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Beautiful church rhymes...

Beautiful melodies....

Birds chirping....

Winds blowing.....slowly teasing my hair...

I looked up...and there was I standing in front of the same pastor...smiling...feeling happy inside....

It was a beautiful garden....Just as how I would like it to be....


With only a few of my friends, my parents, my siblings.......

It was beautiful....


I turned to my right....only to find HIM....Standing there....

The beautiful and sunny clouds suddenly turned dark.....

The sounds of the chirping birds were replaced by the sound of a thunderstorm approaching.....

Oh God..!!!!


What is going ON.....!!!!!!???


Stop this right now.....

As I was planning to run away from there...I felt him grab my hand...

"Let go off me....Let go of me at despicable monster....!!"

"I said let go."

As I finally pulled my hands from his grip...I could feel myself tripping and falling into the muddy ground.

Oh No.

My beautiful dress....

As I fell.....I braced myself for the ground...

I am pretty sure it is soft as there is no earthy ground that is as though as a rock.



Because when I fell I could literally feel every bone in my body crack...and it was not grassy was polished, wood cold.


As I opened my eyes, I discovered that I was on the floor with my face literally on the floor...also not to forget...My legs were still on the couch.

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"Well, well well....I never thought that my wife was this good at gymnastics...I am a truly lucky man."

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Surprised I looked up only to find my 'husband' giving me a very 'sweet' look.

Exactly how I imagined my future husband to wake me up....

PS: Please note the sarcasm.

"I have many hidden talents...Mr Ace Andres...." I said as I tried to get up without breaking more bones off my body.

"Good. I can't wait to discover them" he said with a obvious disinterested look on his face.

"Thanks for helping me up." I said sarcastically as I went over to my suitcase to get dressed.

"You're welcome"

After getting all the essential things that I needed to bath and get ready...I walked into the luxurious bathroom.


Did he call me??

I thought as I looked back....but he was not looking at me but was looking at his phone.

My arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now