Chapter 6: Day After Night With Johnny

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Tired and exahusted after last night with John but I knew it was time to get up and get ready, but I also have to wake John up to get him home so he can get ready for school.
When I woke John wasn't there put I found a note on the flat screen TV
'My beautiful Taylor, ill be waiting for you at school this morning with coffee and maybe breakfast for you, see you today gorgeous xx'
I all of a sudden couldn't wait to get to school. I ran upstairs in nothing but the blanket that cover John and I last night, that had me thinking about the experience that the two of us shared last night it was amazing and I would so do that again with him, I just hope that one day we will be on the same page as each other and have the same feelings as each other. When I get to school I have to talk to him about it.

I took my normal 15-20 minutes shower and did my normal morning routine. I decided that a nice pair of denim daisy duke shorts for school, with my white converse sneakers making my tanned legs look more tanned, after getting dressed I did my hair with the same amount of makeup and brushed my teeth. I then got my bag from my bedroom and my phone from the charger that had a text message from Jazmine, not that I wanted to talk to her right now because that will ruin my mood, she can wait until school. I then ran downstairs to get some money for lunch today because I couldn't be bothered taking food and our school canteen isn't that bad just a bit pricey for the quantity of the food.

When I was in the school parking lot I saw Tony. After I parked my car, I got my bag, got out of my car and locked it. Tony started walking towards me and hugged me, I just pushed him off me
"What are you doing near me, I don't want to ever look at you again" I said, it may have been rude but yet true. I didn't want him anywhere near me. After I saw him last night I just don't want to see him ever again.
"Look babe, I saw you last night with that Johnny boy so that means I know you saw me with Jaszmine so which means I know you'll be pissed at her from now until the day you die, but I was talking to her about getting you back" I don't care what he was to say now or ever
"First, do not ever call me babe ever again, you lost that opportunity many weeks ago when you left me broken hearted in the middle of the school hall way. Second, I do not care what either you of Jazmine has to say about what I saw last night because I have someone better than you" I said with no even a pin of anger or jealousy just honesty.
"I see you're still as stubborn as ever, but honestly is this Johnny boy better than I am? do you like him as much as you use to like me?" I needed to interrupt him before he gets too full of himself
"I'm going to be stubborn for the rest of my like Tony, but I'm also going to be honest the best of my life and if that makes me a bitch I couldn't care less. I loved you but not anymore and I do believe that one day I could feel like that for John and he would for me too, you need to stay away from me and my friends from now. After we graduate I won't have to see you ever again and trust me, that will be the best day of my life" with that I turned around and walked away with my head held high, right now I just wanted to find John and there he was at my locker withcoffee for me and my favorite macroons that I told him about last night, that made me happy.
"Hey beautiful" he said and kissed my lips hard for a few quick seconds, then he gave me my coffee and macroons, he's such a sweety
"Aww you beautiful human being, thankyou. You know how to win the way to my heart now don't you?" I said drinking my coffee leaning against my locker
"Yeah I also know how to win the way into your panties too hehe" he said in my ear which almost made me spit my coffee everywhere
"Oh yes, now that you do. But I suggest you stop right now because people are walking by"
"So let them look, they're just jealous because they don't have what I do" He gave me a big, long kiss on my neck, hoping it does but doesn't leave a big love bite on my neck
"I need your number by the way, that's if you have a phone haha. I loved that cute little message you left on the flat screen it made my day" I said to him as our foreheads where together
"Anything to make you happy beautiful, I need to ask you a question and you can totally say no if the timing isn't right for you" I hope it's not what I think it is, if he's asking for me to be his girlfriend ill have to say no, we've known each other for like a day and I know in that day we have already had sex but still I just think he need to get to know each other more
"Okay, ask away" I said being hesitant about what he has to ask
"Will you come over today and meet my mum and dad? I think you'll like them and they'll like you, please? I would honestly love you to. Then we can talk a bit more and get to know each other more if you want?" aww he's nervous what a cutie
"Aww you're so cute when you're nervous, but I would love to meet your parents. What time?" I'm happy it's that instead of what I thought.
"well it's tonight so around 5:30-6:00 sound good for you?" that's perfect, I can figure something to wear and something to do with my hair. Maybe ill wear more makeup who knows, I'm nervous but excited now
"6:00 sounds good babe, I have to get things from my locker and the bell is about to go so ill see you at lunch then?" I can honestly see being his girlfriend and I can see my parents and Scott liking him. I'm excited and happy about this.

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