Chapter 7: Week After I Met Johnny Boy

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I don't know how to tell him but honestly the last few days with him have been amazing and I honestly think I've fallen for him and it's completely crazy, tonight I've invited two of my three girls over Belle and Tamara, scene as though I haven't heard from Jazmine since the night I saw her and Tony at the coffee shop when I was on my first date with John, that was like over a week ago and I still haven't talked to her. Belle and Tamara promised me that they wouldn't tell Jazmine so I'm holding that to them because if they tell her I honestly don't think I'd forgive them.

It was 5:45 when Tamara arrived to my house, she dropped her things at the door and pulled me into the biggest hug ever making me cry a little about how much I have missed my best friend no no not my best friend my SISTER and I could tell it was killing her too.
"Oh my honey, how have you been Tamara? you have got no idea how much I have missed you honestly it's been killing me. How is my other family doing?" I was pooring my heart out to this poor little girl and she just hugged my tighter
"My beautiful sister girl, everyone's doing great but they miss your beautiful face almost more than I do Mum is always talking about you and how much she misses you and wants to know what you're up to. Sarah and Kelsy miss you too" I just can't stop it now the tears are falling down my face when Tamara told me that and just hugged my tighter.
"When's my beautiful Belle getting here do you know?" I said impatient and wanting to forget about my previous sad and depressing mood, I'm just ready to have a great movie night with my girlies
"She should be here any minute, I'm going to go and find your darling mother am say hello to her, after all she is my other mother" she said walking off to find my mother, her second mother. I was about to shut the door before I heard her little child like voice scream my name
"TAYLOR!!!!!" there is only one person I could think of when I heard that, I threw the door wide open when I saw this little blonde running towards me
"BELLE!!!!!!" she came running up to my front door and dropped her bags and ran into my arms wrapping me into the biggest hug that her little arms could take, only she would make feel like this, it's just something about her little bear hugs that just make me cry all the time, I've missed this little shawty so much that it pains me to thinking about how much I've missed her.
"Oh my little baby, how have you been darling girl, I have missed you too much that it just makes me cry. Come in, make yourself at home, you know where everything is honey just come on in" I said with too much excitement and happiness but also sadness, I don't know what it is, maybe the fact I have missed these girls way too much. 

"Lets take so many snaps from tonight because I want to remember it so much, I've missed this so much" I said to my girls as we where listening to my favorite song at the moment "Not Letting Go" by Tinie Tempah and Jess Glynne.
"OMG yes we need to!! our old photos are just too long over due and we need to remember this night for a long time, I've missed having times like this" Belle said way too excited it you know what? I just don't care how we are all feeling tonight as long as we have a good time I don't care what happens honestly.
"So TayTay, things with you and that hottie of a boyfriend you have seem to be going well, you're basically joined at the hip now, have you guys done the dirty yet?" I couldn't help but laugh my head off as Tamara said that last thing. But if got me thinking about John and I, am I his girlfriend? is he my boyfriend? I don't even know to be honest, for the mean time ill just tell them what's been happening between the two of us
"Well because you have mentioned it, yes we have done it in fact it was on this very couch that you're sitting on and as for the boyfriend part I don't even know what's going on actually. Yes we are together non stop but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend but to tell you the truth I'm happy the way things are, I don't want to tie him down just yet I mean we've only known each other for what? just over a week now? I'm just taking it day by day ya feel me?" I said to them, before Belle could say anything, Tamara jumped in
"Well first of all we didn't need to know that where my ass is currently was where you and mr hottie did it and second I think you need to talk to him about it, without a commitment he could just hump and dump you, you never know. I'm saying this to you Taylor out of love and I don't want you getting hurt" before I could say anything more, my mum came walked through the theater room doors.
"Sorry to disturb you my only biological daughter and two of my adopted daughters but Taylor my love, there's someone at the door for you and I suggest you answer it, you need to talk to this person darl" after my mum said that I knew exactly who it was

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