Chapter 27: Boy Or Girl?

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I'm having one of my last ultra sounds today, I find out what I'm having today and I honestly couldn't be more excited for it.
"John honey, you ready?"
"Yeah baby, ill be there soon"
4 months already, wow. 5 more months and it will be here, I can't wait honestly I'm way too excited.
"When we find out what we're having, do you think we can go out and buy some more clothes for it?"
"Sure babe, we will buy bottles, more bibs and nappies too" he's so into this baby thing it's cute. I wonder who's features it will have more of, mine or Johns. I hope it gets his hair colour, my eyes because they're more green kinda then blue, my skin colour and my ears but the rest it can have of John.

It was a quick drive to the doctors office, the next time I will be here will be at my 6 month scan then that's it I think. We have been here like 5 minutes and I already need to pee badly, but I have to wait until after my scan.
"Taylor Buttcher?" John nudged me completely forgetting that I'm not Smith anymore.
"Oh yeah right sorry, lets go" I grabbed his hand and we walked to Dr Richards office.
"Hello Mr and Mrs Buttcher, how are we today?"
"We're doing pretty good actually, how about yourself?"
"I am very well thankyou, now lets see this baby of yours" I pulled up my shirt and pulled my shorts down a bit so it was easier access to my lowed abdomin. The gel stuff is so cold that I still haven't gotten use to it.
"Okay Mrs Buttcher, there is your baby and if you look closely at the screen you can see if it's a boy or girl." I had my eyes glued to the screen
"I can't find anything"
"So what does that indicate to you?"
"Oh my god. It's a girl???"
"Yes Mrs Buttcher, you will be expecting a beautiful and healthy baby girl" I had tears falling down my face as did John.
"I'm getting my beautiful princess"
"I'm getting my minime. John we have our girl" he picked up my hand and kissed it
"Yeah baby, we have our girl" I can't believe it.
"Do you want pictures again?"
"Yes please" he walked out and got them printed, I was the happiest girl alive right now, I get my baby girl. Dr Richard came in about 10 minutes later handing me the pictures
"Dr Richard, when will she start to move and kick?"
"Well you're at 4 months now so very soon you will feel her move and kick, I remember feeling my first child, it was a true blessing and trust me you will love it"
"I am sure we will, thank you Dr Richard"
"No problem kids, goodbye and congratulations" we walked out of the office hand in hand to my car.
"We're having a girl!!"
"I know, my two favorite girls in the world well besides our mums" I smiled and he kissed me. We went shopping for more girls clothes. I again texted everyone to be at mums within the next hour or so because we have news. I all got back okays.

We spent a good hour finding cute girls clothes and nappies and stuff.
"Mummy can't wait until you're here Maddie, I love you" John came over to rub my belly and at that time it was like a miracle, it moved, our beautiful baby girl moved.
"I felt it, I felt her move baby"
"She's going to be a little independent one isn't she"
"Just like her mumma"
We brought more stuff and it came to about $230.00 but that's because we brought a car seat for my car and mums. John doesn't have one yet but when he gets a job and earns enough, he will find a good family car.
"Taylor I have to tell you something" uh oh
"I have to leave for work next week, the week of my birthday" oh man, his first birthday of us being together and he isn't going to be here. This sucks.
"Aww man, we can't spend your birthday with you? That's so stupid"
"I know honey, I need to tell everyone today"
"Okay, everyone will be at mums so it's not a problem" it was a quick drive back to mums, I got a little pink jumpsuit out of the boot that said 'Mums little angel' on it and put it behind my back as we walked into the house
"Hey mumma, is everyone here?"
"Yeah sweet, they're all out the back"
"Okay lets go" I walked out the back, dad was there with Johns parents, my girls where her and so was Tony, I completely forgot he was with Jaz, oh well.
"Everyone we have news, I have here a little picture of the baby and in my other hand I have this" I held up the onesie and the picture
"We would like you to meet Maddison Grace Buttcher." Everyone started screaming and clapping. Mum pulled me into a big hug and started crying as well as Jayne.
"Oh my first grand baby is a girl, I will be so happy when I get to bring her into the world" mum said looking at the picture of our beautiful baby girl who will be here in the matter of months.
"I can't believe it, I don't think it will be real until I feel the pain of pushing it out of me"
"I can't believe I'm going to be a daddy" John said. I pulled him into the biggest hug ever, he picked me up and spun me around, when he stopped I looked at him with so much love in my eyes and he looked at me the same way.
"I love you John"
"I love you Taylor" Hes my forever and I don't want him leaving me, it's just too soon. Maybe if he goes like tomorrow or something he will be back for his birthday.
"John, if you leave earlier then will you come back earlier?"
"Maybe, why? what are you thinking?"
"That you could leave the day after tomorrow and you might just make it back for your birthday"
"Tay it's not going to matter, 2 weeks is 14 days and my birthday is on the 12th of this month, I won't make it back in time honey" ugh this is so stupid. I don't want him to leave me and Maddison now, not after we found just found out that it is a girl.
"Im sorry baby, I love you and we will make up for it when I get back, we'll go to diner and stuff I promise you"
"Okay, but you need to tell your parents now"
"Okay. Mum, dad can I talk to you inside for a second."
"Sure son, come on dear lets go"
I wonder if they'll be as heart broken as I am. I don't want him to leave even if it was just for 2 weeks out of every month. I pulled out my phone to check when he would be home and when he's going back and he leaves to back to work on the 5th which is 4 days before my birthday and he gets back on the 19th so we have to do a joint birthday thing then.
His parents came out about 7 minutes later, Jayne was in David's arms crying because John was leaving, David was trying to calm her down and John looked frustrated because he's leaving everyone and he doesn't want to but it's work, it's something he will have to do for a living and we all just have to live with. Going to sleep in an empty bed without him is going to hurt so much, when my baby is here, she will be sleeping in my bed every night that her daddy is at work.
"You okay John?"
"No, I don't think I should do it now, I mean I'm only doing kitchen work but it's good money but I can't leave my family. And what about the baby when she comes? I can't leave you here to deal with her all the time. I don't want to be the father that isn't around all of the time."
"Hey John, listen to me. You're doing this because you need to make a living for your wife, your baby and yourself. Do this because you want to, do it because you need to live. I want you to do it and I know you want to aswell. You will be fine and we will be fine okay?" I don't want him to miss out on anything with the baby but I don't want him to not work because of the baby.
"John, as long as you're here, by my side when your daughter comes into this world then I will be okay. This will work babe, it just needs time, it needs getting use to and it might take a while but baby it will happen" I hugged him and kissed him as if it was our last. I was going to miss him but it was something that I might be able to handle. I might get Tamara to live here when Johns away then she can go to mums or back to her house I don't know, I just don't want to be alone when he's not here.

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