Chapter 25: House Warming With Food

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John and I have decided to throw a little house warming party for at our new house, we have finally unpacked everything, we have real food too and we have all the rooms set up. It's already starting to feel like a home, it will feel more like home when our little family starts. 2 months and 2 weeks in and I'm getting more excited, I can't wait until June when comes around because I will have my new born baby.
"Stan honey, can you and Dave please start the barbeque? I think it's time" mum said to her husband, I'm glad that they're so happy and I will be that happy in my marriage with my husband.
"Yes dear" they sound like an old married couple and it's so cute I love it. I love Stan too, besides my mother he's basically been the only father figure I've really had. My dad left mum when I was a baby, I think Scott remembers him but he just doesn't talk about him and I'm fine with that because we have both come to know Stan as our father and I love him as if he was my dad.
"Mum before you start ordering Stan around an stuff can I talk to you both?" I have no idea what I am going to say but I will just wing it.
"Sure baby, what's it about?"
"Come into the lounge room and i'll tell you" I walked into the house first then had Stan and mum follow behind me.
"Okay Taylor, what's wrong you're scaring me a little bit. Is it the baby? Are you feeling okay?" Her concern means a lot to me.
"No mum I'm fine, baby is fine I just wanted to talk to you both. I don't really know what it's about or how to say this so I will just say it without a plan"
"Okay you little weirdo"
"Mum do you know where my real dad is?"
"No honey I don't, why?"
"Because I wanted to know so I knew he wouldn't come here and ruin things for me and Scott and the baby."
"Okay sweetie. Can I ask why Stan has to be here?"
"Yeah, I'm not really comfortable talking about the man who walked out on my amazing wife and her two children"
"Stan you're here because I wanted you to be, besides my mother you're the only father figure I have come to know. I don't feel right calling you Stan and you've been apart of this family since I was like 2, you're my dad now. DNA doesn't make a family, love does and I love you as if you where the male who helped make me. I don't know how I have been calling you Stan my whole life when I would have known you as dad. I love you dad" I finally said it. I called my stepfather dad and honestly I had so much love in my heart and life for this man.
"Oh Taylor, I love you too" he pulled me into a hug and it wasn't like the hug we gave each other on my birthday this was a real hug and it felt like home in a way I guess. Mum was next to us and she was crying, we pulled her into a hug so it was like a group hug and I felt something move. That can't be right, the baby is way too early to be moving or kicking yet, it's only 2 months and 2 weeks so how is it moving already? when you look at me you would think I'm fat not pregnant so how is this possible?
"Did you feel that? It moved, my baby moved"
"Tay that could have been gas or something" way to kill a happy mood mother.
"Well I'm less excited now, thanks mum"
"anytime sugar" she kissed my cheek then we walked back into the kitchen to get some of the food to set up for the dinner and out to the backyard to cook the food.
"Hello my queen, where did you go off to with my child?" John said kissing my lips then down to my belly.
"Just having a heart to heart with mum and dad"
"Dad? Who's dad?"
"Dad would be Stan, that's what where talking about"
"Aww honey, I'm so glad. Are you okay?"
"Yeah babe, I'm fine" I kissed his cheek before I walked off to help Jayne with the salad. We're all just one big happy family and I love it. I heard a knock at the door so I ran to answer it. I was almost shocked when I saw who was on the other side.
"Surprise gorgeous" what the fuck is he doing here
"Kade? What do you want? When did you get here? I need you to leave and now."
"Baby, who's at the door" before I could answer him and say it was no one, he came behind me and put his hands on my hips trying to pull me away
"You better back off right now before I make you"
"Woah big boy just chill, I came here to see Taylor"
"Well you've seen her so now you can leave"
"Kade what's going on?" I heard her voice, she's here. Hannah's here.
"Oh my goodness you came. I'm so glad to see you"
"Of corse, do you think I would miss my best friends house warning party. Hello my beautiful niece or nephew" she rubbed my belly, hugged me and walked through the house to the backyard where the rest of the family was.
"Kade seriously, when did you get here? Better question why are you here?"
"Because I wanted to see your beautiful face"
"You need to back away from my wife before I make you. Get off my doorstep and go somewhere you're actually wanted." John is so mad, I can't calm him down now. I have never seen him this mad before.
"Wife? Taylor what the fuck is he talking about? You're meant to be with me. And you're having a baby? That should be my child not his"
"Kade you had your chance a long time ago and you blew it. I am married to John and I love him and care for him way more than I ever did for you. You need to get off my doorstep right now before I call the police because you're harassing me. Leave now"
"I am not going anywhere until you talk to me Taylor"
"I suggest you leave my daughter and son-in-law right now young man" I heard mums angel like voice coming to save the day.
"What are you going to do about it"
"You will leave right now, you will not see or talk to anyone from this family again including my son. I know what you did to my daughter so I suggest you leave her right now and you never come back ever again. You will come here to collect Hannah and that will be it do you hear me? Leave now"
"This is bullshit" Kade said before leaving. I can't believe that I once had feelings for that jackass. I turned around and hugged mum before I started crying. When I let go, John was walking upstairs. What did I do wrong? I don't understand.
"Tay honey, let him cool off and I will get David to talk to him soon. You need to enjoy your little party before its over"
"How can I enjoy anything mum when my husband is upstairs pissed because that jackass showed up? I need to talk to him"
"Let him calm down a bit and he will talk to you when his ready. Now come my little cherub because the food is ready and you need to eat. I will talk to David now and he can talk to his son. I believe your brother also has news to share too" I know what that is. I walked with my mum back outside where she quickly pulled Dave aside to talk to him about John so he could go and sort his son out. The food smelt amazing and tasted even better, I was craving some nicely cooked chicken smothered in sweet & sour source and some creamy pasta and salad oh my lord this is so good, with some apple and black current juice this meal will be perfect. John and Dave came back outside just as we started eating, John came and sat next to me with his plate of food.
"I am sorry baby, I just don't like him and I don't like what he did to you. I will never like him or forgive him for it. Then him saying that you're meant to be with him and my baby is meant to be his just sent me over the top. I am so sorry Taylor, I love you and I didn't mean to leave you" John said so only I could hear, I put my plate on the table, held his hand and looked into his eyes.
"John I love you okay? And only you, the fact he could get to you that easily just proves that he knows how to make you pissed. This is your baby, I am yours and only yours until death parts us. I have no intentions of going back to him at all because I married you, I picked you. I love you so much honey" I kissed his lips and he kissed me back. We broke apart when I heard Scott clearing his voice.
"I know what this is" I whispered to John.
"What is it?"
"Wait and find out"
"Everyone I have an announcement to make. I know that this night is meant for my little sister and my brother in law but it can't wait any longer. Tamara has said yes to being my wife. I am getting married to the love of my life. Tamara, you're my everything and there is not one thing I would ever change about you ever. So if we could all please raise our glasses to my beautiful fiancée Tamara, cheers" everyone started clapping and whistling.
"That's what the good news was?"
"Yeah, she told me 2 weeks ago"
"You knew for 2 weeks and didn't tell me? Oh Taylor I am deeply hurt" my over dramatic husband said to me.
"Oh stop being such a drama queen you little sook, I couldn't tell you because my best friend told me not to and I made her a promise that I wouldn't. I love you though" I said kissing him quickly and getting up to hug my big brother, he's 19 and engaged to my best friend, I am so happy honestly. Life is going great for everyone. I was hugging Tamara when Hannah said something.
"On the subject of news, Taylor I believe you will be over the moon about what I have to say"
"What's up chicki?"
"What is up is that I will no longer be needing to travel back and forth from here to America because I am moving back home" I screamed and ran back over to Hannah, I had tears falling down my face because of Tamara and Scott which I knew about but because of Hannah moving back home. Everything just seems to be falling into place now. I have an amazing house, husband and family, I have a baby on the way, my best friend/ sister is marrying my brother so now we really will be sisters and my other best friend is moving back home.
"Does this mean Kade will be here too?"
"Heck to the nah, he's the reason I am moving back here. He's just too much to handle and the parents just don't care so I decided to move back here, with my real family" mum always loved Hannah as her own, she would be more than happy to take her in.
"Oh babe, you're moving into my old room or you can move in here I don't care"
"I do have my aunty and uncle you know?"
"Yeah but I don't care, you're staying here or in my old room"
"I think ill take your old room"
"Okay great"
"Hannah dear, I will order you a new bed and some stuff if you would like?"
"Oh mumma Ange, that's so nice of you thankyou but the old folks are sending my things over I think like my clothes and shoes."
"Good, then I will buy you a bed and because you're having Tays old room you can use her closet, i'll buy you some chest of draws too" mum walked over and hugged Hannah and she hugged back.
"Lets put all of our glasses up, to family. Forever and always, together forever. Slaute mi familia" we toasted to family and the rest of the night went on pretty well. Everyone talked and laughed, we shared memories and I heard some really funny embarrassing moments from Johns childhood as he did mine. I talked to Hannah about we brother which turns out she didn't even know he was here which was odd. I can't believe she's moving back here that's so great, she's going to be here to see my baby when it's born so I won't have to send we back over here. Eveything is just falling into place and it's all just perfect. I couldn't ask for a better family than the most crazy but amazing one I have right now.

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