Chapter 18: Grad And All

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It was finally here, graduation. The time when high school officially ends. All of the things that happened in high school good and bad are going to be the best memories of our lives. The school canteen food, the arguments and punch ups at lunch times everything, they will all soon be memories of the best time of our lives and as much as we all hate it, it's going to be something that we will soon love and miss and this was really the easy part of our lives. I'm going to miss my English teacher and her bright smile every time we say a funny joke or everytime she says something funny I'm honestly going to miss her and every other good or bad teacher I had. Year 12 was a great year and it sucks that it's coming to an end. A small year comes to my eye about how much ill miss this crappy place.
"You okay Tay? What's got you cryin girl?"
"Just how much i'll miss this dump, it has honestly brought me the best years of my life"
"Yeah but it has also bright the worst too" Tamara told me
"Yeah but the worst years will soon become the best and they will all be the best memories we will have and look back onto laugh on" I know that meeting my 3 best friends was the best thing that happened and am was a true blessing.

I was waiting for them to call my name, because we where going in alphabetical order I was last, and I was seated next to my brother. Finally they where going to call my brother than me because S comes before T but I will walk behind him anyways. Our principal Mrs Graham called out Scotty's name where she shook his hand and handed him his diploma then she called my name. Out of the many shit teachers we have here she is too my favorite but nothing compared to Mrs Steele.
"Taylor Smith" and there it was, my name. The last thing I did before I left high school and I was so happy but so devistated
"Good luck darling, don't be afraid to come back and see me" She is so lovely that I could resist, I had to give her a quick hug. I took my diploma and walked off the stage.

"We did it girls, we graduated" Tamara said pulling us all into a group hug.
"Yeah we did." I said hugging them tighter, no matter what silly things we go through we will always have each other and that's all that mattered.
"While we are all huddled up I guess now would be a good time to say that after my 19th birthday I will officially be Mrs Taylor Buttcher" saying it just honestly made me so happy and excited, I can't wait to find the most perfect wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses, this will be the best day of my life and I can't wait to see what the next chapter of my life will bring me.

*2 weeks later*
Our high school ball has finally arrived. I found the most perfect dark purple dress with the right amount of diamond studs on it going down and around the middle with no straps, it was so beautiful and John got a nice purple tie to match my dress along with Scott, he got a pretty blue one to match Tamara's dress. I can't wait for the last memory of high school to happen with the most important people I have ever met.
"Are we ready?" mum asked coming into my bedroom as Tamara and I finished putting on our dresses. We had our hair and makeup done by professionals but it was all done to perfection. We had makeup done nicely to match our dresses and skin tone. I had organized a black hummer limo to pick up Tamara, John, Scott, Belle, Jazmine and I from my place and I was so excited, my first limo ride!!
Belle and Jazzie turned up together and I saw Jazmine with Tony so I'm guessing they worked things out and got back together while Belle was with some tall stranger I've never met before so he must be from her gymnastic group or something.
"You guys look good, come on in the limo should be here in a moment"
I said as they all walked through my front door. Mum took so many photos but it was great because I wanted to remember this night. I needed to tell John something and it was important, with us getting married in a few months I thought now was as good of time as any.
"John, can I have a word with you quickly in my room?"
"Oohh someone's gonna have a quickly before we go party" I heard Tonys voice say in the stairway.
"Just because she didn't give you none doesn't mean you can be jealous" I heard Tamara say.
"Thanks Mara I love you but shut up now" I said walking up the stairs and into my room.
"Babe what's wrong? why did you need to talk to me?"
"Well I did a test today and I know I am meant to be on the pill but I haven't been taking it because I knew it didn't feel right but anyways I took a test and it came back positive. John I'm pregnant and it's for real this time" He looked shocked but surprised at the same time. He dropped to his knees infront of me.
"You're pregnant? As in you're carrying my child? Taylor you've just made me the happiest man alive. You're going to be my wife and now you're having my baby" he pulled me by my waist and kissed my belly, I put my hand on his head and one hand to my mouth. I am so happy right now.
"You know this means you're truley stuck with me forever right?" I said as my voice started to break and some tears where coming from my eyes.
"Oh baby I wouldn't have it any other way" He got off his knees and started kissing me but was shortly interrupted.
"Taylor, John your ride is here and I want to get a photo of you all infront of the limo so hurry up and come down stairs" my mothers voice called from either downstairs or from half way up the stairs.
"Don't fall now baby, because you're carrying my baby now" I wanted to cry more but I didn't because I didn't want to ruin my makeup or make it look like I really was crying but right now I couldn't be anymore happier than what I was right at this moment. I was about to marry the most amazing guy in the world, I have an amazing family and I am going to have an amazing family of my own in the matter of months.

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