Chapter 9 - Exhaustion

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I'm so tired and hungry, I could collapse on the bathroom tiles right now. A week has gone by and I can't handle this anymore. Dimitri's been giving me so much work to do, I can't keep up. It's like he's trying to slowly kill me with the workload. It's like he enjoys watching me in pain. There have been so many nights where I have missed dinner. Dimitri says I'm not allowed to eat dinner until I'm done all the tasks for that day. So I never get the chance because it takes me until midnight to complete everything and by then I'm so tired, I can't do anything but collapse on to the bedroom floor, which is my permanent bed now since I don't have it in me to argue with Shauna anymore.

The floor is always so cold and hard that I have trouble falling asleep, even though I'm really tired and should be able to fall asleep right away. And then in the morning I wake up at 5 AM usually only getting about four hours of sleep at night.

It's annoying how Dimitri's so lenient with Shauna. She literally only has one or two tasks to do everyday. And she gets to eat all the meals, sleep when she wants to and wake up when she wants to. She even gets better clothes to wear than I do. And then on top of that, she taunts me about how she gets to do pretty much anything she wants.

I'm always so tired and busy that I can never say anything back to her. So she basically stays by me, watching me and makes fun of everything I have to do. And if I so much as glare at her, she'll go to Dimitri complaining about me and then I'd get a nice scolding from him, and threats. Lots of threats.

It was annoying how I didn't even get the chance to see Thomas and chat with him for a bit. Everytime I see him, it's at night when he's already asleep.

This was so much torture. I wanted my family. I wanted my mom. I wanted her to hug me and tell me that everything would turn out alright and that I just needed to stay strong for a little while longer. I missed her so much. I missed everyone so much.

I knew I wasn't going to see my family probably ever again. I'm most likely going to die here. I shouldn't waste my time thinking about them because I was never getting them back.

I finished cleaning Dimitri's bathroom and checked the time to see that it was 1:30 AM. Today's work took even longer than it usually does. It's almost like everyday Dimitri adds one more thing to the list. He really is trying to kill me. I hate him. I absolutely hate him. Even more than Shauna. I didn't think it was possible to hate someone more than Shauna. But Dimitri proved me wrong.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror in Dimitri's bathroom and grimaced. I looked horrible. My hair was a complete frizzy mess. My eyes had dark circles and bags underneath them. And my skin just looked so dull and tired. I had also lost some weight.

I decided to retire to my room now since I was finally done everything on the list. I quietly walked out of Dimitri's bathroom into his bedroom being careful not to wake him up. It was very dark in his room so I couldn't see anything. I had to blindly find my way out which was going to be hard because of how quiet I had to be. I know Dimitri will be very pissed if I wake him up.

As I was walking, I bumped into something hard.
More like someone hard.
It was Dimitri.

Dimitri's arms immediately went around my waist, steadying me. "What are you doing so late in my room Shauna? I don't want to see your face. I see enough of you throughout the day." He said, his voice showing hints of anger. I couldn't believe he thought I was Shauna. I would never want to be that rat. And why was he so angry at her being here. I thought he liked her and enjoyed her company. He was probably very tired and because of that he's probably very cranky and not in a good mood.

I was debating whether to pretend I was Shauna or just tell him who I actually was. I decided to go with who I actually am since he does seem pissed that Shauna's in his room and I'd rather not have him yell at me. "I'm actually Isabella." I say, my voice shaking. I guess it was shaking because of the tears that were threatening to come pouring.

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