Chapter 23: Week 2

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Our honeymoon, our beautiful honeymoon. It's almost over. We're coming into the second week of it and I am slowly trying to convince John into staying for one more week and it's slowly working.
"Please John!?! You know you want to I can see it in your eyes"
"Babe you have your scan next week or the week after so no we can't stay another week" Oh John you are so naive, I cancelled my appointment
"No I don't, I emailed the doctor yesterday and asked him to reschedule the second scan and he said okay no problem so I think we can stay one more week."
"Well aren't you a cheeky little ninja? We have to message our parents and tell them the plans then" what do you take me for husband? I'm not stupid.
"Again, already done. Our parents just want us to have fun John so they don't care, I am just enjoying our alone time out here so please just one more week? I promise as soon as we get back, I will book an appointment with Dr Richard and go for my second scan okay? Just one more week is all I am asking"
"Okay fine, only because you are so cute when you beg. Just one more week then home time. I want to see my little bundle of joy" he is so cute when he talks about the baby like that, I honestly love it.

Right now all I want is a pina colada but no I can't drink because I am with child, once it's out of me that's it I'm getting my girls and we are having a kick ass party. Tamara's birthday is the 8th of July and the baby is due around the 2nd of June so it if comes early or on time that will make me happy.
"John, am I getting bigger? not just in my belly but anywhere else?" I honestly just look like a lump of fat that walks. He came up behind me to look at me.
"Well this has gotten bigger" he said squeezing my behind then he ran his hands up my ribs to my torso.
"And these have gotten bigger" he put both of his hands on my boobs and squeezed them making me throw my head back onto him. He started kissing down my neck as I rolled it to one side to give him easier access to it as I was out of breath and moaning a little bit, right now of corse he was getting turned on.
"Maybe you should get pregnant more often if this is how you're going to look" he said against my skin, his hot breath made me tingle. His hands where going down my front to the top of my shorts where he undid the button and zip then pulling them down. He then got the hem of my tank top and pulled it over my head so I am left in nothing but my black lacy underwear that I brought before we left knowing well and truley that my body will never look the same again, so why not flaunt it while I got it.
"Even though you're pregnant, you're always going to look so fucking sexy. Do not ever be ashamed of your body ever" he started kissing my neck, down my shoulder and to my fingers. He's hardly touched me and already oh my god everything just lighted up and it felt so amazing. He bent down a little bit and picked me up from behind my knees so my legs wrapped around his waist and carried me to the bed. Every time he does this he just makes me feel like it's only us in the whole world and it just makes me feel so special.
"John, don't keep me waiting anymore, I can't do this anymore. I need you and I need you now" I can't hold it anymore. I need him inside me more than anything.
"I don't want to hurt you or the baby"
"Just take it easy John, if it hurts i'll tell you to stop. I just can't wait anymore" the next few hours where spent making loving and fooling around with John it was so amazing.

"Baby, wake up. We need to go and get something to eat and do the last of the shopping and maybe buy another suitcase with the amount of shit we brought."
"Please tell me what time it is before you make me go out and do shopping and eating"
"It's after 3 so come on, up you get. I need to keep my girls happy and healthy" I forgot that he wants a girl and me too there is just too many cute things for a girl but the same with a boy but as long as it is healthy I don't care. We went to some nice little place for lunch or dinner and everything smelt so good, nothing in this place didn't want to make me sick that's so great, food I can manage to keep down that makes me happy.
"What do you want bub?"
"I don't know, it all looks too good but I'm craving a nice chicken burger with extra pickles and hot sauce with a watermelon smoothie. Then maybe for dessert a fruit salad. What are you going to get?"
"Well that sounds so delicious but I think I want a nice steak and a cold beer" that's not fare I can't drink alcohol he's being cruel
"Aww you're so lucky, I can't drink until after the baby is born. Man this sucks"
"Taylor just think, you not being able to drink for 9 months will end with something amazing and beautiful after. Don't worry because when my baby gets out of you then we are so going to party like we haven't partied before" to be honest the only party we have had together was my 18th and our wedding, and to think of it when he goes to work we won't have time to party. We won't have time to do anything when the baby comes to.
"John, we aren't going to be able to do anything soon enough. We won't be able to party or drink because we will have a baby. What do we do?"
"We will figure it out" just as this discussions was going to get into more debth the waiter guy comes with our food and drinks, we ate our food in a comfortable silence and we took our time enjoying each others company.

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