Chapter 38: Happy New Year!!

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Another year had passed us so slow but so quick, Tamara and my brother got married and they are expecting their first child which I think will be a beautiful baby boy. My baby girl made her debut into this world and Hannah met someone, everything just seems to be falling into place with everyone and it makes me happy to see it.
"You ready for our party tonight Tay?" my husband said putting his hands on my hips and kissing my neck.
"Yeah I am actually, having new people come over as well as our family should be fun" Belle and Brad are coming over, tthey're official and it's so cute Jaz will be coming over with her new guy Mike, I like him a lot more than Tony. Hes tall and really skinny with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes and he has a great personality. I think they will be together for a while. My best friend and brother will be coming over and so will all the parents. I have a friend from work her name is Ash coming over with her partner or solo I don't know and John is having his friend Jude from work.
"Do you think we have enough alcohol for the night?"
"Yes John we have plenty, and I am pretty sure people will be bringing their own over" I was cutting up some food for later on and putting it on a plate to go in the fridge when I heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" John said taking his hands off my hips
"Oh no you don't, ill get it" I hear Hannah tell John which means it's Jacob here.
"Hi baby" I heard him say then only seconds later I heard Hannah's bedroom door slam.
"Well, looks like he's getting some this New Years" John said coming up to me.
"Aww my little Hans isn't so little anymore" I said with a sad face.
"Well maybe I can make you happy as well tonight" John went to kiss me when I heard a deathly scream coming from upstairs
"Perfect timing Carter" John kissed my lips quickly then went to our crying daughter, nothing has changed much since Christmas but I really do think Carter is close to walking. I know she's only 8 months now but I still think that any day now she will be walking all over the place. I heard someone coming down the stairs and saw John with my beautiful baby girl all tired and grumpy.
"Aw look who finally woke up, hi sweetie" I cleaned my hands on my apron and got my baby from Johns arms.
"Yes the pooping machine is finally awake from her year long nap"
"Dont talk to my daughter that way, daddy's mean isn't he Carter? Yes he is" I kissed her face then went and put her in her walker that she got from either my mum or Johns for Christmas and she started to move a little bit.
"Give it time and she won't even need it because she will be walking all on her own" I put my arms around Johns waste and he put one over my shoulder and pulled me into him.
"I know, she's already growing up so fast. And to think she will be 1 in May. She's almost been with us for a year" John kissed my head then let me go.
"I know" he picked me up from behind my knees and put me on the bench and started running his hands up my thighs.
"Oh John baby" I said against his lips as I wrapped my legs around his hips and pushed him into me more.
"Oh Taylor baby"
"Okay I'm getting turned on and our child is there looking at us and I need to finish getting things ready for tonight so if you don't mind"
"Oh but I do" and at that time we heard someone screaming.
"What on earth was that?" John said sounding panicked and went to look for the sound.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't think Hannah or Jacob would appreciate it very much" John started looking at me funny.
"What do you mean?"
"How can you seriously be that obtuse. That was them" John scrunched up his face almost instantly
"I know right, but you can't say nothing because that is us basically"
"That, is very true" he came over and started kissing me again.
"I am almost done I promise then you can have me how many times you want where ever you want until our guests arrive" I kissed his cheek then finished what I was doing. John took Carter into the lounge room and put some stupid kids show on while she was on her little bouncer and soon she fell asleep. I felt his hands on me again.
"What are you doing?"
"You, so hurry up and cover all that up and you can finish it in half an hour because that's all I think we will need so lets go" I put the stuff in the fridge or put something over it.
"Take me away" he picked me up bridle style and carried me up to our bedroom.

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