Chapter 15: Holiday Depression

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John and I are packing our things because our beautiful and romantic holiday has come to an end. I think we will be back here after graduation and the ball though because it was such an amazing 2 weeks.
"John I don't want to leave! maybe we should just move here or something? or maybe come back all the time for holidays and stuff. Maybe we can get married here and honeymoon here too!!" I'm so depressed about leaving its become like a home to me.
"It all sounds like a great idea baby, but come on our plane leaves in a couple of hours but you know we have to get there now so come on, finish packing and lets go" he basically rushed me out the door, I wanted to take my time so I knew I wouldn't forget anything, if I did then I would probably cry. The airport was like a 20 minute drive from our hotel, and because it's 12:00 I'm the afternoon here it's the same time back home so we should be landing at about 3:30 but then going through customs will take another 30 minutes, our house is a 45 minute drive from the airport so we should be getting home shortly after 4 in the afternoon. Our whole holiday has just gone way too quickly and I'm not liking it at all.
"You got everything baby?" he asked me just before we left our little hotel room, I am going to miss this little room.
"Yes I do, I've got my passport in my little carry on bag and everything in my suitcases so yeah I'm ready, are you?" not that I even have to ask him, he's been packed scence like 2 days ago but me on the other hand, finished packing last night. I don't want to go home but I miss everyone so I guess I'm excited.
"Yes I have, so let's go. We will get a taxi from here to the airport and use the rest of our money. Come on you lets go" he grabbed his bags and I got mine, he would have my hand but we brought too much stuff so we had to get other suitcases to put everything in.

The flight back felt shorter than the flight there but I was more comfortable this time then I was last so that's probably why, I slept a little bit but not as much but oh well. Johns mum Jayne was picking us up from the airport. It didn't take as long to get through customs as I thought it would which is good so we had a while to spare.
"You hungry Taylor? we can quickly go get something to eat and some coffee then mum should be here"
"Yes I'm starved, lets go. We won't be too long. Just get our food and eat it while we wait" we made our way to the closest and most nice looking place we could find and got something to eat. It wasn't that great but it was just good enough to eat it all, I got some chicken wrap thing and John got a chicken sandwich with egg, it smelt really bad but he ate it all so it couldn't have been too bad.
"Babe lets go, mums waiting for us. bring your coffee and you can drink it in the car"
"Yes dear" it took us like 2 minutes to get down but like 7 minutes to figure out where Jayne was, turns out she brought my mum along with her, they must have bonded while we where away.
"Welcome home love birds, we have missed you!!" my mum said walking up to us.
"And Taylor, because I love you so very much I brought your baby here so you can have your first drive in it all the back to wherever you want to go whether it be home or back to Johns"
"Thankyou mum, but I think ill drive it to Johns then back home later tonight. Sound like a plan?"
"Yes baby girl, sounds like a plan"
"Okay mumma, can I have my keys so I can drive my baby home please? I haven't even driven it scence I've had it and I want to drive her and play my beats and everything oh my goodness I'm excited"
"Yeah babe we can all tell, but I call shot gun!" Why have children when you're stuck with a big kid 24/7? but I wouldn't change him at all because I love him.

Finally in a bed that no one else has been in apart from John and I. It feels like home, John feels like home. Everyone liked their presents but we didn't show them the girls clothes that we brought because then they would jump to conclusions that I'm pregnant which I'm not because I had my period on the flight to Bali and the first week we where in Bali so yeah I don't think I'm pregnant however I shall go to the doctors and get myself checked out to double check I'm not. I was sitting on his bed when I saw a talk figure standing in the door way.
"What ya thinkin bout princess?"
"Just that I think I should go to the doctors, just to make sure I'm not pregnant or anything. I don't want any surprises yet and I don't think in ready to share you with anyone else yet" I told him the truth, he looked kind of devistated when I told him that I didn't want a surprise yet and that I am going to the doctors.
"Babe, what would be the worst thing if you where pregnant? I mean would you keep it or get rid of it? would you drop out of school? like seriously what would happen?" his question took my by surprise, what would I do if I got pregnant? I never thought about it. I never should have told him about my dream in Bali, I should have lied and said that he left me or something without the whole baby thing, now he won't stop talking about it. Like it's cute and all but he's got me concerned about it all.
"Well I would defiantly keep it and as for school, I would keep going until I couldn't anymore. But this doesn't mean I'm going to go and get knocked up just so you know." Maybe I should go on the pill so I don't get pregnant because how do I know that when we have sex he won't wear protection? I don't. Going on the pill seems like the best option right now.
"Baby, I'm having a great time right now but I want to go home and throw my clothes in the was and everything. I want to give Stan and Scott there things I brought them and I want to call Tamara and Belle over so they can get there gifts too. I promise I will call you later though okay?" but really I need to talk to mum about this and tell her about the whole pill thing, I'm sure she will understand too.
"Okay Tay, just text me when you get home." He kissed me hard and passionatley before I left his bedroom.
"Hey mum, you ready to go? I want to give Stan and Scott there stuff and I want to call my girls and tell them I'm home okay and tell them to come over so I can give them there gifts"
"Okay Taylor honey, I will be right there. Just put your stuff in the car and ill be out shortly" when she says shortly, she means in an hour. I was walking out the door to put my stuff in the car when John came down stairs to help with my stuff.
"Do you need some help babe?"
"Nah I should be fine, if you want to help then sure but I should be able to handle it."
"Do you have the baby stuff or do I?" he asked me, it made me feel all clucky when he asked about the baby stuff, I can tell right now if we have a girl then he will be such a push over.
"Umm I think I have them ill check when I get home, I love you John" I said to him kissing his cheek.
"I love you too Taylor" he said kissing my cheek. 5 minutes later mum walked out the door, she didn't take as long as she usually does.
"Okay love birds break it up, Tay you ready to go home? text your friends now and tell them you'll be on your way home now" so I did just that and told them to be over in the next 15 minutes.

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