Chapter 11: The Night After

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I woke with a big stretch in the bed, an empty bed. There was a note on the bedside table and by the warmth of the bed I'm guessing I haven't been alone for very long. 'My dearest Taylor, the male parent and I have gone to the shop to collect things for breakfast for the four of us. please be showered and dressed by the time I get home. Love you beautiful' I prefer notes like this than a text message for some reason and I don't know why that is. I took a 10 minute shower simply because this wasn't my house and got dressed in the nice jeans and tank top that I wore last night and the only thing that made me feel uncomfortable was the fact I was in the same underwear as I was last night. I so need to get home after breakfast.

I walked down stairs to see Johns mother at the dinner table reading the paper with a cup of coffee in her hand, mmmm coffee, must get coffee.
"Morning Taylor honey, please help yourself to coffee or tea or whatever but I do believe that the boys went to get some stuff for breakfast" aww this women is so nice and I love her already.
"Thankyou Jayne was it? I really appreciate it" I said in the nicest tone I could
"Yes dear my name is Jayne and it is no problem at all, please help yourself to anything, I want to make you feel as at home as I possibly can" this human being is so beautiful.
"Thankyou so much Jayne, but I wanted to run something by you but I was hoping that both you and your husband where here as I have already asked John"
"David, Johns fathers name is David dear but please call us mum and dad or something, whatever you feel comfortable with, we have already accepted you into the family. Now what is it that you wanted to tell us? I can tell Dave later" she's too polite but I don't feel comfortable calling her mum, well not yet anyways.
"Well, I am turning 18 next weekend so I was hoping that you and David would like to come over for some drinks, a bbq and a swim if you'd like to come? I asked John and he said yes and I would just love it if you two would both be there. If you can't make it I completely understand that" I said, hopefully that didn't come out rude or anything
"Of corse darling, we will be there. We will have to take John shopping to find you something nice for your birthday, maybe flowers or something"
"Oh no Jayne please, you don't have to get me anything"
"That is nonsense Taylor!! that's the rule, you turn a year older you get presents and 18 is a big one. You're not that much younger than John. He turned 18 on the 12th of January, so yours in the 10th of February then?"
"Yes it is, I'm so excited but scared at the same time, finally legal for anything and everything, seems like a really big deal. But I'm glad to be celebrating with you guys, my family and just my two closest friends. that's all I need" after I finished that scentence John and David came in the front door with the things for breakfast which was good because I was starving.
"How have my two favorite girls?" John said walking past me to kiss his mother on the cheek and hug her good morning then over to me for a quick kiss on the cheek so he could cook with his dad
"Can I help? please? I like cooking breakfast and I really want to help you guys" I was begging, every morning I cook breakfast unless I'm running late or something so just grab a bit of fruit and leave
"Yeah babe sure, if you want you can make the pancakes. We cheated today and got the one you just have to add water to. Just heat up the pan and put some oil in it and get cooking" ooohh bossy John, what a turn on.
"Yes captain, ill get right on that captain" I could feel him come up to me as I was at the kitchen sink putting water into the pancake mix and I felt his hands go to my hips.
"Oh captain? I like it" I heard him whisper in a seductive voice in my ear, which could only lead to one thing later on but he said we are going somewhere so we will just have to wait and see what happens.

After a very filling and delicious breakfast I wanted to go home and change because of what John has planned for us. While he was finishing his breakfast I went back to his room to find my phone only to see it was on charge. Funny because I don't remember putting it on charge, John must have done it. I went to call my mum but it went straight to her answering machine
"Hey mumma, I'm fine I just stayed at Johns last night. ill be home soon to get changed then we are going somewhere apparently. I love you mummy and ill see you later on today" just after I hung up John came in and layed across the bed so his head was next to my thigh.
"You okay my beautiful girl?" he always makes me feel special.
"Yeah babe, I'm fine but do you think we can go back to my place so I can get changed and brush my teeth?"
"Yeah babe of corse, ill just ask dad and he can take us right over. Just let me get changed so I look more better than I already do" I picked up his pillow and hit him with it because he's being full of himself again and because I felt like being a child.
"Oii man what the heck, you'll damage the million dollar face that you seem to love so much" okay that part was true, but I hit him again just not as hard as the first time
"Okay baby I'm gonna get dressed before this goes somewhere then we can go back to your place" He took like 5 minutes to get dressed, by the smell of him I'm guessing he had a shower before he went to the shop. My house was like a 5 minute drive from his so it wasn't that awkward between him, Dave and I.

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