Chapter 33: One Last Swing

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I think now will be the time to tell John about the job, he's leaving in a few days and I want him to know that there's another option to his life choices and I hope he chooses right or what makes him happy.
"John before you leave I have some great news for you" I said sitting on his lap while he is on the computer in the corner of our kitchen.
"Oh yeah babe? What is it? You sound really excited"
"That's because I am. Guess what?"
"What Tay? I can't wait anymore this excitement is killing me"
"Do you still want to work with Dad and Scott?"
"Yeah why?"
"Because dad just texted me and told me that there is a position opened and they want you to go in for an interview and the job could be yours"
"Oh Taylor, this is so great" I stood up and he spun me around.
"No more 2 on and 3 off and it's only been like 3 months. Our baby will be here soon and it's all coming together. John this is so perfect"
"Yeah baby, it is" we kissed hard for a while until I broke it.
"You need to call Stan though and tell him otherwise he can't book the interview"
"I will call him now. Thankyou so much honey"
"Anything for our family" I gave him Stan's number and he called him. They spent a while on the phone so that could only mean that they where talking about something good.
"Yeah John what?"
"Get up"
"Why?" What has him so happy
"Because I want to hug you and kiss you and make love to you right now because you just made my whole life complete"
"You guys need some privacy now"
"love you too Hannah" she walked back into her room while John said what he did while she walked into her room.
"So what is it?"
"Bedroom first"
"John I'm getting too fat now to have sex with so just tell me why you're so happy"
"Because I have me an amazing wife and she has herself an amazing husband and because I took the job with your dad and brother"
"Oh my god John that's amazing" I jumped into his arms and kissed him with love and passion. I was so happy that he's coming home again.
"I need to talk to my boss when I get back up there and that will be my last swing until I come home to my girls and Hannah haha" I kissed him once more and he put me down.
"John I am going to try and get into uni for next year where I will spend the next 4 years and then I will be becoming a sport teacher. Everything is going right baby"
"I am so happy for you my love, and I am more than proud of you Taylor, you're such a strong, beautiful and independent young women and I am do proud to call you my wife. You will do great things and you will become the best sport teacher ever. I am so happy for you. I love you" I almost started crying. I wanted to say something back but all I could get out was air.
"I love you too John, so much and besides this baby you will honestly be the best thing to ever happen to me in my whole entire life and I couldn't picture doing any of this without you, you're my rock and everything in this universe, I would be nothing without you and I am so happy it's you that I am married to and having a family with. I love you so much John and I owe everything in my life to you" I kissed him and everything in that moment just made seemed perfect, we stood there looking into each others eyes falling more in love than what we already are, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams, the man I love. At that moment I felt a little flutter in my belly, I pulled Johns hand from his side to my belly and he felt the slight movement of our almost 6 month old baby in my belly.
"She's getting big, when do we have our next scan?"
"In a few more days I think, I need to call Dr Richard actually and ask him if we need to go back or when we do" John got down on his knees and kissed my nice and firm and somewhat big belly, for almost 6 months I am pretty big so I am guess we are having a large baby.

"I promise this will be the last time you have to get up and say bye, I love you wife of mine and I will see you in 2 weeks. I hate that the 3 weeks have to go by so fast but it's the last time. I love you"
"I love you too John, you're going to miss your flight, I will see you in 2 weeks and who knows by then you could be going to your new job the next day" I smiled up at him and kissed him then he went out the front door and off to the airport to go on his last swing as a FIFO man, at least he can say he gave it a shot and it could be something that he tells our little girl, I don't know. Right now I am too tired to function or even care, I decided to just crash on the couch yet again because I am too tired to make it all the way back upstairs to my now empty bed, I hate these 4 am wake up calls to see my husband off to work but then I realize that it's the last time because he's coming home again.

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