Chapter 39: Happy Birthday Baby Girl

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My baby isn't so much a baby anymore, she is turning one today and I feel so old kind of. I turned 20 and I have my first child's first birthday. Looking at the beautiful little girl she has turned into makes me so proud to be her mother. Tamara and Scotty found out what they are having, two twin boys will be here in only a few short months.

"Taylor hurry up, the candles are almost burned out" my impatient mother yelled out to me as I was looking for my camera to take pictures of my baby girls first birthday.
"Coming mumma, ill be down in a second" I found my camera and came down stairs.
"Here Grams, you're on snap duty" I gave mum the camera and held my daughter in front of her big pink birthday cake as she stared at the big pink candle with the '1' on it with the tiny flame with so much concentration on her tiny face as everyone sang happy birthday to Carter. I kissed her little chubby cheek while John kissed the other, I looked at my gorgeous girl then at my handsome husband and smiled because how perfect my life has turned out to be at such a young age, nothing I would change about these two amazing human beings that I love so much that there aren't even enough words.

"Thank you for coming mum" said to my wonderful mother as she was getting ready to leave to go home
"Anything for my gorgeous grandchild, I can't wait for my twin boys to get here I am so excited"
"I know me too, Scott is so impatient and wants them here now. I know that feeling because I couldn't wait for my baby to be here and now look, one year old and she's already making me feel older than my years"
"Tell me about it Taylor, almost 45 and have a beautiful grandchild and soon to be two more grandkids to spoil with my unconditional love"
she had a sad look on her face, I feel so concerned for my mum right now and I have a strong feeling that something is wrong with her and Stan or just her.
"Yeah hun?"
"Whats going on?"
"Nothing, Stan and I have drifted and it doesn't feel the same anymore" my poor mummy. This man I consider my father is hurting my mother, the strongest women I know.
"Have you talked to him? Maybe it's work or something that's annoying him. Just try and talk it out"
"Taylor I have tried so many times and it's just like talking to a wall, I love him dearly and deeply. We have been married for 18 years, that's not something we can just throw away." My mother had tears in her eyes and it breaks my heart that her and my stepfather are what seems to be over. I pulled her into my arms and could just feel her falling apart.
"I love you mum, more than anything and anyone. Remember that. Carter loves you too and you're her favourite, I can tell" I could hear her smirk but soon was replaced by a sniff and a sob.
"I love you too Taylor. You, my son and my three grandchildren are my whole world whether Stan is in it or not." I cried a little bit with my mum while we hugged which was soon broken up as she had to leave to her car and go home to her husband.
"Call me if you need to mum, forever and always" she gave me a small and sad nod then left. I finished cleaning up then went in search for my other half and my child.
"I do not like green eggs and ham" I heard Johns voice upstairs and saw Carters side lamp on in her bedroom, he's reading her to sleep. I was leaning against the door and smiling at my husband reading to my baby girl.
"Hey" I whispered as he finished the book and fixed Carters blanket and turned on her night light.
"Hey" he said walking out of her room and left me to shut the door.
"Can't believe our baby is already one, she's grown up too quick"
"Yeah it's crazy how fast a year can go by, she's till my number one baby girl"
"Yeah, are you okay John? Have I done something?"
"Taylor I'm fine, I just can't help but think how fast it's all gone. I mean I've finished high school, have a wife and a baby. I wish it would all just slow down" I walked over to John and put my arms around him and pulled him into me.
"John, if you're freaking out that you're not a good father or husband just know that you are the best father a wife could ask for and someday Carter will say that you are the best daddy a little girl could have ever wished for. Trust me. I love you, Carter loves you and your family loves you. I know it's all gone way too quick I mean trust me it has but nothing has changed. You are still you, I'm still me and that's how it's going to be for the rest of your life, I'm sorry if that's not how you want it to be but it is. Just know that I love you and will love you for the rest of my life"
"I love you too the love of my life, I love our child so much that no man will ever be good enough to love her. I can't wait to make more beautiful babies with you and grow old with you because I love you more than anything on this planet."
"About that baby thing, how soon is too soon after your first child turns one?"
"Some people have a child after a child, just ask my cousin Bec, she's pregnant with her sixth kid and her youngest one isn't even two yet. Why?"
"Because I think I might be pregnant"
"Woah Tay... Really?"
"I'm late but I haven't taken a test yet so there's a fifty fifty chance that I am. And we haven't had sex in like four weeks, so there is chance that blip number two is on its way"
"I love you lots my beautiful wife but please take the test, we need to be sure if we are having another baby or not"
"Okay give me ten minutes" I let go of him, went to the fridge and got a bottle of water out then chugged it down.
"Only a matter of time now"

*20 minutes later*
Sitting on our bed while John is laying down next to me, breathing steady while I'm looking at my watch waiting for the minute to be up... Finally. I take a deep breath in and out then look at the test in my hands as if it's the first time I've done this
" I can't look at it, you look" I through my pee stick and the box at him while he looked at me with disgust on his face because is gross that I just peed on a pregnancy test & now I'm making him look at it
"It's positive... We're having another baby"
Fuck... That's all I can think right now. I was only just ready for Carter but she's only one, I can't have another baby now, I'm going to be 21 next year I don't want to have a child. I want to have a party and I can't do that with a new born baby.
"Well... Okay. What are we going to do?"
"I'm so happy baby" John got off the bed and pulled me up the dropped to his knees, just like he did when he found out if was pregnant with Carter.
"What? Really?" I started crying and put both hands on my belly while John kissed over my hands.
"Yes I am so happy. Maybe we will have a boy this time and we can name him Xavia like we wanted, or maybe we will have twins" oh fuck... more twins? I don't want twins. My body is going to be ruined.
"John are we ready for another child? Our first child has only just turned one"
"Of corse I want a baby, I mean yeah the timing isn't well planned out but she's going to have a baby brother or sister. What? Don't you want this child? You are not terminating this pregnancy because this baby needs us more than we need it. I will never forgive you if you hurt my son or daughter" He got off his knees and started to walk out of our bedroom door.
"John wait, I'm not ready for another baby but I'm not going to hurt it because it's half of you and half of me. It's our new baby and I would do anything to keep it safe, to keep our family safe. I love you and Carter and little John more than anything. I'm not ready I know but I'm still going to love him or her as much as I love you and my baby girl" he came over to me and kissed me passionately and placed his hands on my belly and I placed mine over his.
"I love you Taylor"
"I love you too John, and my little blip number two"

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