Finding a job

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I was standing alongside a river ( a really long river) and just staring in the still water. Then, a reflection showed up. It looks familiar. I reached closer to get a clearer view. It was my family staring at me back. It almost feels that their gaze is striking right into my soul. Although I wanted to move my gaze away from the water but it almost seems like there is a force pulling me closer to it. As I fixed my gaze on my father, I noticed an unexplainable sadness in his eyes deep down as though he had this burden on him that he couldn't bear.

Then, I heard a really soft voice from miles away. The voice was actually
calling me to towards it. As I started to follow the voice, I heard my father screaming my name and asking me to not heed the voice. Even though I wanted to return back to the river, to my father. But damn, there was something so special about the voice that gives me in. My father's scream started to get louder, in minutes, it seems like a plead for me to come back. I brushed off my father's scream and kept on heeding the voice. Soon, my father's voice started fading away. That is when I looked back towards the river. The vast reflection was gone. I wanted to run back but I couldn't move .The strange voice started to get louder and louder till it was choking me. That was when I noticed a silhouette of a man walking towards me steadily. His presence was so calm, but at the same time, there was something about him that I couldn't quite put my hands on. As he stood in front of me, I couldn't help but feel this empty feeling, like a yearn for love and deep affection. I quickly hugged him as tightly as I could, he hugged me back too. But, in time, his hug started getting tighter and tighter. Soon, it was choking me so hard that I can't breathe.

" Aw! Stop it! You're choking me! I can't breathe!!!" I screamed.

All that I could hear in reply was an evil laugh.


Before I knew it, everything around me was fading, leaving me to fall.

"I like to move it ,move it. She likes to move it, move it. He likes to move it, move it. You like to move it! ...............................................................!

My alarm kept on ringing.

I woke up, switching off the alarm and jumping right on the bed again.

" Wow! That was one hell of a dream.. Weird.." I thought to myself

Then, I took a bath and changed my clothes with an appropriate attire for work.

"Calm down, Evangeline.. Calm down.. You did it. You got an interview as a waitress in one of the best Italian restaurant in town. You can't fail it now. No ! You can't !. And I know that I can do it, Yes, I can!"I said to myself while taking some deep breaths.

Then, I practised my own interviewing session in front of the mirror and slipped some important documents together with the address of restaurant to attend on.

As I went downstairs, I noticed a change on my father's expression as he saw me with my attire.

" Evan darling, are you leaving for work? I thought you were on a holiday, aren't you?" my father asked me with a surprised look.

" Come on, Evan. You can do it.... No more lies. Just tell dad that you lost your job and you are attending an interview. Come on, Evan. Come on.." a tiny voice on my head said.

"Father, I am actually attending an interview as a waitress...." I stumbled as I scanned for my father's reaction.

"What? You're attending an interview, darling? But why? You already have a job."

I looked around and saw my family staring at me clueless too.

" Umm.. Dad, actually, I... I... I lost my job as a waitress back in New York."

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