hurt like a bitch. We walked to mums car where I sat in the back and Hannah got in the front, we waited for John to get out of the house before we could leave.
"I texted mum and everyone else and told them what was happening. Honey I need you to stay calm okay just breath in and out okay in and out" John was coaching me throught my breathing and rubbing my back until we got to the hospital.

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