1st Day In Hell

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Ace Andres

What the hell was that Ace...??

What were you thinking..??

Why did you stammer in front of her like that..??

A while ago....

  "Why should I not talk to you like that, Mr Ace..? How is it that I talked to you..?"

Why couldn't I answer...??

Why did I suddenly had the urge to wipe the tear away when she started tearing up in front of me? 

Why did I felt like I should apologize to her and console her. 

I kinda knew what she was going through as I was in the restaurant when she walked in. She immediately went and sat behind two men who were looking as though they both were in a heated discussion. She looked happy when she sat near them and started eavesdropping. Her reaction totally changed and I also saw one of the elderly man there throwing a sick punch at the other guy and walking away angrily. I wanted to approach her at that instant but then I saw her crying... stting there alone and wiping her tears and looking so regretful. Like she did something wrong..

...And it looked like she was suffering. My stomach immediately starting having this weird feeling...a feeling like... like I should go there and...and do something... something that will change that hurtful expression of her...something or anything at all that will make her stop hurting like that..?

As I approached her, she stood up with a determination on her face as she rushed to the back of the restaurant... and yes...I followed her like a fool. 

Then I got to know that she was actually here for an interview but she was late and she wasn't hired. 

Well serves her right, she should not have wasted her time sitting there like that. 

But Then...

She got here on the right time, why did she then wasted her time eavesdropping the two men out there..??

I really don't get it...

But then when she walked out of there, she wore a even more miserable expression on her face.

Like she wanted to give up...

That's when I decided to budge in... I din't know what excuse to use other then the one that she ran away..and I kinda felt like I wanted to help her...or maybe wanted to make her feel better...!!??

Why should I feel that way toward HER....

Why is she awakening this types of feelings from within me...?


She is dangerous

I should stay away from her...yes...

I don't want her near me at all...

Tomorrow I will make her so miserable that she herself will quit this job.

And then after that, I don't have to deal with her ever again...

"Hey Ace, are you alright..??" Jason asked.

I totally forgot that he was here with me.

"Nothing, lets go back" Isaid

"Oww.... nothing..?!! So who was that girl then..?"


"Oh for the love of God, Ace, stop pretending.. Who is that girl that you were romancing just now."

"What..?? What the hell Jason, WHAT ROMANCING...?? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FU**ING MIND... Did you even look at her face. I would never ever have anything to do with anyone like her. "I said trying to sound disgusting in front of Jason. 

But then it proved to be hard to fool this idiot.

"Really Ace, pulling her close to you, following her like a puppy, stammering and oh...  not to forget the highlight of the day...offering her a job...!! All this for a girl that you will never ever want nothing to do with? You should find a better excuse to justify yourself Ace."

"Anyways I feel my prayers have been answered.... At last, I have found someone that would be a good ...no no no...I mean to say a great match for you." he said before walking away.

"Hey what do you mean..?? JASONNN...!!!!??"

"Just go home and wait for tomorrow Ace... I am assuming you are really looking forward for it".



" Oh God..., please safe me today. Please let this day go on and about without any troubles.. PLEASEEEE" I prayed as I reached one of the most famous and high ends hotel here. 

The Andres

I am sure that this place would be only filled with rich people.


What the hell am I doing at a place like this..?

Ohhh... yaaa...

 I am here to work as the housekeeper NOT A SERVANT but a young housekeeper.

Ok, Evangeline, lets get going now before it gets to late and Mr American Hitler kills you.

"Hi, good morning. How may I help you miss." asked the receptionist at the hotel.

"Heyyy, actually I am here for Mr Ace Andres" I told her.

Her friendly expression totally changed to disbelieve as she looked at me from up to down.

"Do you mean Mr Ace Andres..?"


"Ok...what's your name Miss..? I will have to inform Mr Andres about you first before letting you in."

" Yep sure, I'm Evangeline"

"Oh ok, please wait for a few minutes Miss."

"Sure" I said with a smile as I waited there.

" Here you are Evangeline. I was beginning to think that you had ran away yet again" said the very voice that I dreaded from hearing today.

As I turned around, there he was standing with all of his unusual glory with a gorgeous blue suit that look as though it was tailored for him especially for him. 

But despite all of that, he still looks as though he can't wait to destroy me. He looked very scary with his sly smile. 

I am kinda beginning to regret my decision coming here... I should have just ran away back to New York.

But then Evangeline, I think there is no escaping today as this is my 1st day in hell.



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