zodiac pallet challenge

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Okay so my god friend Tori-chan Mystic_Wave tagged me to draw an OC with a challenge of using colours of a certain zodiac.since I am a virgo, I decided to use the virgo colours. Then I ended up with this...

Tori-chan, I'm sorry I couldn't colour it but I'm still in the colouring kiddy pool

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Tori-chan, I'm sorry I couldn't colour it but I'm still in the colouring kiddy pool. But now I will tell you about my new OC.

Name: Aika (love song)

Age: 18

Race: wolf (hence the paw print)

Likes: animals, friends and flowers

Dislikes: mushrooms, seaweed and anything sour

Aika was named after a piece of music her mother composed which was called 'love song'.
Sadly her mother and father died in a house fire three years later when she was found by a wolf pack.
The wolf pack were human but could transform into wolves whenever they pleased.
The same goes for other races.

Other races are the same as the wolf pack but are different animals. For example, eagle or monkey.
Because I am so in love with these new race ideas, I may be making a fanfiction in the near future.

Yours truly,

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