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"WHAAAATTTT.....!!!!!" I said as I looked at the amount that was stated on the receipt.

"30000 dollars...!!! That can't be true....??  Are you trying to play a prank on me Mr Andres because this is not funny at all....!!" I said as I looked at him with pure terror.

He was just looking at me with a very arrogant and cocky expression I must add.

"Please Mr Andres, is this a silly joke??"

"Of course not Miss Evangeline, do you think that I got time to joke around. I must assure you that what you see is really what it is" he said looking bored.

"Anyway, you were looking pretty happy just a few minutes ago about breaking my car window so what is the problem of paying for it now."he added.

"BUTTTTT......!!! Mr Andres, I am just a normal waitress how can I pay such a large sum of money?  You must understand...!! What I did, I did in a fit of anger and I am really sorry for it. Maybe we could all just forget what happened and move on with our life's...!!" I said freaking out.

"Well then, you should have thought about it before you broke my car window. Now there is nothing that I can do.   I want the money by tomorrow." he said before starting to leave.

"But aren't you rich.....?!! I am pretty much sure that 30000 dollars is not a big deal for you."

"Let go of my hand will you?!" he said looking angry.

I looked down and indeed I am holding his hand. I immediately let go of it and said sorry.

"I am filthy rich ,Miss Evangeline but the money I earn is not being plucked from a tree and yes!!  30000 dollars is not a big deal for me but it wasn't me that broke the car window.  IT WAS YOU!

 So you should pay the money. I hope you get that clear and be ready with the money by tomorrow." he said before throwing on his sunglasses and walking away.

"Oh my God...!!  What am I suppose to do now? " I said holding onto the receipt.

"Oh don't worry, Evangeline, you will surely find a way out of this. Why don't you go and have a word with him again and explain your situation nicely?  I am sure he will understand. He looks like a nice young man." Mrs Martha said.

"But Mrs Martha, how will he understand.??  I broke his car window, I am pretty sure he is mad at me." I said in the verge of tears.

" Nevertheless give it a try dear, who knows he might be ready to forgive you..?? "she said looking concerned.

I know what she says is correct. I cannot give up without trying.

So I said thank you to my rock star grandma before sprinting to the elevator.

As I got out of my building door, I see him walking across the road to what seems like another luxurious car. Without waiting another minute, I ran towards him IN full speed.... 


But when I got near him I couldn't stop. Where the hell is my brake..?!!  I thought before clashing right on him causing us both to fall.

"What the hellll..!!!   Are you trying to kill me..??" he said looking at me.

"Of course not, I just want to talk, Mr Andres.... I am sure you got a lot more car like the other one so why don't you forget about the car and lets just imagine that we both have never met. Just close your eyes and try to forget the incident Mr Andres.. What you say...?? " I said staring at his deep blue eyes.

How the hell did I get this close to him...???

But why can't I move away...??

"So, Miss Evangeline..  Are you trying to forget me by lying on top of me....?? I guarantee you that it will be a lot harder to forget me in this position." he said looking annoyed.

"Huhhhh whatttt....??" I said looking puzzled.

That was when I realise that we were both lying on the side walk with me being on top of him in a very embarrassing position. 

I immediately stand up readjusting my t-shirt and jeans before looking down at him.

He surely did have trouble standing up so I gave him my hand to help him stand up.

He looked at me as if I was insane before taking my hand.

(You see that was the problem)

He pulled me so hard that I fell RIGHT back on top of him and right into HIS hard chest. I can tell you now..

This man really works out.

"What the hell are you doinggg...!!!" he shouted before standing up and would I say dropping me to the ground.

"OOOUUUUCCCHHHHHH......!!!!! Hey, can't you be a little soft it is really painful you know..."  I said before standing up again and looking at him angrily.

That was when I realised we were standing in a public place and I immediately shut my mouth.

"Mr Andres please...  I really cant afford to pay such a large amount ... Maybe we can come to some sort of compromised situation here. Maybe I can work for you in your office for free for a whole year or something like that..??"  I said in what I would call a good girl tone.

Suddenly the angry look on Mr American Hitler's face changed into a evil smile. Now I can surely tell you he looked like a devil planning something wicked. I really am starting to regret what I said.

"Ok, I kind of like that offer... But you don't have to work for me freely.. I will give you your salary." he said.


Ok, he is actually agreeing to everything I said.

"Rock star was correct.....he is a nice young mannnn...." I thought to myself.

But should I say I reached the conclusion way too fast.

As I was about to thank him..... 

He said..." As my personal slave."

"What?"  I asked.

"You have to be my personal slave for one whole year. Do everything I asked you to and never talk back at me..."

" You want ME to be your personal slave...??"

Suddenly my thought drifted back to what he said this morning....

"...... I am a spoiled RICH brat...Pretty sure you are a b**** that sleeps around.... Give you more than this 100 dollars you threw. You might even get your whole month salary...."

He still thinks that...!!!


I will not let him insult me like that again.

"How dare you....!!!  You think that I am a sl** that sleeps around for money!  I would die but I will never ever in my entire life ever sleep with a jerk like you....!!! I rather beg for money than being your personal sex slave...!!!" I said angrily.

"OHHH GODDDD..... Miss Evangeline, I think you are using your pitiful small brain for nothing. I in a million years would not want to ever want to sleep with you either because I can have any woman in my bed in any given time and believe me they are all way better than you..... So it will be better if you try to get your stupid head around what I said. I asked you to be my slave not my mistress. So that means you have to do everything I asked you to do likeee........ For example cleaning my house, making my bed, cooking food for me,running errands for me and a lot more of other things but believe ME sex is not in it or is any other sexual activities... GET MEEEE!!!!" he said looking amused and angry at the same time.

" Wait..!! Does that means that I should be like a servant girl....?? Excuse me Mr Andres... with all due respect I am a graduate from a very respectable university and I have a degree in Business Management. I can assure you that I am far too qualified for the position that you are offering me. " I said looking at him irritatingly.

"Well, then its your call Miss Evangeline..... Whether you take up this offer and be my servant for a whole year or be ready with the money by tomorrow..." he said before getting into the car and driving away leaving me looking like a retarded person with my mouth wide open.

"HIS SLAVE....???"

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