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" Mom, I'm backkk!!!! " I screamed in happiness as I saw my mother watching her favourite television programme, The Ellen Degeneres Show.

" Oh, darling. You almost gave me a major heart attack of that loud scream of yours. " said my mother.

" Hehehehe..  Sorryyy mom!! " I apologized. 

" Well, well, well. Evan, what a wonderful suprise! Your father and I was expecting you since morning as soon as you called." cheered my mother as she gave me a warm kiss and a comforting hug. 

 "It actually felt so calm and protected in my mom's embrace after all the drama back with Mr American Hitler aka The Devil." I thought to myself. 

After I returned my mom's kiss and her comforting hug, I looked around searching for my dad and my two cute siblings, hoping to find them running to me.

I looked and looked, but I can't find them in any corner.

 "Mom, where's dad? Where's everyone? I can't find them." 

" Oh, sweety.. Dad  just went out a couple minutes before you came. While Luke and Andrea are still at

school. I am sure they will go crazy seeing their big sister at home bringing some gifts for them." said my mother as she searched around me hoping to find some gifts.

Oh, GODD.. How on earth could I forget about my own family and especially about Luke and Andrea when I always bought them something, whether it's candies or attires???? I was such in a hurry thinking about how to escape from The American Hitler that I forgot my own family. MY OWN FAMILY!! I  can never ever forgive myself of such a big mistake. I murmured to  myself.

"Evan, are you alright? You seem worried."

Jeez, what should I say?? That I forgot..   

 No, that is impossible. Mom will guess out that I'm in problem as I never forget to buy them something before this no mattter how big the problem is and I never ever wanna trouble mom and dad again. 

Wait.. Perhaps I should lie that I bought the gifts but I left it in Adeline's car by mistake when I was on the way to the airport.. Well, that's quite a statement my mom would believe, as I am known for my careless  behaviour that actually brought me to this situation on the first place. But...  Lying is bad and I am worse at lying. Hope my flaw doesn't show..

"Umm.. Mom.. Actually, I bought the gifts but I accidentally left it in Adeline's car out of the excitement of meeting you guys.." I stumbled as I acted like searching the gifts which doesn't even exist in my luggage.

Jeez, that's it. I lied terribly  again. Mom's gonna find out. What should I do?

"Oh, dear.. Don't you worry about it.. What that actually matters is you remember us and actually thought of us when you bought the gifts. I will take care of Luke and Andrea. I am sure they will be sad for quite a bit but then they will understand that you are the only one that actually matters even more than the gifts."

When my mom actually believed that lie. 



 Realizing that I actually  lied and broke the trust of my mother the first time

 Suddenly, I felt this heavy weight pushing down against my lungs. I couldn't breathe and I know for that moment, I am going to cry.

The only thing that I kept repeating in my heart was, "I am so sorry, mom. I never want to lie or break your trust. But I have to because I LOVE YOU, Mom.. Please, please try to forgive me.." I thought as I tried to hold my tears back.

" Evan, you're alright? You seem so sad.  Is there anything that you would like to tell me, darling?" said my mother as she stopped my thought.

There was a part of me that just wants to tell my mom everything and hug her till all my problems end.

"But no, Evan, you can't. You can't trouble your mom and dad anymore. You gotta act as if everthing is normal. After all, mom will surely forgive you if she knew you didn't do it on purpose. After all, the good part is you actually escaped from all the slave part and most importantly, Mr American Hitler aka The Devil. And I am sure you have no reason to lie anymore. You could also actually take up a job here and support your family alongside your parents." said another part of me.

I quickly wiped my eyes dry and cheered my happyself again.

" Oh, my beautiful mom... No need to worry. I am actually just extremely happy to see you again. These are not sad tears but happy ones, mom..  Oh, mom, you have no idea how much I've missed you and your delicious cooking!!"

"Hahahaha!! Oh, Evan , I missed you too, darling.." 

"Hehehe..  Mom, where did dad left so early? And dad never leaves the house before meeting me when I usually came back home." I asked curiously.

As soon as I asked that, I noticed a glimpse of change on mom's expression. As if she was tensed.

 "How silly of me! I am sure you are so tired and hungry after the long journey and I keep you standing from the start. Come on, darling. Take a seat. I'll bring you some cookies that I baked you earlier." said my mom as she led me to the living room.

I knew mom was trying to avoid my question. But what was mom trying to hide and why would she hide something from me?

I needed to know.

As mom rushed to the kitchen to bring some cookies she baked, I prepared myself some questions to ask my mother when she returned.

Then, as soon as she returned, I took some cookies and ate them greedily to fill my hungry tummy before asking the questions.

" Mom, you didn't tell me where did dad went just now." I asked.

"Oh, about that... Actually , your dad went out to buy some groceries from the market. He didn't want to leave, he wanted to see you first.. But I forced him because I knew you would be hungry since there is no food. So, the quicker he buys the groceries, the faster I could make you some food to eat. And he agreed actually. So, he might reach here anytime, darling."

"What? That's it. Groceries? And I was so eager to solve some Sherlock Holmes case here.. How childish of me!!" I thought.

"Oh, okay mom. But what's taking dad so long?" I asked.

" Oh, you know, your dad.. He might have caught up with his friends. But don't you worry, honey. I am gonna give him a call now." said my mother before she rushed to the telephone.

"Oh, honey. I was right, your dad went to help Mr Simon as his car broke down on the middle of the highway. He said he will be here in almost a half an hour. What about you go and freshen up first, darling. You look tired." said my mother as she gave me a warm smile.

"Alright, mom. I love you!! " I cheered before I rushed up the stairs to my room.

Stepping in my room, I was stunned in how the clean the room was. 

Clearly, my mom cleaned my room everyday since I was gone.

I can't stop thinking of how lucky I am to have such a loving family.

Then, I took a bath and arranged my belongings neatly. 

Later, I landed on my comfy red bed and zzzzzzz..

Yeah, I fall asleep.

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