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Several days had passed, plans for their wedding was coming along nicely. Since neither was wanting a big wedding, it was pretty simple to plan.

Avi's parents would be there, along with Kevin as his best man. Tim had no family but all the guys from the band would be their with their wives or girlfriends. Austin was to be his best man.

Tim and Avi made a trip to Atlanta to pick out wedding rings. It wasn't as easy as they thought it was gonna be. They searched several jewelry stores and couldn't find ones that they both liked. After a while all the rings started to look alike to Tim.

The rings that Avi liked were to flashy for Tim and the ones that Tim liked were to plain for Avi. Tim was about ready to settle for a ring with a ruby the size of a goose egg. He was tired, hungry and just ready to go home.

They had one last store to go to. The lady behind the counter pointed to the case where the wedding rings were displayed.

"Is there anything particular that you're looking for?" The lady asked.

"I don't know, Uh, maybe something not too flashy but not too plain. Got anything like that?" Tim asked, looking down at the case.

The lady laughed at the sound of frustration in his voice.

"So, from the sound of your voice, you sound as if y'all have looked at a lot of rings today." She smiled.

Avi rolled his eyes. "If you only knew."

"Well, let's see if I can find you something." She smiled, looking into the case.

"God I hope so. My stomach is beating my backbone." Tim smiled.

Avi giggled and shook his head.

"How about this one? Not too flashy but not too plain." She holds up a beautiful gold band that had some sort of silver braid around it. It was beautiful. (pictured above)

Tim takes it from her and the two men looks it over.

Tim raises his eyebrows and nods. "I like it."

Avi takes the ring from him so he could get a closer look. "I do too. It's different."

"Holy crap!! I think we have finally found our rings." Tim said with a huge smile.

"The search is over." The lady laughed. She measures to get their ring sizes then goes to the back of the store.

"Our luck, they won't have none our size." Avi mumbled.

"If they don't, you're gonna see this country boy throw a hissy fit right here in the floor." Tim said.

"I'm not sure I even know what a hissy fit is, but I'm sure it's not very pretty." Avi chuckles.

"Trust me, Sugar. You don't want to see it." Tim said, drumming his fingers on the glass case.

"Were you getting worried?" The lady smiled as she walked back up to the counter.

"A little bit. I thought I was fixing to see what a hissy fit looked like." Avi chuckles, looking up at Tim.

"I don't think you would want to see one" The lady laughed. "I was beginning to get a little worried myself. But we had them." She said holding them up so they could see them. "But try them on to make sure they fit."

They slipped the rings on and they were a perfect fit. They held their hands side by side. Avi glanced at the lady and gave her a wink.

"Gee, I don't know." Avi said with a slight frown.

"WHAT!" Tim said with a raised voice, looking at Avi with a shocked look on his face. Almost as if he was fixing to cry.

Avi and the lady both broke into laughter.

"I was just joking, Baby." Avi laughed taking Tim by the hand. "They're perfect."

"Don't do that to me." Tim said, putting his hand on his chest.

"We'll take them." Avi laughed as he handed the lady his credit card.



(((( AVI & TIM ))))

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