Chapter 4: Here's Johnny

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After a very amazing but dramatic week at my house, another week of school has arrived and because I have done nothing but cry over this last week, I was ready for another week to be over so I can have the weekend to have fun or something. Today I had English first period and I have to put up with Tony again, his new scrag is in our class because she's with him so she moved into it. She constantly kisses his cheek and whispers stuff into his ear I think it's to annoy me but honestly I'm okay with it because my mum always told me to give my toys to the less fortunate.

While the teacher was in the middle of talking about our next assignment we had an interruption
"Well guys look what we have here, fresh meat. this is our new student John, just moved here from some place in the UK so please make him feel as welcome as possible would be much apprecaited"
our English teacher, Mrs Steele was great, gorgeous in every way with her shoulder length brown/chestnut hair and her piercing blue eyes and pale skin, she's beautiful and happens to be my favorite teacher at this shithole we have to call a school
"Now John can you please find a seat and ill run you through the next assignment which you should be able to pick up on, it isn't that hard or whoever you sit next to can fill you in either way, as long as you learning I ain't carin"
she's so ghetto it's funny and she always makes the class crack up
"ill sit here next to this beautiful girl here, your name is?" he said asking me
"umm sorry, my name is Taylor, Taylor Smith"
I like him already, he's tall would easily tower over me, with gorgeous dark blue/ grey eyes and messy short brown hair with like a comb over style
"Well hello Taylor,Taylor Smith I'm John,John Butcher. if you don't mind can you please run me through this English assignment?"
I think I'm in love. I talked him through the assignment then out of the blue asked me a question that took me by surprise
"Are you single? a girl as beautiful as you cannot be single?"
what am I meant to say? this is so weird
"Umm yeah I am, my ex of two years is over there with the big blond on his arm, I think she's just here to make me jealous, I just think it's pathetic haha" this guy seems lovely but after Kade, I don't think ill be rushing into anything
"Well then, do you want to make him jealous back? or are you not that type of girl because I'd believe you if you aren't"
this is a tempting question but I just don't know if I am game enough for this or not. Maybe a little fun wouldn't hurt anyone I guess.
"What did you have in mind handsome?" I said touching his hand lightly
"ill come up with something later but right now I need help with this assignment but after class do you think you could show me around the school, I have no idea where I'm going, do you think you can help?" aww he's already so adorable when he's stressed and confused
"Aww you're adorable, yes ill help with the assignment and ill show you around the school. what do you have after this and ill show you"
"Aww you're not too bad yourself doll, I have human bio with Mr Madena then sport with Miss Young"
looks like ill get to spend a while with him then
"They're my next two classes, but we have lunch after human bio then sport, if you want you can hang with me and my weirdo friends if you want or not I don't care" he looks happy that he has a friendly face to spend the day with
"That would be great thankyou, I promise by the end of the week ill have friends of my own or something"
"no it's okay don't worry about it, take all the time you need" I'm happy that ill have a guy in my life dating or not, besides my brother and stepdad I don't have many males in my life and I never see my dad so having John in my life then ill be happy

Human bio went pretty quick which is great because it always drags on, maybe because I was sitting with John and he's funny made it all go fast. I've never laughed so much in my life
"You have a cute laugh" he said staring at the side of my face until I turned and looked at him with bright red cheeks
"Umm thankyou? no ones ever complimented me on my laugh aha but thanks"
"No problem gorgeous, are you free tonight? I was thinking maybe you can show me around this little town and catch A movie or something?" he sounds so nervous it's so cute aww I just want to pinch his bright red cheeks, probably embarrassed by asking me out tonight
"Sure, I'd love to. I can pick you up tonight or we can go there after school and get ready at my house?"
"Yeah that sounds great, I'm looking forward to it"
after that last sentence the bell rang
"Perfect timing" we both said at the same time, we just looked at each other and smiled.
"Do you still want to sit with me and my friends for lunch? it's okay if you don't"
"No I want to, these people that you call weirdos seem like great people, ill meet them" he said with a shy smile and followed me out of the classroom.
"Okay well I have to go to my locked and put my books away and get my sport stuff then we can go to lunch" for some reason I was nervous and had butterflies and a knotted stomach
"Yeah that's cool I'll follow you" he's so nice and lovely and I think I am going to enjoy having him around.

It was last period FINALLY!!! and soon I get to pick John up from our last period class, go back to his place to get his stuff then back to mine and get ready for our little date thing or whatever it is tonight with him. I wonder what will happen if him and I get a little bit closer to him. when I was deep in my thoughts one of my class mates pushed my arm playfully telling me that class was over, I went to my locker and placed my things in it then went to find John, he was outside his classroom then came walking up to me
"Hey, how was your day dear?" he said all cheerfully to me, I'm guessing he had a good day.
"My day was good honey, how was yours?" its like we're a married couple with this little bit and it's funny
"That's good to know love, my day was great. I'm just looking forward to hanging out with my first friend tonight and getting out of the 'first day of school funk' you feel me?" I laughed at his last statement
"Yes homie I feel you" after that we both laughed all the way out to my car.
"So are you going to tell me where you live or do I have to sniff it out or something?" he giggled a little bit
"Aha okay ill tell you where I live, just keep going straight until you're out of the school parking lot"
"You're such a comedian you know that right?" he seems to think he is so funny
"Oh baby, I know I'm funny"

After going to Johns house so he could get some clothes and stuff so he could get ready for our little evening, then back to my house so we could both get changed but I needed a shower desperately after having an intense game of volleyball
"I'll just have a shower and get ready then we can go, shouldn't be any longer than an hour but no promises aha" I said joking to him which he started to giggle a little bit
"Haha, take all the time you need beautiful, if you don't mind ill have a shower after you. Unless you want me to shower with you?" I'm hoping that was a rhetorical question
"Taylor I'm kidding, ill just have one after you no biggy" oh thank goodness
"Oh hehe okay, ill just get my clothes out and ready so when I get out you can just jump in, there's an extra towel in there for you" I said to him as we walked into my bedroom.

I walked into my walk in closet and tried to find something to wear when I heard footsteps coming towards my closet.
"What ya doin?" he asked me at the doorway
"Nosey much aren't we haha, I'm just trying to find something nice yet cosy and comfy to wear tonight" I answered his question when I heard him say ahh.
"I'm sure you'll look perfect in anything you wear, you have a beautiful and curvy body, I'm sure you'll look pretty in anything you wear Taylor trust me" I have no idea what to say or do right now, my brain takes over and before I know it my arms are around his neck and my fingers are in his hair with his lips stuck on mine like glu. For a hot and heavy minute we are stuck like this
"I'm so sorry John, I have no idea what's come over me I'm so so so sorry" I said so apologetic, I honestly don't even know what happened to me, i think it's just what he was saying to me
"It's okay honestly, you don't hear me complaining now do you? it's fine Taylor honestly" he sounded so cool about the whole thing.

As it is a bit warm I decided on a nice short peach colored summer dress with nice summer sandals to match with my hair in a pony tail and minimum make up like usual, some mascara and a pink/peach colour lipstick that matches my skin colour. John however is looking so fine, he's more of a casual/fancy look with a nice white button up shirt, black dess jeans and black vans, he looks just as great as he smells. He smells clean and of his nice man cologne, I don't know what it is but i just want burry my face in his chest.
"You okay Taylor, you just don't seem yourself. Is it about the kiss?"
"No it's not I'm fine I promise, I'm sorry about the kiss really" I must sound so annoying the amount of times I've said sorry.
"Stop apologizing will you!! I actually enjoyed the kiss and now I'm thinking that I should start complementing you more often if that will be the outcome of it" I started feeling happier now
"Oh,okay then" just after I've said that, he placed his hand in mine an that's how we walked around.

I showed John all the good places around town until I saw a coffee shop, I blame my mum for my coffee addiction
"I want some coffee, do you want anything?" I offered him as we walked hand in hand into the coffee shop where I saw Tony and someone I didn't wish it was.

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