To the Party

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What did I do?

Why the hell did I say ok like a fool?

Oh Goddd...plss get rid of this stupid brain of mine and replace it with a brand new and more cleverer brain.


"No. It's making her look more fat. Change it immediately."

"I am not fat for the hundredth time sir. I AM NOT FAT."

"Yes you are."

" arrogant bas****."


"Remind me again..why did I agree."

"Because you are stupid. That's why."

"THanks a lot."

"You're welcome and don't waste more of my time now. Go and change immediately."

"But sir, this is the 15th dress I am trying on"


"Why are you rejecting everything...The red one actually looked nice ."

"No, its too much."

"What's too much?"



"I mean the fat under your skin, you should really consider dieting and you know exercising. It's good for you"

 It's good for you"

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"I AM NOT FATTTTT...!!!!!"

"You are. And try this brown one."


"Try it on Evangeline..."


"Don't test my patience. I am warning you."


"Ok then I will help you try it on"

"WhATTT...?? Are you crazy"

"Why, if you don't want to change then I can change it for you. What say??"

I did not know what to think as he advanced towards me with a determined look to change my dress for me which will need him to take off this dress first. There is no way in heaven I am gonna let him do that so I snatched the dress in his hands and ran to the dressing room.

I heard him chuckle.

"I am giving you 15 minutes to try that dress on if you are not out by then then I will come in and change it for you.


Ace's POv

She is really crazy. I thought to myself as I came face to face with the image of myself smiling at the mirror. Immediately that smile disappeared. As though warning me that I should not smile. A man like me should not smile. As I was staring at myself at the mirror reminiscing my life. A voice brought me back to reality. 

My arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now