Chapter 8: Missing You Like Carzy

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I think it's been 4 days, 4 very long and hard days without him. I told him I needed time, that we needed time but he's making it too easy. We have like 3 or 4 classes together and he won't even sit next to me in them like he use to or talk to me in them like he use to. I'm missing him like crazy and it's just too hard to handle. I need to tell him to come over and hold me because I miss him and love him and want to be with him.

Well it's finally last period and I have sport that means I have to go through an intense game of badminton probably on the same team as him, as long as it isn't vollyball where I have to bend over constantly in front of him, badminton is just easier to do and less of an annoyance
"Hey stranger" I heard his deep voice coming from behind me, I turned around and looked at him, he looked like he hasn't slept in days or done anything for that matter, I just want to hold him and make all of his pain just go away.
"Shit John you don't look too great, are you okay? do you need to see the nurse?" I said with nothing but panick in my voice, I'm so concerned for him and his health right now.
"No, what I need is you. I need you tell me that these 4 days have made you think, as you can tell it has obviously been killing me. I need you Taylor" I just wanted to cry right now, oh what the hell, I've kept it in for 4 days too long and now I need to let it out, I just ran into his arms and cried
"I'm sorry John, I really am. ive missed you way too much and I need you back. Please" I said in between cries.
"Taylor, why are you apologizing? I'm the one who hurt you, I need to be saying sorry, baby please let me come back to you" he cried a little bit and I could tell it was killing him inside and it almost killed me.
"John baby, I'm here forever and always, come over tonight and we will talk okay? we need to talk. it's been 4 days too long without you. i need you more than ever right now" I couldn't stop crying into him. this whole sport lesson we just stayed on the floor against the wall in each others arms, I felt home again.

last period went by so quick, probably because we sat there doing nothing. I was going to say something to John but the bell went so I just said that I would see him at my place at about 5:15ish, gives me time to have a quick shower and get changed into something comfortable. I just had a quick shower and did my hair in a messy pony tail. I put on a pair of my sleeping short shorts and a singerlet and waited for John to come over.

at 5:15 exact there was a knock at out front door instead of the door bell and I knew who it was but I just wanted to stay in bed
"Hey I'm John, I'm looking for Taylor" Scott must have answered the door to let John in
"Hey man what's up I'm Scott, Taylor's big brother. listen my baby sister has been hurt a lot and she's been dying on the inside these past few days, please don't hurt her again or I might have to kill you" my overbearing brother threatened John.
"I promise you'll ill try my best to keep her happy and safe and if I fail, you have my permission to kill me. I am in love with your sister, no one will hurt her for as long as I am around" John basically reassured Scott
"if you say so, but please just make her happy, she deserves it more than anyone on this planet"
"I completely agree, is she in her bedroom? I want to see her, it's been a long 4 days for me too" he sounded sad from where I was
"Yeah mate she's in her room" I heard Scott tell John where I was then I heard him walk up the stairs to my room. I heard a slight knock on the door
"Hey stranger come in" I told him, came straight in and shut the door and before I knew it he was by my side pushing me to the other side of the bed.
"I hope you know I was warm and comfortable right there? totally ruined my comfort zone" I said sarcastically and rolling my eyes
"And I hope you know that I really don't care, this is now my side of the bed so suck it up and get over it princess" he said in a joking manner, right now I don't want to joke with him I just want to lay in his arms and go to sleep.
"You okay Taylor, do you want me to leave because I can go" no don't leave me ill cry
"No John, that's the last thing I want you to do and besides there is a lot of things that we do need to talk about. But first thing is first, I want to be in your arms" his arms are like a safe place, when I'm in his arms I just feel like nothing will ever hurt me, I feel safe.
"Of corse baby, come here"
"John, I miss you so much it's honestly killing me, I can't deal with it anymore. I'm not eating, hardly sleeping and I'm just crying everytime I picture you in your bed with her. When I heard you say what you did I really wanted it to be my imagination going crazy" he cut me off there because he could here my voice breaking and he obviously knew that I was going to cry.
"Taylor I don't know what I was doing, I knew that I had broken your heart when you hung up the way you did so I came over here as fast as I could. Truth is Tay, I just love you so much and I want you to be my girlfriend but I didn't know if that's what you wanted so I didn't ask you. Then when you rang me to tell me you wanted to talk, that's when I knew it. I fucked up babe and that's something ill have to live with for a long time" His words, they felt real. I wanted to be his right now. I don't care anymore. We have talked now so it's okay I want be his more than I want pizza
"John, I forgive you and I love you. I'm willing to forget this if we can just be together. I just want you and no one else. Nothing else will matter anymore, please just let me be yours and take care of you" I'm begging, pleading to be his. I would do whatever it takes.
"Okay baby, I'm yours and you're mine from here on out. I love you Taylor and I'm going to take care of you the best I can" I cried a little bit after hearing this words that he said, but I was happy that we are here and together. Nothing has made me happier in my life.

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