Chapter 36: Everybody Getting Tipsy

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I found a new black dress yesterday when I went shopping after the school trip, it's like my other black dress but it's a bit different, I gave my old one to Tamara to wear for tonight but she can keep it if she wants to. My new one is still a black tube dress and has a split at the front showing my cleavage a little with black see-through mesh and it was the same at the back, it's sexy yet classy and I like it, my baby weight is almost completely gone but I manage to keep my decent sized ass and boobs I am so happy. I jumped in the shower and took 30 minutes because I need to shave my legs, wash my hair and wash myself so it's not just me standing around like usual. It was 4:00 when I got in so half an hour later I was done, I just need to find my black ankle boots that I brought when I was with Hannah. When I get out of my nice shower I put my hair dryer in and turn it on the start to dry my hair which takes about 10 minutes, after my hair is nice and dry, I find my hair curler and plug it in to let it warm up so I can do my hair in nice and long curls. While I was waiting I walked over to my bedside table to find some stockings and nice underwear to go with my dress, John might get lucky tonight if we aren't too drunk. I got a pair of skin coloured stockings and a black g-string, as I was walking over to Johns side of the bed someone was knocking at the door.
"Come in"
"You decent?"
"Decent enough, what's up girl?"
"Well I met someone"
"I know right, anyways do you think I would be able to bring him tonight? His name is Jacob and he is so nice and sweet, I think him and John would really hit it off"
"Okay hun sure, I will text Tamara now and ask her she should be okay with it" I walked back over and texted Tamara then got an instant phone call back.
"Put her on. OMG I AM SO HAPPY FOR HER!!"
"I know me too, here she is" I gave Hannah the phone then picked up my clothes to get dressed in my bathroom, I was dressed within 5 minutes but I won't put my boots on until we are outside the club.
"What did she say?" I asked Hannah walking out into my bedroom.
"She said yes, He's coming here to go with us is that okay?"
"Hannah, this is your house too you don't need to ask. I just need to go and drop Carter off at my parents house quickly"
"I can do that for you if you like?"
"Actually get John to do it, he only takes like 5 minutes getting ready and I need you to help me with my hair"
"Okay sure" we smiled at each other then Hannah did my hair which took another 30 minutes so it's not 5:00 and she needs to get ready. John called mum and asked her to come over here and watch Carter instead as it's easier but mum came over then took her back to her place, I'm guessing she wants Carter to sleep over with Grams and Grams & Granpas house, fine by me as long as she's safe.
"Everyone ready? The taxi will be here shortly?" I yelled throughout the house as it's already 5:30 and we have to be there shortly. I heard a knock on the door then I remembered that Hannah's 'friend' was coming with us.
"That's probably Jacob, can you get it I need to finish getting ready?" Hannah said poking her head around the corner from her bedroom door because her bedroom is almost next to the front door.
"Sure just make sure you look hot for him" I laughed and winked at her she just smiled and shut the door to finish getting ready. I opened our front door to let him in. He looks cute, tall with dirty blond hair and brown eyes, looks like Hannah's type.
"You must be Taylor? Hannah talks about you at work all of the time"
"Aww she's cute, yes I am Taylor you must be Jacob? Come on in she's just finishing getting ready and she shouldn't be too long. The taxi should be here shortly"
"Okay thankyou" I heard Hannah's bedroom door open, that's my que to leave and find my husband.
"Wow, you look gorgeous" I heard Jacob say to Hannah as I was half way up the stairs.
"Thanks, you look great too" Aww young love.
"John, you ready?"
"Yeah baby" he came out in just his jeans. No shoes or a tshirt and dayum he looks fine.
"What is?"
"You" I walked over to him and pushed him on the bed then putting my legs on both sides of him.
"If you start now, there's no stopping and we have to leave soon" he said in between kisses and sitting up on the bed.
"Not my fault you're too fucking sexy to resist"
"Alright smartass lets go the taxi will be here soon" I got off John getting my shoes and I think my purse is already downstairs so I just need to get that then we will be on our way to the second part of Tamara's birthday.

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