Chapter 28: Work Life

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"Babe, wake up. I have to leave soon" no the days here, my baby is leaving me. He's not aloud to leave me.
"5 more minutes"
"Come on sleepy head, I want to say a proper goodbye to my two girls. Up you get" he pulled the blankets off me in order to get me up
"I love you John but right now I hate you"
"Love you too baby" I got off the bed and went to walk to the bathroom.
"Taylor what are you doing?"
"Are you friggen kidding me Buttcher? you woke me up and some crazy hour of the morning and now you're stopping me from peeing?" Boy you're on thin ice now
"Okay geez I'm sorry I thought you where having a shower or something. Now I know to never piss off a pregnant women"
"Yeah now you know. Wait for me downstairs i'll be there soon."
"Yes dear" poor boy, he's just trying to make a living and I'm making it so hard for him. I feel so sorry for him.
I was down stairs in the next 5 minutes to say bye to my husband. He's going for 2 weeks and it's like he's going forever. I miss him and he hasn't left yet.
"Tay, I have to go the taxi is outside"
"I wish you would let me drive you to the airport, I don't mind really and I can say a proper goodbye to you"
"Baby I'm going for 2 weeks, you'll see me soon enough don't worry. But I really do have to go now so I will see you in 2 weeks" I pulled him into the biggest hug ever and as if the timing couldn't be anymore perfect because Maddi kicked, I guess she's saying goodbye to daddy too.
"Goodbye my princess" he bent down and kissed my belly where our baby was growing.
"You better go, the taxi guy looks cranky. 2 weeks my love, I will see you in 14 days. I love you" he kissed me hard before he went to the taxi. I watched him get into the car and waved him off then shut the door. I wanted to cry but I was too tired so I just went to the lounge room and fell asleep on the couch, walking upstairs and going to sleep in an empty bed is going to be the worst.

I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on the door, I looked at the time and it said 10:25 in the morning, I've been asleep since 4 this morning so I have had a good 6 hour and 25 minute sleep.
"Taylor, open the door. I know you're in there bitch and I know that your boytoy isn't so I suggest you open the door" what does he want? Why is he here? I ran upstairs, and got my phone then hid somewhere he couldn't fine me if he came into the house. I called mum and she answered almost immediately.
"Hey Taylor what's up my baby girl?"
"Mum please get over here now. Kade is outside, John left for work already and I'm scared. Mummy please help me"
"I'll be there soon honey, stay safe and stay put." She hung up and got over here as soon as she could. I heard the door being busted open. I need my mummy now.
"Where are you slut? You're meant to be mine and that child is mine. I swear if you don't come out here then I will kill you both." I wanted to start crying, John wasn't here and mum was too far away. I need help and I need it down.
"Taylor? Taylor where are? Where's he?"
"Don't come up here you old whore or ill kill your daughter and granddaughter." I came out of where I was hiding, kicked him in the back then in the ribs and in the crotch, picked up his weapon and ran downstairs to my mum. I ran into her open arms and just started crying.
"Baby, it's okay I am right here. Where is he?"
"Upstairs, on the floor. Mummy I don't want to be here anymore. I want to come home until Johns home"
"Of corse baby. Stan's in the car so he'll sort Kade out." Mum left to get Stan in here. Stan pulled Kade out then I went and had a shower and got enough things for the next 2 weeks and left with my parents to my old house.
"You okay honey?"
"No I'm not okay, I'm scared for my life for my unborn child's life. I can't go back to that house mum, not until Johns home and if this is how it has to be for the rest of my life then I don't care"
"Honey, he's at the police station and they will figure out something to do. I need you to stay strong for your family. I will sort him out when he's out of custody." I can't do this on my own, other wise I wouldn't be here.
"Mum it's not that simple okay? I can't be strong on my own because it can't be that easy"
"Tay, you won't be on your own but you need start on your own. It's like that old saying 'You need to walk before you can run'"
"I just need some place to stay for the next couple of weeks then I will find a roommate who can stay with me the rest of the 2 weeks that John is at work"
"Taylor don't be mad at me"
"I'm not mad at you mum I just can't believe that you would say that to me"
"You're getting upset over nothing" she's right, stupid pregnancy hormones, why do they even exist? It was what felt like a very long drive back to mums house, I want to just lay down and sleep all day everyday until my husband is home.

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