Chapter 26: Time Goes On, Life Does Too

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Hannah is finally all moved into my bedroom, I finally told her about Kade and I even though that was like 10 months ago but I finally had the guts to tell her.
"Well I guess I could see something happening with the two of you but I didn't think it actually would. I hate him for hurting you like that and I swear to god if John hurts you or my niece or nephew I might just have to tweeze his balls off. Do we have an understanding?" I want to laugh more than anything right now but I didn't because she might punch me in the arm or something.
"Yes dear. Now do you need help with anything else here? Because if you're hungry or something we can go out and do something like get food or do some shopping. We can buy you new clothes or something"
"I will say hella yeah to the food but I need to find a job so I can start paying your parents for rent and food"
"Hannah don't even go there, they won't take it trust me. Scott tries to pay rent but they say they feel used or something. Trust me, you are family now you don't have to pay for anything" I am so happy she's here
"Okay then, what about if I just buy my own food every now and then?"
"Now that they should be okay with. But lets stop talking about food and lets go get some" we took my car to the shopping center. As soon as we walked in I could smell food and it all smelt so good, right now I was craving subway with every cookie I could possibly get I am so hungry.
"How's my little nugget doing?" Hannah asked me as we got back to the table
"I'm doing good baby how you doin?"
"Not you loser"
"I know I'm making a joke you spaz. But it's fine and happy, making me fat but doesn't matter because I know it will all be worth it and I can just start going to the gym when it's out" I need to eat healthy with the acceptional pizza every now and then and I need to lose the baby weight when I have my baby.
"You know, you go to the gym you die"
"Oh my god you're such a weirdo Hannah, but hurry up lets eat so we can get some shopping done. I want to find some nice meternity clothes" it will be winter when I have the baby so obviously no dresses or skirts just pants mostly. This is going to suck but be great having a winter baby, more cuddles and sleeps.

I found this really nice black lacy top and jeans to match it, I saw Hannah looking at a nice long white shirt with 'Day 'Dreamer' written on it, that sounds like Hannah, so when she wasn't looking I picked it up and put it in the trolley. We walked over to the baby isle and I was going to go baby crazy. I found so many cute baby toys and little socks, I decided to get a few pairs of white socks for the baby because its going to be cold when it's here, I saw a few little bibs so I brought them and some stuffed toys that will look cute in the cot. Now over to shoes for me
"Hannah look at these, you will look so hot in these" I said holding up a pair of black heels, they where nice and simple but she's going to look stunning in them
"Yeah but what would I wear with it?"
"I will find you a nice black slim dress as soon as I find some shoes for me" I don't wear heels or big boots often but I saw these really cute ankle boots with a dress similar to Hannah's will look amazing. We found dresses basically the same as each other and went to pay for the things.
"$126.00 please" I was pretty proud of that actually and I think most of it was baby stuff but oh well, it's all money well spent. I decided to quickly send my girls, mum and dad, John and his parents and Scott a text message saying to come back to our house for cake, coffee and talk maybe a movie. just something fun I don't know and because we have a theater room as well as a lounge room, we have the space. I brought a mud cake and a cheesecake, juice, more coffee, and some soft drink. If anyone gets the munchies or something I brought some sausages that you don't have to cook, cheese, crackers, olives and pickles. All the things I was craving. After all of the shopping it was a trip back to my mums house so I can get mum and dad and drop some of Hannah's stuff off. I pulled up to the drive way and Hannah helped take some stuff out
"Just leave the cakes and stuff in the car aye?"
"Yeah take all the clothes in and I will sort out what's mine and for the baby and we will take it back to mine"
we opened the door and I saw my mum come running up the door way.
"Woah mum, you're going to jiggle the baby out of me. Why are you so happy to see me all of a sudden?"
"Because you're my only daughter and my best friend and I love you. What did you buy?"
"Well come up to my old room and I will show you what I brought for myself, the little nugget and Hannah" mum had he hand around my waist as we walked up the stairs and into my old room.
"Taylor, what is this?" She said pulling out the top she was looking at.
"That's the top I saw you like, I brought it for you and it was on sale so shut up and take it. Hannah I took you on a shopping trip so I could spoil you so take it."
"Thankyou Taylor" she pulled out all of her clothes and the heels I got her. I showed mum what I brought for the baby and she almost cried. They where simple but cute and she loved the toys for the cot.
"Aww grams is getting too excited for you now baby" grams? I thought she wanted nanny or something? This works actually because nanna always makes you sound so old and mum isn't that old, she had only just turned 19 when she had Scotty and almost 21 when she had me so she's pretty young. After all the talking, I put my stuff back in the car and we drove off in my jeep to my house.
"Honey I am home"
"Hello dear I am in the kitchen making coffee. Did you get some more?"
"Yes sweetie"
"Old married couple or what?"
"Shut up you" I said kicking Hannah as I closed the door.
"That hurts my feelings ya know?"
"Aww honey I'm sorry. Love you. John look what I brought for baby, you'll love it" I showed him and even him being the big old softy he is almost cried.
"Tay they're so cute" he kissed me then kissed my belly. It's starting to get big now but I'm 3 months and 1 weeks so I would be a little concerned if it wasn't getting big. 3 months down and 6 more to go, this better hurry up because I'm getting really impatient.

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