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HIS SLAVE...??!!

I thought as he drove away. 

After a few minutes of shock. I slowly walked back to my house. Still thinking about him.

"What happened  dear? Is everything alright? What did the young man do? Did he agree to let you go..??" Mrs Martha asked sounding concerned.

Not being able to say anything, I just nodded my head as a gesture of saying 'yes'.

"Well what did I say. Isn't he a sweet young man? He is surely an angel." She said as she looks at me happily.

That's what broke me. Her happy look. 

"Whatt...??!! He. AN ANGEL..!!! He's not an angel rock star, he is a devil. YES..!! He is a DEVIL that came to destroy my life." I said as I rush into my house leaving Mrs Martha with a very shocked looks on her face.

How could he..?? How could he be so cruel..??

Be his slave. Like seriously a slave..??

"Who even use the word slave now days..??!!" I shouted as I sat on the sofa.

It wasn't long before my tears came crashing down as I thought about all the things that happen today. 

What am I going to do..?? I can't always depend on Adeline.

She is already helping me out a lot since the first day I got here. I can't possibly ask her for 30 grand. She is already working very hard. Saving each and every penny she earns for her tuition fees to pay for her art class. 

And my parents. 


 No way, I could never ask my dad for that much money. He is already working very hard for me and Luke and Andrea. I cant burden him more with this at all.

My dad is a truck driver who works for 18 hours a day just to take care of all our needs. And my mom she is a teacher. A kindergarten teacher to be exact.

My dad and my mom make around 5000 dollars per month. The money is barely enough to support all of us and also pay the bills.

"Ohhhh...God....??!!  What am I going to do nowww..?" 

I should not have threw the stone at his car and now because of the one silly mistake I am in debt with the American Hitler aka The devil.

Louis L'Amour was correct when he quoted that

 " Anger is a deadly thing as it kills the one that angers, as each anger takes something from him"

 I sighed as remembered it. It was my father's favourite quote.

I am too tired that I can't even think straight right now. I should probably just rest my eyes for a few hours before I start thinking again. 

Yes I still can sleep at a time like this. BECAUSE... 

Sleeping releases stress.

 So its good to take a nap at a very stressful time.

As I started to fall into a deep slumber. I saw Mr Ace standing in front of me with a very nasty smile. He slowly grew into a monster and then he started chocking me. As I was gasping for air, he started shaking me.

 And while he was choking/shaking me, I could hear him say...

 "Give me back my money EVANGELINE. My whole 30 grand of money..!!" in a angry tone before changing to..

" Comee...!! And be my slave. You can clean my house, wash my dishes and lots morreee EVANGELINE... hehehehe" he said in a creepy tone.

Each time stressing my name.EVANGELINE.

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