Chapter 22: Sickness And Health

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I jinxed myself when I said I wasn't feeling sick, I woke up this morning feeling nauseated and dizzy now the pregnancy is catching up great.
"Babe I'm going to be sick I can feel it" I raced out of bed and into our bathroom, went to the toilet and threw up in it, morning sickness will be so much fun.
"Hun you've got morning sickness"
"Yeah no shit sherlock" thankyou captain obvious
"I'm sorry, what do you want me to do? In sickness and in health remember?" he said to me rubbing my back, right now I don't even know what I want, I need my mummy and I want her here but we've only been here like 3 days or something, that's hardly a holiday. Maybe the sickness will go away for a bit hopefully.
"I'll go to the little deli down the street, get you some fresh water and biscuits or whatever I can find okay? I'll be back as soon as I can." He kissed the top of my head, grabbed his money and left, I hope he wouldn't take too long because I'm sick, hungry and thirsty so he better find some fine ass biscuits if that's all he wants me eating.

John was back within 10 minutes and by now I was in bed trying to get some more sleep. He awoke me by laying on the opposite side of me and rubbing my back.
"Taylor, I put your food on the bench and the water in the fridge. Do you want to go out and find some fruit to eat or something?" I love that he's trying to help and take care of me but right now I just want to sleep. Why is it me that has to get sick? It was me in Bali and now it's me here, what is it with the universe? Actually instead of sleeping I want to cool off by going for a quick swim, maybe that will help with the dizzy ness.
"John, can you get me my other pair of bathers from my suitcase? I want to go for a swim and maybe that will calm me down a little bit" he kissed my forehead and did what I asked him to, what a good husband he is to me and I love him. I got out of bed and got dressed then we headed down to the pool, he had his left arm around my waist and his right hand holding mine so I wouldn't fall, I stepped into the pool and oh my lord it felt so cold but refreshing in this weather and I love it.

John took me out of the pool by lunch time so I could have something to eat, right now I am just craving berries and all the fruit that this beautiful paradise has to offer.
"What do you want wife?"
"Fruit husband" he smiled at my response because I was finally eating fruit, but the fruit here is nothing like the fruit at home, it's just more fresh here and has more juice in it and I love it. We went to some bar thingy that wasn't too far down from the pool and I got my beautiful fruit and John got some pancake thing which almost made me want to vomit, I don't even know what foods make me feel sick yet but just looking at that makes me sick even though it looks so good. My baby is going to be a picky eater I can tell, she doesn't get it from me because i'll eat anything, ask anyone who knows me.
"Do you want to do anymore shopping today babe or just chill at the room and watch movies or something?"
"Maybe do some shopping I don't know then movies sound great" only because I'm sick I don't want to do anything too productive like walking around all day looking for things to buy for family and friends at home but I do want to find something for Hannah because by the time we get back she will be ready to leave and I hate saying goodbye to her, it breaks my heart. Maybe I'll send her back over when my baby will be about ready to be born, the last thing I want is for her to miss her niece of nephews existence.

After a long day I finally found something for her, she kinda follows basketball so I got her a jersey and I brought her a pair of the same Nikes as me so we will be like twins, I also found some like candle things and keychain a that I can give to her, I just wish she wasn't going back and it sucks so much. I want her to move back here and even if I buy a house for her I will just so she can stay here or she can live with me I don't care I just don't want her going back because missing my best friend is the worst thing in the world. I brought her a friendship kinda thing, I know it's like one of the oldest things in the world but it was cute, it was a silver braclet with a love heart on it and said best friends on both sides so I got one to go with it so we will always have each other. I brought my girls little anklets with their letters on it so a 'T' for Tamara, 'B' for Belle and a 'J' for Jazmine, I got mum a gold necklace that has a love heart locket thing on it, it's so beautiful and will look so gorgeous on my mum. John doesn't know what to get his parents so he's going to wait to find something later for them, now we just gotta find more stuff for us, really I just want clothes and that's it and some more baby stuff for our little nugget when it gets here but I don't think we should buy more clothes for just one sex until we definitely find out what we are having and I go for my second scan when we get back which will be my 2 month scan I think because I'm already like 1 month and 2 weeks in I'm pretty sure and because we are here for a couple of weeks it's all perfect but I won't find out until I'm 4 months or something. We brought some DVDs to watch while we are here and we will probably leave them when we leave because we have them at home.

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