Chapter 14: Holiday Getaway

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So this holiday is already off to a pretty shitty start, its 4:00 in the morning on a Monday and I woke up on my period. This is going to be a very long and uncomfortable 3 1/2 hour flight.
"You okay baby?"
"No, I'm tired and I have really bad cramps and I just want to be in Bali already" Our plane was about to take-off which I think is the best part about flying, landing is pretty shitty though.
"Aww babe I'm sorry, just put your head on my shoulder and close your eyes, when you wake up we will be landing in the beautiful place that we know as Bali, okay?" I love that he's trying to make me feel safe and confort me on the long journey we have ahead of us. I put my earphones in even though I shouldn't because it's bad but anyways I put them in, put my head on Johns shoulders and closed my eyes, before I knew it the plane was moving.
"And we're off"
"Great, wake me when we get there" I played the first song I had on my iPod and listened to the song 'Salted 'Wound' by Sia because it was smooth and slow so it was something easy to fall asleep to.

"Baby, wake up. We are about to land in Bali so wake up and we will find something to eat at the hotel and you can sleep a little bit more okay" his beautiful soft, whisper voice spoke to wake me up. Yes, we are finally here!! I can finally get some real food and some proper sleep or maybe ill go for a tan by the pool because I can't swim for the next 4 days.
"Yay, finally here. Can we do some shopping tomorrow? right now I want to have a cocktail by the pool and watch you swim. We can have something to eat after"
"Okay hun, if that's what you want to do" I will never get over the fact that he booked me a plane ticked here and had our whole holiday organized before I even knew about it. My mother knew before I did!! it must have been killing her to not tell me, we never keep secrets from each other so it would have been so hard for her.

Our day went by pretty slowly but we didn't do much so that's why it felt so slow, it was about 5:00 in the evening and I was feeling so tired and hungry. We didn't go anywhere fancy for dinner because it was our first night and we were dog tired so we just went down stairs and had a half decent meal there.
"I am going to have chicken nuggest and chips with a sprite for dinner, what about you babe?" I asked John, he looked so tired so I don't think he really cared as long as he could go to sleep after he ate he didn't care.
"Ill get the same as you Tay, I'm not overly hungry just tired. Maybe after we can go next door and get a couple of movies and go to bed? I'm just way too tired to do anything really just lay in bed with you" He said from across the table holding my left hand and playing with my promise ring.
"This ring looks so good on this finger, I think you should keep it on there for a while"
"Oh John honey, don't worry because I intend to. It's so beautiful, thankyou baby"
"You are most welcome my princess, I want nothing more than to spoil you for the rest of my life" he said leaning over the table to kiss me. He was only a centimeter away from my face when our food came, did the waiter have to come now and ruin our cute little mood?

Dinner was done in like 20 minutes so we walked hand in hand after paying our dinner bill over to the DVD shop that was next to our hotel and got a couple of movies. John wanted to first transformer movie and I wanted to see if they had 'If I Stay' I was in luck because I think I got the last one. I got a few movies that mum and Stan wanted, just to get there's over and done with. It all came to about $20 I think? which is pretty good because that's how much you would pay for 1 movie at home, it's so crazy!!
"We can watch your movie babe, we will most likely fall asleep during it anyways" I said not because it was boring, I like the first transformer movie but because I was tired I really just didn't care what we watched I just wanted sleep.
"Okay my princess, if you want to then that's what we will do" he said kissing my cheek as we waiting for the elevator to come so we could go back up to our hotel room. I got out a pair of shorts and I used the tshirt I was wearing as a pijama top and took of my shoes and bra then brushed my teeth so I could go straight to bed.
"Tomorrow we have to find a wall thingy to put into the wall to charge our phones." I told John because my phone was almost dead, to save battery power I turned it off and soon fell asleep, the movie was on for not even 5 minutes.

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