Chapter 24: Next Scan, New Home Too

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Today is the day I go for my 2 month scan and hopefully hear the heartbeat. I know nothing about all this scanning and doctors stuff but I know what a baby's heartbeat sounds like and if mine sounds as good as I'm hoping I am going to cry.
"You ready Taylor? We get to see and hear our beautiful baby today"
"Yes I am way too excited for it. And only another 2 months roughly and we can definitely find out the sex of the baby and I am so hoping for a girl"
"Me too honey, but I will be happy if it's a boy too. Someone I can play football and soccer with. Someone I can dress in cool brands and he will always have his hair spiked up. He will look just like his daddy" I want to cry how cute he is being right now, he wants this baby more than I do.
"John what if we have a little girl?"
"Then she will be just as gorgeous as her mother, I will clearly be wrapped around her little finger and I will be the push over parent because she will be my little princess and that's just what dads do"
"Aww babe, you're so cute. I can't wait for our little prince or princess to be here"
"I know my queen" are we a royal family now? but this is cute I love it. We are now sitting in the doctors office waiting for him to come back into the office.
"So how we doing today? How was the wedding and honeymoon?" our doctor asked. He is in his late forties Mayhe early fifties at least, he's probably about 5'5 with thick black reading glasses, kinda like the ones that the old guy wears on the kids movie 'Up' but they suit him.
"We are fine, the wedding and honeymoon where so perfect and I'm just sad it's over haha. But my baby will be here within the next 7 months so it's something to look forward to and our parents brought us as house so everything is going well thankyou"
"That is so great to hear, but speaking of babies we need to find yours so if you can lay down and lift up your shirt so we can begin" I am so excited to see it and hear its heart beat. This is going to be so amazing. I layed down and lifted my shirt so he could put the gel on, he turned the machine thingy on to find my baby and ran the scanny thing over my lower abdomine and my stomach. I heard this weird noise when he started
"Is that it? is that my child's heartbeat?" I said with a tear in my eye and I saw this little alien thing on the screen.
"Yes Mrs Buttcher, that is your little baby and that was the heartbeat" wow this is amazing
"John are you seeing this?"
"Yeah babe, I see it and I hear it" I looked over to him and saw him looking at the screen, he had a little tear in his eye I could see it, I grabbed his hand and held it.
"We're really having a baby John, that's our little universe there"
"This is amazing Taylor"
"If you would like, I can print out a picture and I can do a recording of it?"
"Yes please, I want our parents to hear and see it"
"Okay, I will be right back"
"Before you go I have a question to ask you"
"Yes Mrs Buttcher?" if the answer to this question is no my mum will be devistated
"Can my mum deliver the baby?"
"Umm I don't know I will have to ask then I will email you the answer, I am pretty sure it's okay. Now take these tissues to wipe down your stomach and when I get back I will have you're recordings and pictures then you can leave" he left and returned about 10 minutes later with the baby pictures. Maybe we can get started on the baby's room, we have a cot and some clothes, I think we just need a chest of draws to put the clothes in and the rest can be decided when we find out if it's a boy or girl.

The drive was nice back to my mothers house where I continued packing my things and John was back at his place packing his things so we can get ready to move. I hate that I'm only 18 and already moving away from my mum and brother. I feel like I am going to be homesick every night because I won't be here with my mum. I haven't even moved yet and I am already sick.
"Tay, me and Stan need to undo your bed so get all of the pillows and crap off please and put into a box or something" well someone's a happy camper now aren't they.
"What's crawled up your bum Mr grumpy?"
"Tamara hasn't called and she's being really strange I don't know why. I love her Taylor I really do and I don't know what I am going to do without her. What can I do?" hearing him say these things is making me sad because my brother is heartbroken and he never is.
"Scotty I'm sorry, leave it up to me and I will talk to her soon. I will see if she can help unpack some of the stuff at the new house and you can bring over my bed or something and then you can both talk. I'm sure she just needs time"
"I love you Tay I really do, thankyou. I hope things are good with you and John because if they aren't then I will have to kill him."
"Scott I promise you things are great and we are fine. We heard and saw your little niece or nephew today he even cried it was so cute. We'll less talking and more packing, I want somewhere to sleep tonight." I hugged my brother and did what he asked me as he pulled my canopy bed apart. I boxed up all of my shoes into one big box then my clothes into boxes and rubbish bags. I went into my bathroom and did all of my toiletries, I am going to miss this house, this room, this bathroom. I found out I was pregnant in this bathroom, I honestly hope that mum and Stan don't move because this is the house I basically grew up in this house and ill miss it if someone else was living in it.

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