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When I told her to be my slave, the look on her face was just amazing to see. She had her eyes and her mouth wide open with a perfectly shaped 'O'. And that look remained until i drove off.

"You are surely a force to be reckoned with Ace. You really showed that girl that nobody messes with Ace Andres." I thought to myself as I stared at the mirror of my car at her.

My thought drifted right back when she walked towards her door just now.... She looked almost defeated and tired and then when she saw me, her expression totally changed. Her look change from defeated and tired to an expression of pure shock and terror. I was pretty sure she was about to run out of that building.

I was extremely content with her expression. It actually made me feel kind of happy believe it or not.

She was also one of the dumbest, silliest and might I add funniest girl I have ever met before. She seriously thought of me as a blood sucking demon...?? Like seriously, do I look that evil to her. I am sure that I've heard people say that I have the look of an angel but an attitude of a devil.
But..... Well if I did look like that, than that is good and I will want to keep it that way.

But anyway after she heard my reply for her b***s*** imagination, her expression and reaction made me laugh. I mean that was the first time I had ever laughed that hard.

But I do have to say, this girl is surely different than the other girls I have encountered. Most girls just want to get right on it and after I get what I want, I usually throw some cash at them and send them away. 

And all of them are usually filled with pretentious attitude, they will only want to get with me for their 20 minutes of fame, my looks and of course the MOST IMPORTANT THING..... MY DA** MONEY. The only real emotion I see in them is lust. And that's all that I need.

But this one..... This one is totally different. No matter how she looks at me, whether it is shock, surprise, anger or even terror ,there is sincerity in it and also she looks right into my eyes when she talks or even when she stares at me. Most people don't do that, they usually look anywhere but my eyes.

As I was still thinking about her, I got to MY HOTEL.


One of the top most luxurious hotel chains in the world. We own over 50 branches of our Hotel all over the world. From America to Europe to Asia and also Dubai.

Well I am sure proud of it since I am the newly appointed CEO for the management. Well should I also add that this is my very first day here. I really hope I wont encounter any one that i know...!!

As I walked into my newly furnished and luxurious office preparing to experience the life of a CEO, I saw the owner of this building and also my father Mr Richard Andres standing there waiting for me (my worst nightmare came true.)

" Hi son, how have you been..?? It has been a long time since I last met you. You surely did grew up to be a dashing young man." he said with a (what i presume to be a fake) warm smile on his face.

"Hey, I am fine...  How about you..??" I said sounding dull as I moved to my seat and sat down.

" Please..  Do sit down Mr Andres, you are after all the owner of this building." I continued looking outside my window.

"Will it be hard for you to even call me dad, ACE...??!! Have I been such dreadful father to you? I heard that you returned from Paris a month ago and you didn't even have a thought to come and visit me and your mother."

"STEPMOTHER....!!" I added angrily.

" Ace, are you still mad about what happened 10 years ago? We apologized, didn't we..!!" he said looking right at me.

"Apologized, ah...!!  Well then hear this Mr Andres, I don't give a shit about your SORRY... I am pretty busy right now and I want you to leave me alone." I said annoyed.

" For goodness sake Ace ,when are you ever going to get over it? You stayed away from us for 10 years. Even when we came over there to visit you, YOU pushed us away. Never returned our calls or cards or email and never even came over to visit us. I even forgot the way you looked Ace...!!  The way my own son looked. " he said sounding sad.

" Well, then you should have thought about it when you send me away for that woman. Would you please leave me alone now or do you want me to leave...??" I said.

He was obviously still standing there looking dejected and showed no signs of moving.

So I dashed out the door, got into my car and drove away as fast as I could.

When I finally reached my penthouse, I was at a very bad mood. I got inside and shouted for my maid Elisa only to remember that I fired her last night for her carelessness.


"MELISSAAA, MELISAAA...!!!" Where the hell is she and why is she not answering me?

"Oh god, Mr Andres, I am so sorry I was doing the laundry. Is there anything you would need...??" She said flashing a seductive smile and flashing her bo*** to me.

Melisa is a Latino woman who is around 45 years old. She might be old but she is beautiful. She had been trying to get on me since the very first day she started to work here. But I am a guy that believes that you should never do a mistake of f****** with your employee. It would be your biggest mistake ever. But if she is not my employee, I would surely get it on with her.

"Fetch me a glass of water, and fast..!!" I said ignoring her.

She was obviously upset that I did not pay her any attention as she stomped to the kitchen.

I was with my laptop when she came back with a glass of water and hand it to me. I was about to take it from her hand when she dropped the glass on the floor causing the glass to shatter and the water to spill on my laptop.

"Are you f****** blind? What the hell are you doing? You ruined my laptop you b****."  I shouted.

"I am so sorry, Mr Andres." she said looking scared.

"Get out of here would you and don't mind coming back because you are fired....!!" I shouted.

She was so shocked as she began crying and it was not long before she begged me to forgive her.

But I am a man of my words and once I say something ,I will not at any means take it back.

"GET OUTTT before I call the cops !!" I said looking directly at her.

She cursed and ran out my door.


I just let out a chuckle as I walked towards my room and started to take off my clothes. As I was taking off my shirt I remember her.  Evangeline.  I remember how she ran straight into me knocking me and herself down the side walk and also how she fell right on top of me.

She felt so warm and soft on me, I actually got a closer look at her eyes. They were beautifully shaped large brown eyes with a tint of sunlight and thick eyelashes. I couldn't hear anything but the word forget as I was looking at her and I had a sudden urge to pull her closer to me and.....!!!

And what...!!??

And what Ace...?? Kiss her...?? Kiss the girl that dared to insult you.

NO NO NOOOOO.....!!!

I should forget the thought of kissing her and concentrate more on how to make her regret everything she said to me.

Well, I am pretty sure she would take on the deal I offered her as it is her only chance to pay for the damage she caused me.

That is when I would get my perfect revenge on her.

Just wait and see, Evangeline.. I will make you regret that you even meet me.

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