Chapter 40: 6 Years Later

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"Honey I'm home" I heard my husbands lively voice coming through the house as I cook dinner for my family
"Daddy's home kids, hi baby" I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him as he walked into the kitchen and to my side
"Hello wife of mine, hello daughter number two" he bent down and kissed my belly, 6 months pregnant with our blip number 3
"Daddy" Carter yelled as she saw her number one man in the kitchen with her mummy
"hello sweetheart, how was school?" He said kissing his daughters little cheek, he is wrapped around her little finger and she loves it.
"Good, missed my daddy"
"Missed you too Carter" he put her down and got a beer out of the fridge.
"Maybe you should go and see your minime?"
"Xavia, where are you?" I smiled and giggled to myself because this is what they do almost every day, they play hide and seek even though Xavia hides in the same place John pretends he doesn't know.
"Gotchya!!" only seconds later I heard a high pitched giggle coming from the theatre room
"Hello my handsome man" I smile and laugh at my children and my husband and rub my belly as I do
"Your daddy and big brother are crazy baby girl" I felt her little moment inside me and smiled down at my bump.
"She moving is she?" John came around the corner with our boy on his hip.
"Yeah and she has been a lot, maybe she likes sex already and who came blame her"
"No no, none of that until she is older than you when you had your.."
"Shhhh John young ears around"
"My point is, not until she's married"
"You didn't make that promise when I was pregnant with Carter, she's going to be pulling all the boys when she gets into high school I hope you know that"
"And I hope you know that she's going to become a nun"
"Oh my goodness John, we can't predict our children's future. But if any of them come home saying that they're going to be parents at the age of 17 I will be a very disappointed parent."
"You were 19 when you were pregnant with our first child, was she a mistake?"
"As I have told you many times before, none of my children were mistakes just surprises and the best damn surprises ever I'll tell you"
"I know baby" he bent down and kissed my belly and that's when our baby Maddison kicked.
"I love you too princess" Maddison Rose will be here in four months. I decided to take my maternity leave early this year but who cares anyways, it's the end of the school year already. Maddison could be here around my birthday or earlier, maybe she'll be in between mine and Johns birthday, who knows. Tomorrow I'm going to see my brother and his wife at my mums old home, she gave it to Scott and Tamara and brought a small house for her and my dad. I get to see my two very beautiful and handsome nephews tomorrow, Elliot and Matthew. Elliot is the spitting image of his mother, brown hair and brown eyes while Matt, he's Scotty all over with the olive skin, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. They're beautiful boys. Carter is my minime with the dark brown hair, green eyes and olive skin while my beautiful boy is his father, brown hair, blue eyes and somewhat pale skin. We all make beautiful kids I'll say that. My mother has delivered all of her grandchildren so will be more than happy to bring my Maddison into this world. After she's born no more children from me but John is okay with that because he has his son and I have my daughter, we're happy with the way things have gone. Hannah on the other hand, she's living life to the fullest, she's dragging Jacob all over the world before she settles down. She's always sending me emails of where she is with him and what's going on along with the most beautiful pictures of where she is and I am so jealous of her, I haven't been anywhere since our honeymoon 7 years ago while I was still pregnant with Carter but oh well. When our babies are a couple of years older we will be going places and I cannot wait. Hannah and Jacob brought a little appartment together when they found out I was pregnant with Xavia so we moved Carter down stairs to the second biggest room in the house, so we fixed up her old room and painted it and fixed it for our beautiful boy.

"Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall" I saw John reading a book to our child as he fell into a heavy sleep, he is like is mumma in that way, all he does is sleep.
"Easy sleeper isn't he?" I whispered to John as he reads a book to our child.
"He asleep already? Wow talk about mummy's boy"
"I love him with my whole heart and soul but it's so great when he's asleep" John pulled me closer to him and kissed my baby bump
"I feel you. Hey I want to show you something"
"Okay what is it?"
"Close your eyes and give me your hand"
"Don't make me fall, it's your child I'm holding remember that"
"Trust me baby, I won't let you fall but seriously close your eyes and give me your hand" I closed my eyes and we walked out of Xavias room down the hall.
"Okay stop" he dropped my hand, opened a door and turned a light on. This is so beautiful. It's got a pink crib in the corner with purple dolphins on it, the walls are painted a faded or baby pink, almost identical to Carters room before we had her and still like the first time it makes me cry, it's so damn cute.
"John, this is beautiful and I love it"
"It's not done yet but it almost is. Your dad and mine helped me do it"
"I love it no matter who helped you do it or how it was done, it's done and it's perfect. Thank you baby" I kissed him and he pulled me into him.
"Yeah Taylor" he said in between kisses with a firm grip on my behind.
"Take me into the bedroom and lose yourself in me"
"Your wish is my command my queen" he picked me up and I could feel his back muscles and his torso muscles against my side.
"I can't wait to feel you in me, I need you John" "I need you too Taylor, I love your body when you're pregnant. Everything gets bigger and so much more fucking hot and sexy and I love it" I am so ready for him to take me now.
"I love you Taylor"
"I love you too John"

~ The End ~

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