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As I got out of the taxi, I was really looking forward to head back to my house and jump straight into my comfortable bed and drift right back to dreamland and maybe after 3 or 4 hours, wake up to find my dear old friend Adeline back home with a delicious big and tasty pizza for dinner. And then maybe I can tell her about all things that happened to me on this lucky day and cry.

But as usual todays surprises just cant seem to come to an end as I spotted Mr American Hitler on my door step with his unusually gorgeous self. As I was considering about turning back and running away for my dear life, he turned and looked at me. "Great just great Evangeline, now how the hell are you going to save your life? You might as well just go over and apologize or even beg him to forgive you. He wont be so stone hearted now or would he....??"I mumbled to myself as I walked towards him.

"Hey there, I did not expect to see you here. How areyou Mr......."

"Ace. Ace Andres" he said.

Wow his voice is surely manly and sweet at the same time. It almost sound angelic and peaceful. Its like he could put a person to sleep with this voice. BUT THEN SOMETHING INTERRUPTED MY THOUGHTS.....



Said a very familiar voice. Its me!!!

"The devil might come out any time now from what seems to be a very sweet, manly and angelic voice you described" it continued.

"Are you done staring at me Miss Evangeline or should I give you a few more hours to get used to my face." he said with a cocky grin on his face.

I could swear that I am as red as a tomato right now or maybe like a rotten tomato as the colour of my skin is tan. Well that was pretty embarrassing !! "Way to go Evangeline, you are surely doing a good job shaming yourself!!" I sigh as I scolded myself. But then I think I heard him call my name.

Did he or Did he not....??

As I was thinking, he snapped his finger right in front of my face which made me jump a bit.

"Wow you sure are a good at zoning out Ms Evangeline...??

"Wait how did you know my name..?? You are not a serial killer are you...?? Or maybe are you a blood sucking demon....!!!! Ohhh goddd if you are one then I am warning you, I am a strict church goer and I am pretty sure you cant do anything to me" I said loudly as i stared at him right in his blue eyes.

He seem to be caught off guard with my statement and stared at me with pure shock but the shock only lasted for a few seconds and it was immediately replaced with a devilish smile.

"Well that doesn't seem like a bad idea Ms Evangeline....I would rather like a taste of your presumably sweet blood " he said while slowly advancing towards me licking his lips.

It would be a understatement if I say I was scared. I was sooo terrified that I could have fainted.

"Please.....please don't kill me. I can guarantee you that my blood would be sooo disgusting. I only eat unhealthy stuff. You would probably get poisoned if you eat me...!!! please let me goooo." I said in a very scared voice while closing my eyes expecting his sharp fangs on my neck.

"NO....!!!!! NO!!!!!"



I screamed before a hand closed my mouth tightly. I open my eyes to see why haven't he bitten me yet only to find him smiling.

Not like a cocky smile that he gave me when I saw him just now but like a real genuine smile......

before he burst off laughing.

He was laughing so hard he looked as though he was having a seizure.

I did not understand a thing as I looked at him with pure shock.

" Hey why the hell are you laughing....?? I don't find anything funny around here.... Can you please stop laughing and start explaining the reason for your laughter so I can maybe join in too.....!! Hey, I say stop laughinggggg" I shouted. Only then did he stopped his annoyingly beautiful laughing spree.

"I can't believe someone like you is still being manufactured in this world. How can you be so stupid...!! A blood sucking demon....SERIOUSLY...!!! Didn't your parents teach you any common sense at all huhh..??" he said retreating back to his cocky and super annoying grin.

"Didn't your parents teach you how to talk to other people Mr Andres....??? You sure seem to be uneducated in that area" I said as I looked at him angrily.

Well that sure put a stop to his super annoying grin and it did worse. It put on the same blood curdling, spine chilling look back on his face." I suggest you better watch your tongue when you are speaking to me Ms Evangeline. It might be the best for you." he said as he advanced towards me.

"Well, then you should also watch your tongue when you speak to other people Mr Andres" I said.

Even though my heart was thumping so loudly to the limit that he could hear it but I am in no hurry to give in.

I think we probably stared at each other for more than 5 seconds when I heard a very familiar voice calling my name.

"Evangeline are you all right. Who is this man...?? Is he trying to hurt you" Mrs Martha said as she was coming towards me holding a large pan.

I nearly laughed as I saw the look on his face.

"No No rock star, don't worry, he is not here to hurt me..." I said as looked back at him" You are not going to hurt me right...!!"

"Of course not, I am here to ask for my compensation" he said with a smile.

"What compensation...?? I don't remember hurting you at all" I said clearly confused.

"Well Ms Evangeline, a compensation is not only given for injuries but also if you cause someone a great loss. I hope you have not forgotten what you did to my car...?? As it happen only a few hours ago." he said with a very satisfied look on his face.


"How am I suppose to forget that. That was by far the most amazing and badass thing I have ever done my entire life." I'm pretty sure I had a very big smile on my face when I said that. But that smile was short lifted when I saw his amazed look.

"WOWWW, you can still smile after what you have done. You are sure one of a kind. Well I am sure that if you are soo happy with your achievement, you would surely be able to pay the repair for it as well wouldn't you" he said flashing his award winning smile as he handed me the bill.

"WHATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!" I shouted as I saw the price on the bill.

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