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As I got down of the taxi, still shaken from what happen, I thought to myself, " How could I have done that? I shouldn't have thrown the stone to Mr American Hitler's car. I am sure he's gonna kill me now.." 

As I walked into the Da Vista's Restaurant, I saw my manager standing with a pissed off expression on his face. I knew he's gonna kill me now. As I  progressed towards him, I was planning my excuse..,"maybe I should tell him that I got into an accident and that's why I got late, but he would probably figure out that I am lying because I'm not hurt at all!!! Wait, maybe I should say that I got late because I was helping a poor,homeless lady find her dog and in the process got splashed by a car!!! It wasn't a bad idea and its not totally a lie either since I was really splashed by Mr American Hitler but will they ever accept an excuse like that? I don't think so...!!! Come on Evangeline, think baby think....!!! I am pretty sure I was looking like a fool as I walked towards him. Maybe I should just flash my innocent smile at him...hehehehehe it will truly work. Mr Allan really likes my smile. SMILE EVANGELINE COME ON PUT ON YOUR MOST INNOCENT SMILE. You cant make this day get any worse.

As soon as he spotted me, he walked towards me with an angry expression, "So here you are Miss Evangeline, let me guess,  you are late today for helping a homeless woman find her dog and got splashed by a car huh...?? " said Mr Allan with a sarcastic tone. OMGGGG!!! How in the earth did he read my mind...?? Wait is this really Mr Allan or a wizard in disguise?  " Well, I am very happy to inform you that you can continue your social service with ease now as you are being officially fired." he continued.

"WHAAAAATTTTTT!!!!! Mr Allan you cant possibly fire me. Aren't I the best employee you've got?  Mr Allan you do know that I am working on my end term project and I did say in the beginning of the month that I might come late on some days. Please Mr Allan, you know that I am in a very bad situation now. You cant fire me at this time of the month." I pleaded him. Some of the customers gave us some strange looks.

Mr Allan ushered me to the back of the restaurant. " Evangeline, you do know that we are running a business here right. I know that you are one of my best employee here but how am I suppose to run a restaurant when one of my employee is always late, there are many more people out there that could do a waitress job and not slack from it. I hope you can understand our situation too. And I have already hired another waitress in your place just now. I am sorry Evangeline but you have to leave" he said with a sad look on his face.

I know Mr Allen for quite a time now and he has been nothing but a good and patient employer to me. Even though he used to scold me whenever I was late but there was always a fatherly love towards me and he always treated me like his own daughter. I understand his situation as the restaurant's business is also not going to well lately and they really need some employees with strong determination which obviously I don't have. So I smiled at him and said sorry for the troubles I have caused and started to walk away. " Evangeline, wait" he called and he rushed towards me and handed me an envelope filled with my one month salary and with a sad smile send me away.

"This day have really progressed very well haven't it Evangeline. First you meet a rude, annoying and seemingly the most attractive guy on the road, broke his car window and got fired from your job. BRAVOOOOOOO!!!!  Evangeline you truly deserve an award for the most unlucky girl today" I said to myself as I walked down the street. I surely attracted some curious looks my way and it was as if they were thinking to themselves  who is this mad woman talking to herself.To avoid any more bad luck I headed straight to my house so I could get some peace of mind and re energize my happy self.

Just as I thought this day couldn't get any worse,  I saw the same old Mr American Hitler standing near my door. AMAZINNGGGGGGG!!!!.


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