N is for novel

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This one-shot is by LeonAmalsy on deviantart

To Natsu, Happy and all of Fairy Tail, for helping me make my own destiny. ~ Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy Heartfilia had just got out of the bath after waking up late in the afternoon. She had returned from an extra tough mission with her team. A nice soak was the thing the blonde needed to recover. It was divine.

As she was getting dressed, Lucy heard a knock on her door.

"Lucy." Her landlady yelled from the other side of the door. "The mail is here."

"Thank you." Lucy yelled back.

The landlady slipped the mail under the door. Lucy picked it up and placed it on her desk. She got dressed and looked at the letters. One caught her attention. The return address was gilded with beautiful calligraphy. The Stellar Spirit mage got nervous holding the letter. Whatever it was, the letter was important.

With extreme hesitancy, Lucy opened the letter and read it. As she did, tears started falling from her eyes. Her hands were shaking. The words on that paper rippled throughout her very soul. This letter was about to change everything. She needed to tell Natsu. He had every right to know. She only hoped that he had a good reaction to this.

The walk towards Fairy Tail was torturous. Lucy was walking slowly, continuing to read the letter to make sure that the words on the paper was true. She couldn't believe it even though she was looking at it repeatedly. It wasn't real, she thought. That's why she headed over to Fairy Tail. When she told them about the letter, they would tell her that it isn't true and then Lucy could go on with her life.

The environment around the guild was normal...or what passes as normal in this guild. Gajeel was singing a new song to the delight of Levy and no one else. Natsu and Gray were fighting each other while Juvia looked on in admiration of the ice mage. Happy was eating fish. Everyone else was having a good time, unaware of Lucy's presense.

Natsu, as he was about to throw a punch, noticed Lucy standing on the threshold of the guild. She looked dazed and confused. So he stopped what he was doing and went over to her.

"Hey Luce." He smiled at his girlfriend of two years. "How's things?"

The pink haired mage noticed that things weren't alright when Lucy didn't respond. He took a closer look at the blonde and noticed that she was crying. There aren't many things that could get Natsu Dragneel angry. Seeing Lucy cry was one of them. Lucy tears means that the Fire Dragon Slayer would soon be going on the warpath, pummeling the bastard who made his girlfriend cry.

Natsu stopped his fight with Gray and ran over to Lucy.

"Lucy, why are you crying?" He asked.

Lucy didn't respond.

"Did someone make you cry?" He asked more forcefully.

Lucy shook her head.

"Did I make you cry?" Natsu said in a quiet voice.

She shook her head again.

"Then what, Lucy?" He asked, trying to figure out why she is crying.

Lucy handed the letter to Natsu.

"Is this letter making you sad?" Natsu said angrily at the piece of paper. "Because if it is, I'll burn it up."

"NO DON'T!" Lucy shouted, causing Natsu to look at her strangely. "Just read it." She said in a more mousy voice.

Natsu opened the letter and began reading aloud, unaware that everyone in the guild stopped what they were doing to listen.

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