authors note

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Hi guys, as most of you know (unless your new then welcome) my original format of this book was to have 50 chapters and a second book. However, I have come to the decision that I will not be doing a sequel due to there being no point and I really don't want to start from chapter 1 all over again.

But I will be making another book based on one-shots from other fairy tail couples (who mashima-sama refuses to make cannon until the near end) in the list below.

The prince and his knight in shining armor (jerza)

The beauty and the beast (gajevy)

The water maiden and her frozen senpai (gruvia)

I'm leaving the decision up to you. Just comment one of the three couples and for the one that has the most votes, I will write a one-shot collection.

So get commenting, and know that I will see you all soon.


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