Chapter 30: Joint Birthdays

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"Taylor hun, you ready? Our reservation is for 6 and it's almost 5:45" My impatient husband called from somewhere downstairs.
"Yeah John, I am just finishing my hair I will be done soon dear" I said curling the last strand of my hair and because I can't put hairspray in it, it will just all fall out within in the next hour but oh well. A few weeks ago I brought a nice navy blue floor length dress that had little swirls on the top part, it was so pretty and a pair of my beach sandals and I look half decent showing off my perfectly round belly stating that I am clearly pregnant not fat, so glad that that stage of my pregnancy is over. I walked downstairs slowly holding my dress so I don't trip and fall while holding my little bag and Johns present.
"What ya got in the bag?" Nosey much?
"Well I guess you will see when we get to the restaurant now won't you?" I gave him a sexy wink then kissed his cheek then out the door we went to the restaurant. Because he is being super secretive about it all, he won't tell me where we're going.
"Can you tell me what's in the bag now?"
"Are we at the restaurant?"
"Not yet"
"Then no, you can open it when we are waiting for our food. Where are we going exactly?"
"It's not far from here I promise"
"Good because I am so hungry"
"That doesn't surprise me babe, but I like it when you eat because you're making my baby healthy"
"Yeah well this fat won't be around forever because as soon as this baby comes out, we're getting a treadmill"
"How do you expect us to pay for a treadmill?"
"Well, I have applied for uni and I will hear back from them soon I think, and then I will work my ass off for 4 years then I will find a place to work then I can afford it. I will think of an actual plan don't worry"
"Good because we can't rely on our parents all the time"
"I know, maybe I can ask for one for my birthday then. I don't know I will find a way don't worry." Finally we stopped at a nice looking restaurant and it all smelt the food smelt so good.

We ordered our food and the waitress took us to our table, the whole time she was looking at my husband. John pulled my chair out for me and helped me pull it under the table.
"Thankyou hun"
"No worries babe" he kissed my lips knowing well and truley the waitress was looking at us. Oh John, you cheeky devil.
"Can I open my present now?"
"Maybe I should make you wait because you're being impatient"
"You know how I get when you make me wait" he looked at me like he was a child waiting for some sweets.
"Yeah I do, okay fine here you go. Hapoy birthday my love" I kissed his lips and he opened the card first. I put heaps of mushy and lovey stuff in there because why not? The card said.
'To my dearest John, I wish you nothing but love and happiness on your first birthday as a married couple. I will love you until the ends of the earth, happy birthday baby love Taylor.' After he read the card, he leant over the table and kissed my lips hard.
"Thankyou beautiful, I love it"
"Don' stop now, you have other stuff in there to open" He opened the big bag and had the look of happiness on his face just like a little boy at Christmas time. I did some of our very first photos and put them in frames for him to take with him when he goes back to work, a 4 pack of his favorite wisky, some smelly stuff and his favorite sweets.
"Taylor, this is perfect thankyou so much baby I love it"
"You're welcome" I smiled at kissed him and as it started to get a bit full on the waiter came to bring us the food. That was quick.
"I am so glad you like your present Taylor" I was confused for a second then I remember the necklace that he gave me, I decided to wear it tonight because it was our birthday dinners.
"John I more than like it, I love it. It's so beautiful"
"Yeah, just like the one who's wearing it" I wanted to cry but I held it in, his way with words is just so amazing, I can't even describe it honestly.
"I love you Taylor"
"I love you too John" I kissed him once more before I started eating my food.
"Any drinks tonight?"
"For my wife, a glass of lemon lime and bitters and for myself I will have a glass of beer" what a gentleman.
"Will that be all for now?"
"Yes thankyou" John handed the money to our previous waitress, the one that's all eyes for my husband.
"Okay no problems, I will be back shortly with your drinks" we continued talking and looking into each others eyes until our food came, I was so hungry and not just for food.

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