Chapter 9: Boyfriend Girlfriend

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I woke up feeling really warm, John was wrapped around me like poison ivy, there was no way of waking up. Besides feeling overly warm I feel safe being in his arms, he must have felt my tension because he woke up and loosened his grip on me then I had bright blue eyes staring into my green/blue ones
"Morning my beautiful girl, how did you sleep?" his sexy sleepy voice spoke to me in the soft morning
"Morning handsome, I slept fine thankyou, how about you?" if this is how it will be waking up next to him every morning then sign me up.
"Yes baby I slept very well, I do however I need to use the bathroom and I am a little bit hungry so what's for breakfast wench?" he thinks he is so funny, but I'm hungry too so I think I should make my boyfriend and myself some pancakes and coffee.
"Do you want pancakes? cause I'm craving strawberry pancakes with cream and syrup. what about you?" he had the weirdest look on his face after I said what I wanted.
"Craving? girl you ain't preggo are you?" he said as a joke but in some way more than another, he looked shocked
"No babe I'm no pregnant I promise, I'm just really in the mood for some good pancakes and lots of coffee, if you want have a shower and ill get cooking then ill drop you home so you can finish getting ready there. sound good?" How am I not married yet? I'd make a kick ass wife I think
"Yes dear, sounds great. I'm not like you ill be out in about 5 minutes so you better have my food ready bitch" he said slapping my behind then getting up and going into my bathroom, he's so kinky sometimes but that's why I love him.

I cooked breakfast for John and myself then took my 15 minute shower and got ready when I heard a knock on my bathroom door.
"Baby hurry up or we will be late for school" he said through my bathroom door
"Alrigjt dearest ill be out in a second, can you throw me my clothes in here please?" I said on the other side of the door, seriously we act like a married couple it's funny.
"Why don't you just come out here and get them? it's not like I haven't seen you naked before babe please?" he said like a child
"You make a good point Johnny boy, ill be out in a second just have to finish my hair" I was doing my hair in a nice neat pony tail today with my normal around of makeup and just to make my hair look cute, I tied a little bow into in, kinda doing the whole Belle thing because that is what she does all the time. I decided on a nice pair of black shorts and my black vans for school with my normal black polo shirt as my school top.

It's now period 3 and this day has gone on forever. Chemistry with Mr Adams is possibly the most boring class ever and i don't even know why I picked it honestly, the only the class that I'm good at is sport and maybe dance if I tried it, maybe I should change chem for dance that sounds like a great idea.
"Oii, Taylor" I heard one of the guys ask me
"What do you want Bradley?" he's kinda popular, he has the whole bad boy look about him but he's kinda nice I think I don't know I haven't really had much of a chance to know him that great
"You coming to my party tonight? it's gonna be wild!!" he sounded so excited
"I'll see what happens, is John going or not? if he is then maybe" I said concerned because I didn't want anything to happen to him.
"Yeah I think he's going, ill ask him if he wants to" Bradley whispered to me, I didn't want it to see that I was only going to watch over John, but I know how people get at these things
"Okay sweet, let me know of the details later yeah?" I questioned him, I don't want to go really but maybe I will.

Finally last period arrived and it was English with my favorite teacher Mrs Steele, we are reading some book from some time ago or something I don't know but no ones paying attention, not that she cares. Mrs Steele thinks that leaving should be not only educational but fun too, I love her honestly she's so amazing.
"Guys please make it look like you're interested, I know it's stupid but I'd prefer it to not look like I'm talking to myself" she complained but it's okay because she's cool.

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