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Tim was sitting quietly with his friend Austin at the bar having a few beers and watching the Braves game on the big screen T.V. that the bar owner Rob had hanging on the wall.

He lit him a cigarette and glanced toward the door when it opened. He was expecting Chris and Adam at any time. The four of them along with Rob had a little A cappella country band and they sung every Friday and Saturday night at the bar.

But instead of his two band mates, it was a very nice looking guy. Tim is openly bi-sexual and knows a good looking man when he sees one.

But this guy looked somewhat out of place. His hair was neatly pulled back into a weird looking pony tail. His beard was very neatly groomed. He was wearing a very expensive leather jacket and black skinny jeans that really hugged his body and fancy boots. (not cowboy boots like the ones Tim wore)

Austin drew Tim's attention back to the game, when he cursed the umpire.

"Excuse me, Sir?" The stranger said to Rob.

"Yes sir, What can I do for you?" Rob ask in a very friendly manner.

"Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me where I might find a garage?" The stranger ask.

"Well Sir, we only have one but Luke just left on vacation so it will be closed till he gets back in about a week." Rob said.

"Well, crap." The stranger mumbled looking around.

"But you might talk to the guy sitting at the end of the bar wearing the blue jean jacket." Rob said pointing at Tim. "He's really good working on cars."

"Thank-you, Sir." The stranger makes his way toward Tim. 'Not bad, not bad at all' the stranger thought to himself, as he eyed Tim up and down.

Tim put out his cigarette and picked up a peanut, breaking the shell with his eyes still glued on the game.

"Excuse me, Cowboy." A low voice said.

Tim slowly looked around and there stood the good-looking stranger. He could hear Austin chuckle at him being called cowboy.

Tim popped a peanut in his mouth and looked the stranger up and down. Nice, very nice.

"Hmmm, you must be lost cause I've never seen anyone like you around these here parts before." Tim said.

"No, I'm not from these here parts." The stranger smirks at Tim's country accent. "My car broke down and the gentleman at the bar said you might take a look at it for me."

"Sure, I'll take a look." Tim said standing up finishing his beer.

"Hurry back, Cowboy. You miss the final ending." Austin chuckles.

"So what's it doing." Tim ask sticking his hands in his pockets following the stranger across the gravel parking lot.

"Steam was coming from under the hood and the temperature light was flashing. This is it" The stranger said stopping in front of a red Jaguar.

"DANG! A FREAKING JAGUAR!!" Tim says loudly with wide eyes.

The stranger smiles at the cute cowboy and walks around to pop open the hood of the car.

"Well, it's probably a busted hose or a bad thermostat." Tim said looking under the hood. "But either way, he'll have to order the parts. It's not like he gets a lot of calls for Jaguar parts."

"Is there a nice hotel in town?" The stranger ask.

"There's a motel a few miles down the road, but I wouldn't stay there." Tim said

"Why not?" Ask the stranger.

"Bed bugs." Tim said closing the hood. "Water hose is busted"

"Well that's just great! I'm stuck in a one horse town, Bubba is somewhere on vacation probably making moonshine and the only motel has bed bugs! Where am I, Mayberry??!!" The stranger says angrily.

"Well sorry we don't have a five star hotel to accommodate your highness. But this is my home good people lives here." Tim says whirling around heading back to the bar.

He opened the door but paused looking back at the stranger, he looked lost and unsure of what to do.

Tim just couldn't leave him out there. That wasn't the way he was brought up.

"Hey City Slicker, so,.. Uh.. what's your name?" Tim called to him.

The stranger crammed his hands in his pockets and sighed, "Avi. What's yours, cowboy?"

'Wow! What a cute name for such a cute guy' Tim thought.

"It's Tim. Can I buy you a beer?" Tim ask.

"I don't drink beer." Avi said walking back toward the bar.

"Well then, what do you drink?" Tim ask holding the door open for him.

"Champagne or white wine." Avi said as he walked pass Tim.

"Good luck on Rob having any of that." Tim Laughed.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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