fairy tails firs parade

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This one-shot is by Feizu-Chan on deviantart

Makarov : Me and Mirajane have decided that Fairy Tail should be holding a parade tomorrow!

Everyone(jumping up and down): YAYY!!!

Mirajane : it's going to start at 6:00 tomorrow and there is going to be a lot of interesting prizes and there is going to be fireworks!

Lucy : I can't wait for tomorrow ! It's going to be so much fun!

Wendy : Yeah Neither can I !

Erza : Yeah Me too !

-Next Day-

-Natsu and Happy go to Lucy's home -

Natsu : Lucy comon' were going to be late !

Happy : Aye!

Lucy : Alright Alright I'm coming

-Natsu and Lucy and Happy run to the parade -

Happy : Natsu I Have to go now. Master gave me some work to do here! You guys have fun!

Natsu : Thanks ! we will!

-Natsu and Lucy walking alone and then Makarov and Mirajane stops them-

Mirajane : Natsu,Lucy why not try this event?

Natsu : what's the event?

Makrov : you have to follow the designate courses and clear the challenges along the way! And you'll be facing Gray and Juvia, Levy and Gajeel and Erza and Mystogen and Wendy and Romeo

Natsu : If it's against Gray and Gajeel! I'm in!

Makrov : The rules are simple for the whole course you have to hold hands with your partner

-Natsu and Lucy start blushing-

-Juvia's inner mind-

Juvia : I'll finally be able to hold hands with Gray-sama..

Makarov : The second rule is you have to dress up in kimino's (Japanese clothes)

Mirajane : The last and final rule the girls participating should wear these necklaces so everyone can know your participating!

Makarov : so get in , get dressed and get going

-Natsu and Lucy go in separate rooms and get dressed-

Natsu : Luce you done ? we have to go now

Lucy : I'm done !

-Lucy comes out-

-Natsu stares at how beautiful lucy is -

Natsu(smiling): You look cute with that dress!

Lucy(blushing): Thanks...

Natsu : Mirajane gave me the necklace you should wear

-Natsu gives Lucy the necklace-

Lucy : Thanks

-Lucy trying to put it on but she can't reach-

Natsu(blushing) : Should I put it on for you?

Lucy(blushing): If you don't mind

-Natsu puts it on-

Makarov : Okay everyone get out and let's see the couple

Natsu(blushing): I guess we should hold hands now

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