scare fest

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I know it's a little (okay, a lot) late, but happy Halloween to everybody on wattpad. I can't believe it's been half a year since I joined, but all I know is that I can't wait for what's ahead. So thank you all so much and I'll see you soon.

It was a normal day in Fairy Tail... well, if orange, black and purple decorations everywhere, along with various other Halloween decorations were normal, then yeah, why not.

Everyone sat around the stage, waiting for Mirajane to announce this years Halloween event, which could range from a simple costume party, to trick or treating, or something vary familiar to Valentines. Lucy sat towards the center of the crowd as they waited, her faithful partner, Natsu Dragneel, next to her.

Natsu was mainly into the festivities for the snacks, and the torches, which helped for the spooky atmosphere. Happy loved the parties, and scaring everyone. Everyone had they're own reasons for enjoying the holiday.

"Ohayou, Minna~!" A familiar cheerful voice called out, gaining everyone's attention. "it's time to pick this years festivity~! We have been collecting your ideas since last week, and we gathered all of them here in this hat" she held up a black top-hat for emphasis "and we will pick out the lucky piece of paper, which will decide how we will spend our Halloween~!" Mirajane said

Everyone chattered nervously, and Lucy gripped the table in anxiety. "don't get so worked up, we do this every year" Natsu said simply from her right

Lucy scoffed at his easy-going attitude "well, what did you suggest? I entered a 'Costume Contest'" she said proudly.

Natsu shrugged "I suggested a Halloween feast" he said, already looking WAY to happy "because I DO love my free food~" he commented wistfully

Lucy sighed, of course he would pick something involving food...

"this year, we have a 'Scare Fest'! submitted by Elfman Strauss, and Gray Fullbuster!" Mira suddenly sang, causing some people to cheer, and others to say "I'm going to be sick that day, I can't show"

Lucy shivered "Scare fest?" she said in a small voice

Natsu laughed "Yosha! Don't worry Luce~ it won't be THAT bad~!"

"well, this IS Bibri Lushee we're talking about~" Happy chuckled evilly


"ok ENOUGH! I'm fine! Just fine!" Lucy said, stopping her two partners shenanigans "I am NOT scared, ok?" she huffed "whatever" Natsu sighed

"of course, you can still dress up~ but you don't have to" Mira said, ending the little announcement

Lucy perked up at this "yay~! I love dressing up~! What are you going to dress up as, Natsu?~" she asked, way to excited

Natsu huffed "I don't dress up, it's stupid"

"I could go as a pumpkin~!" Happy sang "or a fish!"

"just don't eat yourself"



Lucy hummed happily as she walked home, ignoring the "Don't fall in, Lucy-san!" from the boat dudes who always seemed to be there.

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