Chapter 16: The Scare

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(The song I chose was Salted Wound by Sia incase no one can watch the video clip. It's a favorite at the moment so I hope you all like it)
I'm back at the doctors today hopefully with better news. I told John and he hopes that I'm not now, maybe he's come to the realization that he's just not ready to be a father right now. He might want to go to university or find a career he is really passionate about, he can't do that if he has to always look after a child. I know I want to go to university to become a physical education teacher, I know I won't be able to go to uni and look after a child at the same time, kids can hold off for a few more years yet. Both John and Tamara are with me and if it will be the same as last time, they won't be able to come in with me but I hope he can do the thingy across my stomach. We where in the waiting room for Dr Richard again, this time it was more nerve racking because I don't know if I have a baby growing inside me. I haven't had any signs of pregnancy but my mum is a doctor and she tells me all the time that you don't always have to have signs to prove that you're pregnant which has had me worried even more.
"Taylor Smith?" the nurse lady called my name.
"Lets go and get this over with" I told John and he more or less gave me a weird look.
"You coming Tamara? I thought you wouldn't want to miss your godchilds first appearance into the world?"
"Yeah but this time you have John and it should just be you two this time." That made me feel really sad.
"Tamara, there is a slight chance you'll be an aunty, you need to come and see your niece or nephew if there's one inside me" her eyes started to water, I didn't want to make her cry and not here of all places.
"Okay, I'll come in with you and John, I'll be damned if I missed this" we walked into the office, John sat on the chair next to the bed and Tamara was standing at the foot of it, I liften up my shirt and the doctor put that blue gel stuff on it and ran the scanny thingy over my lower abdomin and over my stomach.
"If you look closely at the screen we will see if we can find a baby, if not then you are clearly not pregnant. My best guess is that you two are least expecting a child at your age which is completely understandable. Now if you hold on i'll try and find something." I honestly couldn't sit still, the glue stuff was cold and uncomfortable and I want to know right now.
"Well Miss Smith, I think you're in the all clear for now. I can't see a baby of any sort. If you want I can subscribe a prescription for you and you can start the pill?" oh finally what I've wanted the past 3 or 4 weeks.
"Yes please" that was possibly the biggest scare of my life. I hope John knows where I am coming from now. I just don't want a family just yet I mean if it happens then it happens but I just don't know if either of us Ae ready for this yet.

We got back to my house with some lunch for the family and the great news that I wasn't expecting a child anytime soon.
"How did it go?" my mother said walking up to me, she then put her hand over my stomach. I wanted to cry right now, she wants grandchildren but even she said not now.
"Well for starters you can take your hand off my stomach because I'm not pregnant. I got my prescription to go on the pill so ill start tomorrow morning. Finally another day at school" Having 2 weeks off from school isn't great but I'm lucky it's only the beginning so I didn't miss much.
"Oh honey, I'm both devistated but excited that you're not having a child. You're such a bright girl in your own way, and you are going to get into a university of your own choice to persue your dreams of becoming a sport teacher. You have so much time to think about getting married and having children" Mum doesn't know about what John asked me on my birthday, she just thinks it's a ring on my ring finger that I got for my birthday, she's oblivious but she's cool, I probably should tell her though.
"Mum, the ring that I got for my birthday is more than you think. John promised to be with me for the rest of my life. I love him mumma, so much and he loves me too. He's the one that wants kids more than what I do and he wants them with me. We have our lives ahead of us and we both know that but we both want to be together for the rest of our lives. You didn't see his face when he found out I wasn't pregnant and when I went on the pill. He wants to be with me more than anything and he proved it to me when we where in Bali." Mum looked at me with wide eyes and a shocked face. I think I freaked her out a bit.
"Woah honey, don't you think that you and John will be moving too fast? I mean, you can't just think you're going to be together for the rest of your lives. He could meet someone when he starts his career and the same with you. You're 18 I mean you are technically an adult but you are still a baby. I just want you to take it slow with your life okay? Talk to John about all your life plans and make sure you're both still on the same page." my mothers words hit me hard, maybe we do need to talk. I'll try and talk to him tonight.

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