Chapter 37: Carters First Christmas

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(Skipped ahead a few months)

My baby girl is having her first Christmas with us it's so exciting, she's 7 months old now so she's sitting up by herself and soon to be walking, she's already growing up so fast.
"Morning husband of mine, Merry Christmas baby" I stood up and kissed him as he came into the kitchen. It's a nice summer morning and I love it, we are sitting at the table with Hannah and Jacob eating pancakes, bacon, eggs and drinking coffee or juice.
"Morning wife of mine. Merry Christmas all. Hello my beautiful baby girl" I love watching him with Carter it's just so darn cute and I love it, maybe in another year or so we will thinking about having another one but for now I am happy with our little bundle of joy.
"What you looking at?"
"Just how good you are with her" she was playing with her toy in Johns hand and hit him in the face with it, it was cute.
"Do you want daddy to hold onto it for you?" he took it out of her hands then she started fussing so he gave it back to her and all I could do was laugh.
"Bloody ell Carter" he tried his best British accent but obviously it came out more Scottish, I love that our baby will have the olive skin like mine but she has the Scottish background, she will be pulling all the boys in high school.

"John it's beautiful, I love it thankyou" I unwrapped the little Tiffany's box that John had brought for me. It had two beautiful diamond studs in it, simple yet so stunning.
"You are most welcome my queen" John kissed me then opened the hundreds of presents I had brought him like the model cars, a watch and little other things that he said he wanted and I want to do nothing but spoil and love him. We both brought Carter clothes and some more toys and stuff that she can play with. I don't know what to buy a 7 month old baby. After our present opening we all got showered, dressed and ready to spend the day with family which sucks for Hannah because that means that Jacob has to go to his parents house and spend the day with them.
"I promise I will come back for dinner baby" he kissed her an left the house, they are so smitten with each other and I remember what it was like when I first met John because we were exactly like that. I had gotten Carter ready then was holding her, I put her down on the grownd on feet and held her hands watching my 7 month old baby trying to move her feet to walk then I saw a tall figure on the stair case and noticed it was John.
"What are you doing?"
"Shhh trying to see if she'll do this"
"Do what?" He has the most confused look on his face, it's so cute and funny.
"I am trying to see if she will walk or if she can still only crawl" she tried to take her first step but then fell. Aww she's so cute.
"Well at least she tried" John came over and kissed my cheek and held Carter. I looked at my almost 1 year old baby and my beautiful husband and looked at how perfect almost everything had turned out to be. I was shortly distracted by my thoughts from John.
"I want another one" huh?
"Another one what?"
"Another baby, I don't want Carter to be like me, I don't want her to be an only child"
"John we will have more kids soon enough but I want to have a 21st before I have another baby. I want to live a little bit more before another kid comes into the picture"
"So then what does that make Carter? Was she an accident"
"I would never think of my children as accident or bastards, they're just a surprise and a freaking amazing surprise. My baby girl has changed my life I just want to wait a while for another child. I want at least 2 more before I'm 35 so trust me baby we have a while" I told him and his face lifted a little, maybe knowing that I want more children makes him happy and his right, I don't want an only child either because they would get bored and act out more than they should. I love Carter, she is my whole world I would never think of her in any bad way like that. Besides John, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me.
"Okay baby, after you turn 21 can we start trying again?"
"Yes John, maybe. We still have ages, I'm not 21 for another 2 years so carter will be almost 3 by then."
"Okay. Lets go before we miss everyone" I picked up my child and we walked to the car to go to my parents house were Johns family will be as well.

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