Chapter 35: Happy Birthday Tamara

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I got out of the shower so John could have one and I started getting dressed for Tamara's birthday dinner. We are going out Saturday night but tonight she wants to do something for her birthday with the family. I just decided on a nice white lacy top, blue jeans and black boots. While John was in the shower I decided to get my baby girl dressed in something cute for dinner tonight.
"Hello gorgeous, what shall we wear tonight?" I look through her draws and found a cute pink dress with a bow in the middle of the chest and a bow on each strap, I matched it with pink tights, pink socks and a pink headband with a bow on it.
"Tay honey where are you?"
"Getting Carter dressed in her room" I heard John yell from the bedroom, how can he take like a 5 minute shower and be done? He walked into Carter's room wearing doing but a towel around his waist and he had water droplets on him still and I just wanted to lick them up but that would be totally inappropriate because we are in our daughters room.
"Please go out looking like that"
"I would love to but I do need you to help me pick something out to wear"
"Okay go and wait in our room and I will put Carter in her bouncer downstairs" I kissed his lips and he kissed Carter's head then we both walked out of her room, I walked downstairs and ran into Hannah who was looking drop dead gorgeous in her day dreamer shirt and a long tube skirt and a nice pair of beach sandals but you can't really see them because of the skirt.
"Daymn girl you looking fiiiiine"
"Thanks chicka, you look like one hot mumma yourself"
"Thankyou, can you just watch Carter for a second, the queen upstairs needs help finding something to wear" we giggled a little bit at the nickname I have now given my husband.
"Of corse I will, I would do anything for my little angel" she looked at my daughter with nothing but love. I walked back upstairs to help John and to finish getting ready myself.
"Hi honey, what do you want to wear?"
"I don't know something decent" I walked into his closet and started looking for things for him to wear when I felt hands on my hips.
"John don't start now, when you get dressed I need to finish getting ready then we have to leave"
"Just 5 minutes?" his warm breath was agains my skin and it made me tingle. I turned around and pulled the towel off his hips and he started undoing the button and zip of my jeans, everything was so hot and heavy and in the moment until I heard a knock at our bedroom door.
"Guys are you in here? We need to go soon" John and I sighed at the same time, he picked his towel up and I re dressed myself and continued looking for something for my incredibly good looking husband to wear. I decided to go with navy blue jeans, a navy blue button up shirt that had black stripes on it with a pair of black and white Nike airs. I finished doing my hair and little makeup along with making myself smell nice and then we where done getting ready, we walked downstairs, I got my phone and purse and my child then we walked to the car and all got settled in then off to the restaurant for my best friends birthday dinner. As we arrived mum pulled up with dad at the same time so we walked together into the restaurant, my best guess is that either Tamara and Scott are already here or mum was tired of waiting for them so she left without them.
"Hello my gorgeous Carter"
"Hi mum." Of corse she just goes straight for my kid instead of saying hi to her one and only daughter.
"Hello dear"
"Even Lorelie said hi to Rory before anyone else"
"I'm sorry Taylor" I think I made her feel bad which wasn't my intention I just wanted to joke around.
"I'm only kidding mother, love me" she pulled me into a big hug as we continued to walk into the restaurant. I saw Steph, Darren and Sarah but not Tamara. Belle was coming soon with Brad along with my ex and my bestfriend, still not thrilled that he's with her and that they are coming but I will have to get over it because it's Tamara's night and I can't ruin it for her.

"Everything on this menu looks so good. I think I want chicken. What are you having babe?" I leant over to my husband putting my hand on his thigh. I still cannot believe that I am married and to this gorgeous human being of all people.
"I want the steak with chips and mash potatoes" nice choice.
"I'm stealing some chips from you"
"If you must" I took johns order up to the cash register and have her the money for it then went to the bar to order some drinks for John and I then returned about 10 minutes later and finally Tamara was there with Scott.
"Hey birthday girl" I went up and hugged my best friend then kissing her cheek.
"What took you two so long? Or do I not want to know?"
"Yeah don't think ya want to know little sister of mine"
"You're probably right" I giggled with them then went to the other end of the table where I was sitting. About 5 minutes later our food came and I was already on my second bottle of Smirnoff.
"Babe do you think you should be drinking?"
"I haven't had an alcoholic drink in about 9 months, I'm making up for lost time now hush husband of mine" he just smiled and laughed at me then continued to eat his meal.
"And plus I'm eating, so I will be fine. I have been drunk before you know"
"Yes dear" the rest of the night we just talked about Tamara and all the memories we have with her, especially the embarrassing ones. Time seemed to have flown by because when I looked at the time on my phone it was already 9:00.
"Hate to brake up the party but we have to get going, if I sit here any longer I will continue to drink and I not have a baby to look after and Carter" everyone laughed at my joke and I kissed John quickly on the cheek before getting up and saying goodbye to everyone and promising some people that I will be seeing them on Saturday night. It felt like a long drive back to our place but I think that was because I was tipsy and tired.
"Home sweet home baby, come on let's get you upstairs and in bed. Hannah can you get Carter please?"
"Sure thing"

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