Chapter 13: Post Birthday Party Blues

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I woke up the next day, a beautiful sunny Sunday, a perfect day to go for a swim, get a tan and a have a few of my drinks from last night by the pool. Maybe ill help mum clean up the back patio first. I had a great time last night with the most important people in my life besides Scott which I need to have a talk to him about when I see him, I'm so upset and mad at him for missing my party last night. It also didn't feel the same without having my twinnie there too, I need to talk to her about all of this though. If she wants to date Tony then it shouldn't be a problem for me, but seriously it's code number 1, you don't date your bestfriends ex boyfriends, brothers is fine maybe but ex boyfriends are off limits, especially if they're your best friends ex boyfriends, that's just so not okay.
"Morning Taylor, can you get up please? it's 7:30 and after last night we have a lot of cleaning up to do. There's plates and bottles everywhere and I think someone threw up last. So while I handle that, you my dear are cleaning the rest up."
I had a sheet on me because it was just way too warm to sleep with a proper blanket, only to have it pulled off me seconds later
"Mum seriously, does it have to be done right now? I'm still sleepy" I said sitting up and doing a big stretch in bed followed my a yawn.
"Do it now and I won't cut into your doing nothing time, I know your tired sweetie and I'm guessing John had something to do with it. I don't want to know the details just get up and shower then come and help me. I'm giving you an hour so hurry up or you'll be stuck doing it later on when you could be chilling out or packing for your holiday with John" I really need to talk to him about that, ill message him when I'm done telling him that we need to talk, maybe he can come over and help? ill ask him know actually.
"Hey mum! can John come over and help? I need to talk to him about this Bali trip he has planed for us to take and it's kinda important that I know when we are going"
"Yes dear just make it quick, I need this house done now so I don't have to do it all before dinner."
"Yes mother, do you know where Scott is? I'm going to kill him for missing last night" I was still so upset about that.
"I think he's at his girlfriends house, call him because I want him home too, he can help and ill yell at him when he gets home for missing your birthday" aww what a sweetie, mumma does all my dirty work for me
"Okay mum, ill have my shower now, I shouldn't be too long"

It took my mum and I a good two hours to clean the house and clean up the vomit I'm guessing that belonged to Tamara, and to get the house nice and spotless. John couldn't come and help because he was out doing family stuff but he said he would come over for dinner and we can talk about our holiday then.
"Mum can I have one of my drinks and chill by the pool now? I've done my bit for the house, no thanks to Scotty the little bastard"
"Taylor, that is not appropriate language to use and that name for your brother may be true but still. I will talk to him once he has recovered from his hangover."
"He could have brought is stupid blond gilfriend over here and gotten wasted, at least he would have been here" it just makes me mad that he missed my birthday, his own little sister to hang out with his stupid girlfriend, family is more important than girlfriends or boyfriends, yeah I may have John but my family always comes first.
"Tay hun, you can't be mad at him forever. If you're going to drink in the sunlight then put an umbrella up so you don't pass out, I may be a doctor but I don't want you getting sick on me so we have to rush you to hospital. and put some sunscreen on so you don't burn" with my olive tan skin, I hardly burn just go darker, but if it helps the mother sleep at night it's the least I could do.

After a very nice relaxing day it soon comes to an end as it is almost dinner time, mums cooking a roast with all the best vegetables to go with it, I love my mum for the fact that she's a busy doctor but yet she makes time for her loving husband Stan, me and Scott. She's like a super mum.
"Darling, come downstairs because I think John just pulled into the driveway" FINALLY!! I missed him today
"Okay mum ill be down soon" I raced down as fast as I could and opened the front door before he could even knock or ring the bell.
"Eager as ever Miss Smith, what did you need to talk about babe?"
"Umm just about this holiday, when is it and where do you want to stay? I need to know so I can book and budget for it But I don't want to be staying at some expensive place so don't spend all of our money" I'm so excitded to go, I've never been to Bali before but I've been to like Malaysia and Singapore but never Bali so I'm way too keen for it
"Woah slow down grasshopper, we leave on the 20th of February so another 10 days and we can stay at the Febris Hotel, it's like $70 a night and we are there for 2 weeks, I've already looked and booked at that, you just need to get your spending money together, I've had mine for a while because I've always wanted to go to Bali and now I have the perfect opportunity to go. I told your mum a while ago and she said that you've only been to other places like Bali but never there so I think she's got your spending money done and she paid me for you half of the hotel, just get packing baby, we leave in a week and half. You excited?!?" I can't contain my smile anymore, a whole 2 weeks with John, this is going to be a great holiday.
"John I'm more than excited, I can't wait to be with you for a whole 14 days and have no one else around us to bother us. I think we're going to have a great time" the next week and a bit better hurry up because I honestly cannot wait to be on a plane and be with him. And the shopping over there is really good and cheap.

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