Trip To India

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Well what do I say...??

After that bombastic reveal that was done by Ace to is safe to say that Matt has been avoiding me with all the lame excuses he could find in this world.

Things have gotten extremely awkward between us.

It kinda makes me feel bad for lying to him and Sandra about me and Ace...Its not like I planned on lying to everyone I'm working with but that day on that particular situation...what was I suppose to do..??

Whatever it is..I have to talk this out with Matt...He was a really good friend and I don't want to lose that with him.

Its not like I planned on lying...but the situation....


Why am I even thinking of explaining myself to Matt..

His just a friend after all.

But he was a really good friend.

That explains why the whole office still does not know that me and Ace are married..

He kept the secret well with him.

I mean why would he....if he wanted , he could just tell everyone at the office that I and Ace are husband and wife...but....for some reason he has not...


What do I do..??

As I was immersed in my own phone rang waking me up from my thoughts.

"Hey, Evangeline's here..??"I said rather lazily.

"Hey's me Anushka here."

"Anushka are you?"

"I am fine Evangeline...but then I guess you are not."

"Why not??"

"Well, your voice sounded a little bit different....I wander why is that?"

"What do you mean didi..?"

"Well...what I mean is since you got married to the ever so handsome and hot've changed...I've never heard you answer my calls so enthusiatically before."she said sarcastically.

"I am always enthusiastic of your calls didi." I said matter of factly.

The truth is I was never comfortable with her calls or any of my relatives calls...I don't know why but they always seem like some sort of villains to me..except my nani...she was awesome when she was still alive..

The others were just too sarcastic for their own good.

After my nani passed away...our visit to India also seemed to have came to a halt.

"Ya right....I think that your hot billiornaire husband is the cause..."

"Oh my god didi....why are you keep refering to Ace as the hot billionaire...??"

"Because he IS the hot and juicy billionaire.."

"Oh God...just stop it are getting married for God sake."

"So what...I would bang that masterpiece any time."

"Didi??!!!!!....he is my husband...for your kind information.."I said a little irritated by her.

"Oooohhhh....looks like someone is getting protective...."she teased.

"No I am not...I'm just...welll...I'm...I'mm...



"He is my husband...ok...I have the right to feel possesive."I said loudly.

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