falling star

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This one-shot is by joyfuleejoyful on deviantart

Falling stars were admirable; he had always had a hidden like for them. It was something that he hadn't shared with anyone, it was something on a deeply personal level. They reminded him of the nights he had spent with Igneel, laying on the dragon's warm belly admiring the night sky, making wishes on every one they saw. Their wish being the same; they just wanted to live their life out, fully and happily.

Though now, as he looked up to the sky, panting wildly and horribly out of breath, he saw a falling star that he didn't want to see. It was Lucy, falling from high in the sky, the brightest out of all descending stars.

He desperately pushed all of his power into his legs, flames relentlessly covering them, increasing his speed considerably so that he could catch her. Can I catch her? As he had this sudden thought, he tripped over his legs, making him fall harshly to the ground. SHUT THE HELL UP. He fiercely scolded the part of himself that doubted hWords ilities to save her, and quickly got up. There is no possible way that I am not going to catch her.

More, he pushed more power into his legs, going the fastest he had ever gone in his entire life, no doubt wrecking the muscles in his calves, but it was worth it. I caught her back when she was being held by the Phantom Lord Guild, and I'm going to catch her now.

He looked back up to the falling star that was Lucy, and with his remarkable sight, saw that her eyes were open with tears running down them.

"LUCY!!!!" He roared her name with all his might, desperately wanting to give her any type of reassurance possible from the distance that was between them.

"Natsu." He heard her small hoarse voice, with his hearing that was the same as a dragon's, and couldn't help but hurt a little inside. She had been through what seemed like hell for this whole clock problem, and now she was falling out of the sky with tears dripping from her eyes.

With all the might he had left, he claimed the wings of a dragon and made his feet fly.

I swear I'll catch you.

Words: 389

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