Chapter 20: The Big Day Is Here

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It's here my wedding day, the day I've been waiting for and it's finally here. I've been shaking all day and waiting for something to go wrong but it hasn't everything seems to be going great.
"Taylor honey, maybe you should think about putting your dress on? John and the boys are already in their suits and the girls will be here soon they're just at the hairdressers getting their hair done. I'll help you get dressed if you want?" my mum said at my bedroom door, she looks stunning. She's wearing a nice black summer dress and black pumps to match. Her medium length chestnut hair is in a fish braid and it all just looks beautiful.
"I would love for you to help me get dressed mum"
"Okay well then lets do this" she said after I heard the girls come into the house and knock on my door.
"Come in girls" mum said and they all walked in. Their hair was straightened to perfection and they all had a waterfall braid done, they looked gorgeous.
"Taylor I'm using you closet as a change room so no one come him here" Tamara shouted through the closed closet door.
"Oh where is Scotty when you need him?" Belle said and as on cue there was a knock at the door.
"Wait, who is it?"
"Mum it's Scott, I heard my girlfriend come in so where is she?" He is so protective over her, he never gives the poor girl any breathing space.
"Scott she is in here and she's safe she's just getting dressed and will be out shortly" my mum said through the door but that didn't stop him, he gave racing through my door to find his girlfriend.
"She's in there getting dressed Scott just leave her alone for a while and she will be out before you know it okay? She isn't going anywhere" Jazzie said to Scott as he wonder frantically around my room.

An hour tops it took for us to get ready, John was downstairs having a beer before the wedding and I was about to walk downstairs to the theater room when I saw a tall, blond girl walk in through the door.
"Oh my god you look amazing" I wanted to cry, she was here and she made it!! Hannah is here!!!
"When did you get here?!" I ran into her arms, I've missed her so much and from what I can tell she missed me too, we didn't get enough time together when she was here, and it sucked. From what I can see she didn't bring Kade with her so now nothing will be ruining my day.
"I got her day before yesterday, was getting settled into my hotel before I came, I wanted to surprise you even thought you knew I was coming but still. You happy to see me?" I was beyond happy, I never wanted her to leave me ever again.

"Taylor sweetie, everyone's seated and the music is playing. You ready to go?"
"I'll be as ready as I'll ever be mum so lets do this." I was sitting at my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, I was feeling nervous that I would fall or something.
"Mum just promise me one thing okay?"
"What is it hun?" she sounded concerned.
"Please don't let me fall" that was honestly my number one fear today was falling and hurting the baby.
"Taylor I wouldn't even dream of it, come on my baby girl I need to walk you down the isle" we linked arm walked out of my bathroom and down the stairs and that was when I heard the song 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri, it is our first song that we will be dancing to as well. Everyone started standing and looking at me as I was walking into my backyard, down the white carpet that we put down on the grass and watched me walking up to my soon to be husband.
"Thankyou mummy" I kissed her cheek as we finally got up to the minister guy and John.
"No worries my baby, I wouldn't have had this any other way. Please take care of her John" I smiled and kissed her once more
"I wouldn't dare to hurt your daughter Angela" she nodded her head and took her seat in the front row with Stan.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today in the spirit of love to witness Mr Johnathan Buttcher and Miss Taylor Grace Smith in the joining of their love. John if you could please repeat after me. 'I John, take the Taylor to be my wife in sickness and in health, for better and for worse till death parts us'"
"I John, take you Taylor, to be my wife in sickness and in health, for better or for worse till death parts us" I was going to cry until he told me to say the same thing to him.
"I Taylor, take the John to be my husband in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death parts us"
"You both may say your vowels" he's doing it different to what I've seen in movies but oh well, this just makes our wedding different.
"Do you John take Taylor to be your wife?"
"I do" he said it.. there's no going back now John.
"Do you Taylor take John to be your husband?"
"I do" I said it, we're married.
"You may put the rings onto your fingers and say your vowels" this guy is so weird and different
"Taylor, the day I met you in that English classroom was the best day of my life. I saw your beautiful face and thought to myself 'The guy who gets to marry her will be the luckiest guy in the world' and yet here I am, standing infront of you. I vowel to love you, protect you, respect you and be nothing but loyal to you and to your little family that will start in the matter of months. I want to make memories with you that we can tell our children and grandchildren. I want to be with you until we are sitting in rocking chairs in an old people home but still have you by my side. You're my best friend, my soul mate and everything in my whole world I couldn't picture marrying anyone else because choosing someone else over you Taylor, is something crazy and I don't know what I did to get so lucky as to have you in my life, to have you being the person who gives birth to my first child. I love you Taylor Grace, today, tomorrow and always my princess" right now I wanted to do nothing but cry and he basically said everything that I wanted to say but not exactly so ill just have to think of something else.
"John, the day you asked me how I wanted to make my ex boyfriend jealous was the day I honestly fell for you and not to mention was also the day that I kissed you in my bedroom closet, you're just so funny, kind hearted, handsom and one of the most loving people I have ever met. I too, vowel to love you unconditionally, respect you, respect you and protect you the best I can. I hope that one day our daughter will find someone exactly like her daddy because then I know she will be safe. The day I tell her about this day and see how happy her face will be, that will be one of the happiest days of my life. You're the first boyfriend I went on a holiday with and got to make the best memories with. The past 10 months have been the happiest and I cannot wait for many more happy moments because they will be with the one I love. I couldn't picture a day without you because that is like hell on earth and I hate missing you. I love you with everything I can possibly offer to you John and much more and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you" I didn't know why to say so I said whatever came to mind and by the way things have gone so is the minister, he's super weird.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" that may be the only thing he did normal. John put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I love him so much and I am so happy that we will have each other for the rest of our lives.

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